What created life?


BattleForums Senior Member
Jul 6, 2003
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Re: Re: What created life?

Originally posted by vanilla_ice_cream
I'am going to say that humans were not created by god, or evolution, or the theory you stated above. The creation of humans is WAY too complicated for us to have been created by "accident". Wen I started studying science, i realized that the human body and other life is VERY COMPLEX. For example, let's take our immune system. Our immune system protects the body from harmful bacteria and other foriegn substances. The immune system could not have just been created by acccident, and there are many other things that just cannot have been created by "Accident". I started to belive in god but then there are plenty of flaws in that belief. I think the question of how life on Earth began will probably never be solved. But i can tell you it is "definitely" not by an accidental combination of some gases. The human body is much too complex too have been created by an accidental combination of gases.
first of all, its not complex, our body sees a bad cell, creates the oppisite of it, and then keeps it there. accident is underthought by your meaning, showing that a paragraph on a gaming forum is not needed. just define "accident" and maybe the answer will become clearer. thus leading to... microbes in a cave that crossed into the monkeys, and so on


Oct 25, 2002
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But then, who created those gases that created the simple life forms? How did the universe come to be?

Exactly what i think, it may be possible that a "super Natural" beign created the gases and made the gases to combine into a lesser life form until it slowly evolved into a monkey than people. Another idea though it may sound preposterous the gases could have been made by aliens who put them on this planet and made them combine to slowly create there own race. Though it is ery odd we may just be lab rats. I myself dont believe in this, but you have to be open eared to all ideas.


Jan 23, 2003
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look, i came up with my own thought, possibly a theory even....

okay, if micro organisms were created out of gas, then the life throughout the world was created due to spontaneous generation. Since most scientists belive that spontaneous generation was just something made up by the greeks to tell how if you leave something out, a maggot forms out of it. Which is untrue, because it requires a fly to create the maggot, which was proven by Redi durring the reniassance period. Now, could the big bang have happend without anything to cause it? no. otherwise spontaneous generation would have solved that problem a long time ago. The "big bang" therory of creation is merely a lie if you will untill scientists discover what caused the "big bang" to happen. As well as the creation of micro organisms through gases. To take this further, did durring the course of time these single cells evolve to explain how animals that both requrie a vast ammount of cells and a male and a female to survive? How does a single cell organism develop more cells in its system? wouldnt normally these new "cells" be destroyed by the natural defences of the single cell organisms? yes, and due to the new state, the cells would be easy picking for other cells. So i ask again, how does a single cell organism grow into a Billion+ cell required creature? It doesnt. Because this thought of evolution is merely spontaneous generation taken to a higher level.


Sep 20, 2002
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East Coast
I dont really believe the word "spontaneous generation" should be used for this. I mean its not like one day there just happened to be a person walking about from nowhere. From hundreds and thousands of years after so many random sources of energy, gases and other conditions were met it created organic substances, which after another long time turned into a little more complicated substance, and this went on untill the first most primitive organism was created. After all we are nothing but the elements of the periodic table arrenged in a very complex way.

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Allright, I'ma just gonna warn you all right here, because honestly I'm too lazy to send out all the ****ing pms for this bullshit.

johnnyq: That was spam, that was useless, dumbass, spam. Do not do it again. First warning for spam.

Macman: I've told you this before, personal attacks are not ****ing allowed in here. Personally I like you, I like your debating skills, and my last "warning" didn't go on record because it was a grace warning, freiendly advice to be more exact. But being the great debater you seem to hold yourself up to be, you should be able to make someone look like an idiot without even hinting at the fact that they are one, just by pounding their arguements into dust, like you did in the Evolution topic. And youof all ppl should be bl to do this better than anyone here. So this one counts. Do it again, and I'll make damn sure you won't like what I do.

thebastardsword: If you think your innocent in all this bullshit, your dead wrong. You aggrivate him, you provoke him, and you too take part in the personal insults. So this warning goes for you too.

I suggest you all reread the rules and purposes topic and the "how to debate" one as well.


Jan 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Summoner[Wars]
ive heard we originated from tiny( minimicroscopic ) amphibians

which would also explain why we are made of so much water
but we are also made of bones and flesh. And humans as a whole are not just ONE cell. they are made up of trillions of cells that work together which like you said could explain why we have so much water in our bodies. But do the primordial cells that cause electrical activity in our brains.


Jan 23, 2003
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yea, all you evolutionists are gay. life was created from a greater being. stupid people.


Sep 20, 2002
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East Coast
religion may sound "gay" to us now but before it had its useses. Religion when they were first created were to get groups of people come together and have peace. Back then even one person alone couldnt do anything, when they started to have religion people came together made their own culture followed their own rules and regulations, so in times of crisis people would still be able to help each other. One other main factor was to the beliefs, if humans have strong confidence in doing something more chances are that they will do it without mistakes and if this "god" gave them that power then so be it.


Jan 23, 2003
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if cert didnt take my hint of sarcasm....religion was very important in the advancement of humanity. Now, relgion was created for multiple reasons....some such as
-"God" revealed him/herself to man and proclamed he/she was the ultimate being
-Being socially insecure people, humans descided that they needed something to belive that told how they were created
-sometimes relgion is just a list of proverbs that people like to live by
-lifestyle of how to live and how to follow in the footsteps of a prince

there are definitly others, but relgion isnt for everybody because not everybody wants to belive it. And just because someone is relgious doesnt mean you should go bashing on them. Look at hittler and his poor treatment of jews. Just because they were jews and they were relgious, the jews were treated very poorly durring the second world war. Now, there is not enough evidence to prove the existance or inexistance of a God or Gods.
Aug 26, 2003
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Re: Re: Re: What created life?

Originally posted by FakeNameHere
first of all, its not complex, our body sees a bad cell, creates the oppisite of it, and then keeps it there. accident is underthought by your meaning, showing that a paragraph on a gaming forum is not needed. just define "accident" and maybe the answer will become clearer. thus leading to... microbes in a cave that crossed into the monkeys, and so on
lol, have you studied biology, do you not realize how "perfect" the human body is for sustaining life on Earth. Maybe a supernatural being did create life and then evolution occured, the truth is that we will probably never know. But like i said before, what created that supernatural being? all the gases conmbining to form the first life, maybe accident was a wrong word, but i think it's not possible for all the right chemicals and gases to combine to form a microbe, and the human body is very complex, i'll give you another example. The pH level in our blood in very close to 7.4. A person cannot survive if it dropped lower than that, or the pH level rises higher than that. Now let me see, the pH level of our blood is exactly the right amount of what we need to survive. I don't think the chance evolution of microbes to monkeys to humans could have created us humans.


Mar 31, 2003
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I think life started on mars a long time a go and a pieces of rocks of mars crashed into earth and rocks had bacteria on them. Then the bacteria started to grow and evolve on mars


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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vanilla_ice_cream, you just explained evolution, anything born with genes crappy enough to lower their pH would die anyways. A mircrobe would be too complex to just result from lightning, it probobly started with some DNA strands forming and floating around for a few million years, and after that chemical messages between the strands would have begun. All life is is a sequence of chemical reactions, and those aren't to hard to make once you have a very simple amino acid.


Sep 10, 2003
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Electron, first out on the Baud!!
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Well, Vanilla, u should rather say 'Have you studied Biology enough' ---- was that an insult?
Anywayz, take yourself, 'personal evolution', to create and use objects that create a better life! Now look at microbes, 'The Amoeba' he has done the same, learnt how to use his exterior to catch his prey with!! It's simple!!
Dunno if it makes sense, it did when I thought it...... sorry!!
Now wouldn't you think that if your body was so complex, wouldn't it be smart... wouldn't the cells themselves change so as to better protect it, I mean thats what evolution is about, protection!! And along with that comes the other elements like digestion, immune systems, our different blood cells etc etc etc! Those added things are there to assist the systems that protect us!!

Why do you all disagree with the fact of (what did someone call it) 'Spontaneous Generation' it's not exactly so spontaneous!!
The elements were just at the right place at the right time!!
Intended or not!!

Here's the other question, if aliens, as mentioned before, caused the elements to combine thereby causing our primitive ancestors, who the hell and how the hell were THEY created, unless the aliens are god!!! :eek:


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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ok, life is just organized energy right? split an atom the basic building block of, well, everything and you get energy. energy and matter are VERY similar if not the same thing.... they are interchangable. and the only reason we are so advanced is because we are the only primates that walk on two legs. we got thumbs and we have 2 free hands. if we taught monkeys how to walk i think they would get zlot smarter.. they wouldnt have to use their teeth and they wouldnt be focused on survival.. it would come easier. i dont know if i believe in god but the only role god would play is creating the energy that started it all. maybe energy was just always there? i dont know. maybe we dont exits? what is existance? were just energy. maybe there is no afterlife. maybe the only reason we think is because we have brains... when our brians die then do we cease to exist? an afterlife could very well be nothing more than a comfort made up by humans.
Aug 26, 2003
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Originally posted by -=SaphriX=-
Well, Vanilla, u should rather say 'Have you studied Biology enough' ---- was that an insult?
Anywayz, take yourself, 'personal evolution', to create and use objects that create a better life! Now look at microbes, 'The Amoeba' he has done the same, learnt how to use his exterior to catch his prey with!! It's simple!!
Dunno if it makes sense, it did when I thought it...... sorry!!
Now wouldn't you think that if your body was so complex, wouldn't it be smart... wouldn't the cells themselves change so as to better protect it, I mean thats what evolution is about, protection!! And along with that comes the other elements like digestion, immune systems, our different blood cells etc etc etc! Those added things are there to assist the systems that protect us!!

Why do you all disagree with the fact of (what did someone call it) 'Spontaneous Generation' it's not exactly so spontaneous!!
The elements were just at the right place at the right time!!
Intended or not!!

Here's the other question, if aliens, as mentioned before, caused the elements to combine thereby causing our primitive ancestors, who the hell and how the hell were THEY created, unless the aliens are god!!! :eek:
i'd agree with you on the alien thing. So you say that the right elments were at the right time??? Then what created those elements that created life? This argument could practically go on forever. So you religious people say god created life. then what created god??? He couldn't have just spontaneously come into being. Maybe he did, the point is that we probably will never know what created life. Maybe the bible contains something about how god was created but i haven't read the bible because I'am not religious. And no that was not an insult to anyone in particular.


Sep 10, 2003
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Electron, first out on the Baud!!
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Ok, here's the answer!! ANTIMATTER!!
Energy exists, it just exists, energy has no argument like 'What came first, the chicken or the egg' argument!! Energy is a dimensional, and non physical element of our universe!! One rule of science says that energy cannot be created and cannot be destroyed!! So energy was not created, it was there and will always be there, for eternity!!
Let me see if I can get this right.... Energy consists of Protons and electrons added to that the opposites, Antiprotons and Positrons if an antiproton collides with a proton, antimatter is created and the opposite with the other charges!! If antimatter then hits a proton it is instantly destroyed, the opposite with matter colliding with a positron!! Something Must have happened where in a small area micro - even nanometers - could have had more protons available so as to start destroying more antimatter than usual, leaving the matter! There's the creation of matter and the beginning of our universe in a nutshell!!

I had read a couple of books and sites regarding this so I'm reasonably sure that thats how it should have happened!! If I got something wrong please feel free to correct me!! We are all learning here!!

I apologize if I sound a bit like TheBastardSword who thinks he knows everything, but raDixGhost did say someone should take a shot at it!!

Vanilla_.... I think I have an answer as to what god is!! Thats if he exists.... He is ENERGY!! Energy cannot be created or destroyed it can be changed and used differently!! but not destroyed!! It's a rule of science!!


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