U.S going to war with ChinA?


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Nov 11, 2002
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No, this will not happen any time soon. China needs the US for trade and vice versa. Invading China would take hundreds more time than Iraq due to China's size and terrain. And considering China's economic power, the war would send anti-American sentiment skyrocketing, I swear. If Iraq and Afghanistan are in the quagmire right now, China will become a horrendous mess.*


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We do not only have Japan we have Great Britian, we have Austrailia, we have Canada china will not **** with us.


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x42bn6 said:
No, this will not happen any time soon. China needs the US for trade and vice versa. Invading China would take hundreds more time than Iraq due to China's size and terrain. And considering China's economic power, the war would send anti-American sentiment skyrocketing, I swear. If Iraq and Afghanistan are in the quagmire right now, China will become a horrendous mess.*
Think about it. If we ever go to war with them, we would never need to have troop walking in Tiannamen Square to declare victory. It would just be a matter of sea and air supremacy. After you have that, you bomb its industrious zones and factories, and the war is over. Heck, 80% of China's oil importe are completly vulnerable. To choke it from its precious oil would be fairly easy.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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Yeah... China doesn't have the fanatical muslims willing to suicide bomb the American infidels. I'm pretty sure the war would be more conventional, and when the country is defeated most combat should end. In Iraq the fighting keeps going even after the country is obviously fallen and we have the president in our possession.


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Snagg said:
Japan would ally with US foo. Japan's hatred for China is much deeper than the US. And besides, more trade from US than China.
whats the sotry between japan and china?


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Nov 11, 2002
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Black~Enthusiasm said:
Think about it. If we ever go to war with them, we would never need to have troop walking in Tiannamen Square to declare victory. It would just be a matter of sea and air supremacy. After you have that, you bomb its industrious zones and factories, and the war is over. Heck, 80% of China's oil importe are completly vulnerable. To choke it from its precious oil would be fairly easy.
Considering US troops had large problems in Afghanistan's mountains, and considering China's size, it would take a long time to acheive victory.

Also, another problem is that if the US comes anywhere near North Korea, I have a feeling that a nuke could fall at any time.

And not to be a war fanatic, China does have a very large military. Of course, military advantage will always belong to the US, but if the US had issues in Iraq, China would also be an issue. And mind you, I think a lot of the Chinese are very brainwashed there (save those in Hong Kong, probably), and would probably defend their country. Poor people. -.-;
Asylum Patient said:
whats the sotry between japan and china?
The fact above isn't so correct - it's the Chinese who loathe the Japanese, not the other way round. But in either case, the Japanese committed war atrocities in China (and in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia (then Malaya) and Singapore. In Malaysia, the Japanese tortured anyone speaking out against them. In China, countless women and children were raped and killed. And the issue about Japan's textbooks changing history, and how Japanese Prime Minister Junichi Koizumi visits Japanese war shrines, which honour the Japanese who fought in the war (and lost and tortured innocents)? That as well.*


BattleForums Senior Member
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As I said for the fourth time, not a single US soldiers would have to lay foot on chinese soil to determine the winner of the war. It would be fought on air and sea, with blocades and bombing of the mainland.


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Nov 28, 2002
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What will happen after the war? What will be of China then?


BattleForums Senior Member
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Black~Enthusiasm said:
As I said for the fourth time, not a single US soldiers would have to lay foot on chinese soil to determine the winner of the war. It would be fought on air and sea, with blocades and bombing of the mainland.
Do you think the idea of surrender would even come across Chinese minds? No, it won't.
They can take out electricity, oil, nuclear silos, factories, and maybe hospitals by bombing (which is difficult due to the size and the inner-depth of China), but still, people will be ready to fight. Maybe after 2 months half of the men able to fight will not be so able to do it, but still, it's a lot of men. And if you think that only Chinese army will fight the war, you are really wrong. I bet the president, or dictator or whatever will make a call to every man and woman between the ages of 15 and 50 to grab a stick and hit U.S. soldiers.
You also have to think about China's allies. The most important: Russia. Russia once helped communist Spain when our civil war took place, and will surely help China. If not with men, with money and warfare (or war material, whatever).
Another thing is how Chinese lands are like. Guerrilla can act really easily if a land occupation takes place, so the situation will be worse than Iraq. Ok, China does not have extremist fanatics who suicide-bomb, but they do have countless men and deep beliefs.
All this reasons point that U.S. will be able to pwn all of China fast defending capabilities, but the occupation will be really hard stuff.


BattleForums Senior Member
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I don't see what motivation the Chinese would have to make the war drag on. The guerilla warfare and fanatical attacks on civilians and US soldiers is because they feel that they have God at their backs. They think that the western world is evil and needs destroyed, or at least kicked off of their land. The Chinese I think would realize they couldn't win the war and would want it to end. I see no reason they would get every man from 15 to 50 to throw sticks and rocks at.. airplanes and.. tanks.... Thats just silly. A ground war, I said, would be difficult to sustain for the time it lasted. Superiority in the sea and air would make the fighting much easier on the American soldiers. What I'm saying is I don't see the will to fight in China that i see in the mid east. The Muslim fanatics are willing to kill themselves without a second thought for their God. That is the same kind of mindset that made fighting in the Pacific during World War 2 such a bitch. Do the Chinese have that kind of dedication? I know I sure as hell don't. There are some things I would be willing to die for, but dying in a hopeless war that doesn't even need to be fought is not one of them. I'm sure most Chinese people don't want to throw themselves at machine guns for absolutely nothing. They're not that stupid.


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Feb 22, 2005
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x42bn6 said:
Considering US troops had large problems in Afghanistan's mountains, and considering China's size, it would take a long time to acheive victory.

Also, another problem is that if the US comes anywhere near North Korea, I have a feeling that a nuke could fall at any time.

And not to be a war fanatic, China does have a very large military. Of course, military advantage will always belong to the US, but if the US had issues in Iraq, China would also be an issue. And mind you, I think a lot of the Chinese are very brainwashed there (save those in Hong Kong, probably), and would probably defend their country. Poor people. -.-;The fact above isn't so correct - it's the Chinese who loathe the Japanese, not the other way round. But in either case, the Japanese committed war atrocities in China (and in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia (then Malaya) and Singapore. In Malaysia, the Japanese tortured anyone speaking out against them. In China, countless women and children were raped and killed. And the issue about Japan's textbooks changing history, and how Japanese Prime Minister Junichi Koizumi visits Japanese war shrines, which honour the Japanese who fought in the war (and lost and tortured innocents)? That as well.*
so how did that japan war thing all happen?

why was japan making war with everyoen etc etc?

and why did they bomb pearl harbour?


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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amrtin77 said:
I don't see what motivation the Chinese would have to make the war drag on. The guerilla warfare and fanatical attacks on civilians and US soldiers is because they feel that they have God at their backs. They think that the western world is evil and needs destroyed, or at least kicked off of their land. The Chinese I think would realize they couldn't win the war and would want it to end. I see no reason they would get every man from 15 to 50 to throw sticks and rocks at.. airplanes and.. tanks.... Thats just silly. A ground war, I said, would be difficult to sustain for the time it lasted. Superiority in the sea and air would make the fighting much easier on the American soldiers. What I'm saying is I don't see the will to fight in China that i see in the mid east. The Muslim fanatics are willing to kill themselves without a second thought for their God. That is the same kind of mindset that made fighting in the Pacific during World War 2 such a bitch. Do the Chinese have that kind of dedication? I know I sure as hell don't. There are some things I would be willing to die for, but dying in a hopeless war that doesn't even need to be fought is not one of them. I'm sure most Chinese people don't want to throw themselves at machine guns for absolutely nothing. They're not that stupid.
You're using american psicology there. Chinese don't think like Americans. No one does, except the North American continent, anyway. Hey, we Europeans can say we have far more experience at war :)p), and China would be a truly pain in the ass.


BattleForums Senior Member
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TheAce said:
Do you think the idea of surrender would even come across Chinese minds? No, it won't.
They can take out electricity, oil, nuclear silos, factories, and maybe hospitals by bombing (which is difficult due to the size and the inner-depth of China), but still, people will be ready to fight.
If china's industries, electricity, oil, hospitale and the rest are taken out, she wont be able to achieve the objectives she wanted that started the war in the first place. Therefore she lose. You seem to think that US soldiers will have to go doors to doors to fight guerilla warfare and rebels, when in reality all you need to do is to cut China of the ressources she need. After that, she'l collapse..


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TrongaMonga said:
You're using american psicology there. Chinese don't think like Americans. No one does, except the North American continent, anyway. Hey, we Europeans can say we have far more experience at war :)p), and China would be a truly pain in the ass.
You'r not giving me any reasons other than I'm American... You'r not much older than me, and I have access to whatever history books you have access to (English translated that is :p). Europe is a place, it is not a person. It cannot have more experience. All of the people who fought those ancient battles are dead, their experience can only be learned through books.

China shouldn't cause a problem unless we decide to throw a full force land invasion at them. What's wrong with bombing the **** out of them until they have nothing left to fight with? What good is a huge army with no munitions factories? No food? No transportation? Those millions of men are rendered completely useless. We have more than enough bombs to take out any important factories or airbases or seaports the Chinese may have.

An army with no supplies will be an army with a very limited capability to fight, not to mention the damage to morale. This can easily be achieved by superior air power. The size of the country no longer matters. We can have airplanes there anytime we want with aircraft carriers off the coast. Planes go a lot faster than they used to. Naval superiority comes with air superiority. If you can control the sky, you can use the planes to control the sea and protect supply ships, aircraft carries, ect.


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TrongaMonga said:
You're using american psicology there. Chinese don't think like Americans. No one does, except the North American continent, anyway. Hey, we Europeans can say we have far more experience at war :)p), and China would be a truly pain in the ass.
Uh the chinese would kick ur ass they have been fighting thousands of years longer than europe has and there practicaly right next to you witch would only have to counquer any stupid country in there way.


BattleForums Senior Member
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The Chinese won't kick anyones ass until they get better air power. Europe, especially Germany, would thrash the Chinese air force. Europe doesn't have the luxury of an ocean between them and China, but after the initial invasion the Europeans could cut off supply lines going to the Chinese soldiers. This is after air superiority is achieved. The US would be there in a matter of days as well. China can not do much of anything military related until they step up their air force.


BattleForums Senior Member
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TrOiK said:
Uh the chinese would kick ur ass they have been fighting thousands of years longer than europe has and there practicaly right next to you witch would only have to counquer any stupid country in there way.
Yeah, like Russia. And when they are done with that, they will only have to deal with NATO, if they didn't helped the Russian before. After its all over, I guess they'll be the kind of the world. If there's one left. =)


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Jun 7, 2003
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I pretty much agree with what has been said about defeating the Chinese purely through air and naval superiority could be done, but the idea of not landing a single solider is far from what would happen. Looking at how fanatical our presidents have been for quite awhile, the chance of 'destroying [self-proclaimed] communism' in the largest [self-proclaimed] communist country in the world and the idea of 'spreading democracy' to China would pretty much guarantee any president to send in ground troops to topple the government and attempt to create an environment where a democracy can thrive. Whether or not the insurgency would be terrible or not I really can't tell from my knowledge, though I think the war would most likely not turn out to be a simple forcing of the Chinese to surrender through air and naval superiority.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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China's close to Europe? Good one, that :p

Either way, China's army is not like the US army. It's not fully dependent of Oil. Very dependent, yes, but you don't make guerrilla warfare in the forests with oil. Not even all the bombs in the world can destroy China's entire army. It's too bloody big. And if the leaders run to the middle of nowhere, it'll just be impossible. Heck, the US can not find an old men walking with a bottle in the mountains and deserts of Middle East, how the hell could they find a group of organized men in the middle of the mountains and forests of China?

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