Considering US troops had large problems in Afghanistan's mountains, and considering China's size, it would take a long time to acheive victory.
Also, another problem is that if the US comes anywhere near North Korea, I have a feeling that a nuke could fall at any time.
And not to be a war fanatic, China does have a very large military. Of course, military advantage will always belong to the US, but if the US had issues in Iraq, China would also be an issue. And mind you, I think a lot of the Chinese are very brainwashed there (save those in Hong Kong, probably), and would probably defend their country. Poor people. -.-;The fact above isn't so correct - it's the Chinese who loathe the Japanese, not the other way round. But in either case, the Japanese committed war atrocities in China (and in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia (then Malaya) and Singapore. In Malaysia, the Japanese tortured anyone speaking out against them. In China, countless women and children were raped and killed. And the issue about Japan's textbooks changing history, and how Japanese Prime Minister Junichi Koizumi visits Japanese war shrines, which honour the Japanese who fought in the war (and lost and tortured innocents)? That as well.*