U.S going to war with ChinA?


Nov 23, 2003
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Black~Enthusiasm said:
I hate to debate on the subject of military capabilities, because this isn't my subject of interest. But since China is mainly purchasing military technology and equipment from Russia, we can safely assum that this is an argument of american vs russian technology, right?
Actually China also possesses american technology as well. Of course mostly it uses Russian combat vehicles.

Now, the only question I'm asking myself is, why would Russia possess better technology than america? The way I see it, America has the money, the brains and above all, because of its global role, the ogligation the motivation and the will to seek the best technology avaliable.
Russia, on the other hand, doesn't seem like it has the ressource/cash to pursue hightech reserche. And since it has redirected its aim from global competition with the USA to regional control over its borders, I dont believe they have the will and motivation to seek hightech jets and missils capable of even matching american gear.
Actually Russian technology matches american "gear" in almost every direction, surpassing it in some. For example Russian planes are much more agile and aerodynamic. Russia has the brains and we are starting to get the cash, however most of our projects were started in the 80s then we did have cash but the newer ones are coming in which were initiated purely by Russian Federation. We have the capability and we exploit it, plus other nations invest in our technology because they know that it is durable, reliable, cost efficient and most of all effective. For example SU-33 is made in Russia but has French, Swedish and Nowergian electronics. However Russian electronics have developed rapidly during the 90s giving us the edge in several fields, like nano technology for example. Russia is still competing with US, our technology will always remain competitive with American technology on the global arms market, thats why even South Koreans want us to build tanks for them (Black Eagle MBT), Indians want our Aircraft carriers, tanks and planes, european nations fund invest in our space and aircraft research. You simply don't know enough about the topic as i presume, however that doesn't change the fact that Russian technology is competible with American technology, its usually more reliable and almost always more cost efficient.
Some examples of Russian technology:

Tu-160 Blackjack, strategical bomber, has a greater payload then the american B-52, has lower radar signature, plus capable jamming equipment

T-90 MBT, the only tank that has second generation ERA Kontakt-5, which allows it to wear it to have the same level of protection as Abrams but be 20 tons lighter, has an active defense system with no equivalent in the west, it is practically immune to any ATGW fired at it.

I'll give more later.

As for a war with China, this country doesn't have the capability to protect its industrial centers from american bombing.I can't believe it does.
Yes actually it does, it has an extensive network of Anti-Aircraft defenses as well as a fleet of newest and best Russian interceptors, like SU-27 and modified Mig-29. Thankfully its not a matter of your personal belief its just how things are.

And it doesn't even have the logistic capability to occupy Taiwan either. China is huge. But it doesn't have a first class military capability. Neither does Russia.
Actually Russian military is viewed to be amongst the best in the world, several mobility exercises complited in Russia this past few years prooved that Russia is capable of projecting its force across Euroasia, quickly and efficiently. Also we have more tanks then the whole NATO combined, Russia is still a military power to be reckoned with.

As for China, China is lacking logistical support if it were to try and invade another country, but in this scenario it is being invaded, so China will maintain logistical advantage just because of its defender status, plus Russian and Kazahstan would most surely help it out in an event of war with US. Also just the amount of Chinese troops and machinery would ensure its victory over US if US ever tried to invade.

@Firebat: Whenever you agree with Black or not because of your personal bias, he does not base his argument on fact and he is wrong.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Kuzmich said:
@Firebat: Whenever you agree with Black or not because of your personal bias, he does not base his argument on fact and he is wrong.

Thankfully its not a matter of your personal belief its just how things are.
Dont be so harsh. As far as I'm concerned, you haven't really linked us to any official documents either, and as such, your replies are devoid of palpable facts too. You seem to think that I pull everything out of my ass, while you speak as if you actualy worked for the russian secret services. So as long as you dont feed us facts, you might as well get rid of your little self-righteous attitude. Thank you.

But if you want to take this to a whole new level, where every bits of arguments must be backed, this conversation is going to be very strained. But here, let me start....

How are the mighty fallen
Jun 30th 2005 | BALTISK AND MOSCOW
From The Economist print edition

From the Economist...

"According to official figures, the armed forces suffer roughly 1,000 non-combat deaths every year. Military prosecutors uncovered 46 in just one week in June.

This being Russia, that revelation, like prosecutors' other remarks about theft and embezzlement among officers, was seen as a bid to undermine Sergei Ivanov, the defence minister, who is tipped as a possible successor to President Vladimir Putin. Mr Ivanov has promised more transparency over military deaths—a departure from his usual line, which is to insist that military depravity is declining. The normal justifications are that crime and suicide are national problems (“the army is a copy of society and suffers from all its diseases,†wrote Trotsky, “usually at a higher temperatureâ€)

ut dropping conscription altogether is still not in prospect. Colonel-General Anatoly Mazurkevich argues that if Russia's armed forces—now less than half their size at the collapse of the Soviet Union—shrink any more, they will be unable to defend the country's territory. A counter-argument is that these unreformed armed forces could never repel a serious invasion anyway. “If you've got 1.2m men who've got the wrong kit and can't be deployed,†says one western liaison officer, “the situation is not much better than when the Germans came.†Russia's nuclear weapons are its only real defence against strategic threats. It would be better to make the army lean and nimble enough to tackle local insurgencies and terrorism.

Russian generals have always relied on two strategic superfluities: lots of land and enough people to compensate for the poverty of their equipment, training and feeding. But Russia's rapidly shrinking population, combined with draft-dodging, is threatening the old calculus."

This article seem to contradict pretty much the whole base of your argument. Unless, of course, that you can prove to me that you are more informed than this journalist, or the western liaison officer mentioned in this article.

[quote but in this scenario it is being invaded, so China will maintain logistical advantage just because of its defender status, plus Russian and Kazahstan would most surely help it out in an event of war with US. Also just the amount of Chinese troops and machinery would ensure its victory over US if US ever tried to invade.[/quote]

I agree. But Russia's willingness to defend China depends on the reason for the war, which as never been specified. Maybe that in this scenario, China is trying to anexe the whole of south-east Asia, or even siberia, which according to Samuel Huntington, would absolutly terrify Moscow. You have to agree, an hegemonous, all-mighty China certainly wouldn't serve Russia's interest.

Even if this is just about Taiwan, China would still be the agressor, and it should be dealt with accordingly, for the sake of international laws. So in this scenario, which is the most likely, Russia wouldn't have any reason to join with the chinese either. In fact, it would probably condemn the whole thing, and sit back and watch.

But in every case, it is irealistic to believe that America would be the agressor. With such an economicaly integreted and wealthy country like China, the whole world is benefiting from its wealth, and it would be detrimental for everyone to wage war and ruin it all.

So in any case, lets assum that China is the agressor, for it is the one who has to gain the most from an expended sphere of control.

According to a study done by chinese generals, "Eighty percent of China's oil currently passes through the Strait of Malacca, and China believes the sea area is "controlled by the U.S. Navy." Oil-tanker traffic through the Strait, which is closest to Indonesia, is projected to grow from 10 million barrels a day in 2002 to 20 million barrels a day in 2020, the report said.
And we all know that China doesnt have a navy capable of matching the american one. Therefore, since China's energy consumption is mainly based on importation, and that the USa are the one country that are very well capable to project its military everywhere in the world, a blockade of China's energy supply would be exceedingly easy to manage.

like nano technology for example
And where does nano technology fit in all of this? I mean, since it must be true that you are so ahead of us since you said it yourself, what does it prove? Or do I really have to enumerate every aspects of life where the West is ahead of the rest of the world to shut you up?

Anyway, assuming that russia technology is not half as bad as I think it is, and I do, as long as China wont produce its own comparable stuff, I'll always bet on them yankes in a war.

But all in all, China's recent wealth can come crashing pretty easely, I doubt that they would be able to manage it very well in a full blown war with the world's hyperpower.


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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So in conclusion, there won't be a war between US and China any time in the near future.


May 10, 2005
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black, man your a genius....but ur also being a bit over enthusiastic ...lol


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Black~Enthusiasm said:
Dont be so harsh. As far as I'm concerned, you haven't really linked us to any official documents either, and as such, your replies are devoid of palpable facts too. You seem to think that I pull everything out of my ass, while you speak as if you actualy worked for the russian secret services. So as long as you dont feed us facts, you might as well get rid of your little self-righteous attitude. Thank you.
I did give you facts, you gave me your opinion you didn't even try to sell it as facts.

But if you want to take this to a whole new level, where every bits of arguments must be backed, this conversation is going to be very strained. But here, let me start....

How are the mighty fallen
Jun 30th 2005 | BALTISK AND MOSCOW
From The Economist print edition

From the Economist...

"According to official figures, the armed forces suffer roughly 1,000 non-combat deaths every year. Military prosecutors uncovered 46 in just one week in June.

This being Russia, that revelation, like prosecutors' other remarks about theft and embezzlement among officers, was seen as a bid to undermine Sergei Ivanov, the defence minister, who is tipped as a possible successor to President Vladimir Putin. Mr Ivanov has promised more transparency over military deaths—a departure from his usual line, which is to insist that military depravity is declining. The normal justifications are that crime and suicide are national problems (“the army is a copy of society and suffers from all its diseases,†wrote Trotsky, “usually at a higher temperatureâ€)

ut dropping conscription altogether is still not in prospect. Colonel-General Anatoly Mazurkevich argues that if Russia's armed forces—now less than half their size at the collapse of the Soviet Union—shrink any more, they will be unable to defend the country's territory. A counter-argument is that these unreformed armed forces could never repel a serious invasion anyway. “If you've got 1.2m men who've got the wrong kit and can't be deployed,†says one western liaison officer, “the situation is not much better than when the Germans came.†Russia's nuclear weapons are its only real defence against strategic threats. It would be better to make the army lean and nimble enough to tackle local insurgencies and terrorism.

Russian generals have always relied on two strategic superfluities: lots of land and enough people to compensate for the poverty of their equipment, training and feeding. But Russia's rapidly shrinking population, combined with draft-dodging, is threatening the old calculus."
Obviously that western laison officer doesn't know anything. First of all where is a reform which will prevent escaping draft by going to university. Second in a number of exercises this past few years Russian army has prooven its ability to mobilize quickly over its own territory, plus where were several wargames with Kazahstan that established a joint system of anti-aircraft defense, similar exercises will be done with China this year, thats to the point you brought up that Chinese won't be able to defend against american bombings.

This article seem to contradict pretty much the whole base of your argument. Unless, of course, that you can prove to me that you are more informed than this journalist, or the western liaison officer mentioned in this article.
This journalist is obviously working on his public, i mean he simply chose to ignore the reforms being done right now and the what last and this years wargames have shown about the capabilities of the Russian army. I will not deny the deaths resulting from Dedovshina, but morale is boosted during military action, so if where is military action morale would surely be high.

I agree. But Russia's willingness to defend China depends on the reason for the war, which as never been specified. Maybe that in this scenario, China is trying to anexe the whole of south-east Asia, or even siberia, which according to Samuel Huntington, would absolutly terrify Moscow. You have to agree, an hegemonous, all-mighty China certainly wouldn't serve Russia's interest.
Chinese would not do such a thing, maybe you do not realize it but China and Russian Federation are much closer allies then lets say Russian Federation and US. Our alliance is commited to stopping US from interfering with other people's internal affairs and we are acting on it. Also the matter of Chinese invasion of Russia is a totally different matter, if they go against Russia they go against Kazahstan as a well as a military power with superior logistics to their own. I am not saying Russian army would be able to invade China, but we would be able to repel Chinese invasion, mostly because we'll be able to maintain air superiority over our own land, also we will stop servicing of their machinery.

Even if this is just about Taiwan, China would still be the agressor, and it should be dealt with accordingly, for the sake of international laws. So in this scenario, which is the most likely, Russia wouldn't have any reason to join with the chinese either. In fact, it would probably condemn the whole thing, and sit back and watch.
I highly doubt that, but its only a matter of opinion, it can't actually be prooven, not for me not for you.

But in every case, it is irealistic to believe that America would be the agressor. With such an economicaly integreted and wealthy country like China, the whole world is benefiting from its wealth, and it would be detrimental for everyone to wage war and ruin it all.
Hey, i am actually one of those people who support the idea that US would never even try to invade China, this past page i simply been refutting Frotty's ridiculus claim that US invasion of China would be successful.

So in any case, lets assum that China is the agressor, for it is the one who has to gain the most from an expended sphere of control.

According to a study done by chinese generals, "Eighty percent of China's oil currently passes through the Strait of Malacca, and China believes the sea area is "controlled by the U.S. Navy." Oil-tanker traffic through the Strait, which is closest to Indonesia, is projected to grow from 10 million barrels a day in 2002 to 20 million barrels a day in 2020, the report said.
And we all know that China doesnt have a navy capable of matching the american one. Therefore, since China's energy consumption is mainly based on importation, and that the USa are the one country that are very well capable to project its military everywhere in the world, a blockade of China's energy supply would be exceedingly easy to manage.
Actually where were several agreements China has signed with Russia, we will increase our import of oil to China but a wide margin in the next few years, we have a lot of oil, our transistor to western europe, aka Ukraine, is desperately trying to proove to us how we need them so much, we are building a pipe to derectly connect us with western Europe but that will take time, its much easier to build a pipe to China and tell Ukraine to **** off right now.

Well Russian navy might be able to do a lot of damage to US navy, especially since our Far Easter navy is being reequiped with new subs and where is no SOSUS located in that area.

We have things in our arsennal unlike anything US has, for example a guided underwater anti-sub bomb that can detect an enemy sub from 10 killometers away no matter how quiet it is, and collide with it at 125 km/hour. Never before where was a system that was as effective against modern submarines.

And where does nano technology fit in all of this? I mean, since it must be true that you are so ahead of us since you said it yourself, what does it prove? Or do I really have to enumerate every aspects of life where the West is ahead of the rest of the world to shut you up?
I simply gave an example because you for some reason seem to think that Russians are not capable of grasping higher technology, while we are world leaders in many aspects of it in both military and civilian. Also please do list the aspects of life where west is better then the rest of the world, that would be interesting.

Anyway, assuming that russia technology is not half as bad as I think it is, and I do, as long as China wont produce its own comparable stuff, I'll always bet on them yankes in a war.
Why do you think that Russian technology is inferior then even American experts as well as american veterans of cold war claim overwise.

Please give me examples where Russian military tech is lacking then compared to that of US. Justify your case, dont just leave it as a matter of opinion.

But all in all, China's recent wealth can come crashing pretty easely, I doubt that they would be able to manage it very well in a full blown war with the world's hyperpower.
Wow, so you're actually agreeing with frotty, sorry to say but you not half as smart as i thought you were. How exactly can their wealth crash? Please give me a theory.

Here is the link to the article on Mobility-2004 exercises i talked about earlier:


here is a passage from another website, which talks about Russian military involvement in Iraq but also mentions the Mobility-2004:

"Mobility-2004," involved 3,000 troops, several hundred armored vehicles and artillery pieces and several dozen support ships and aircraft. This particular exercise was held in order to simulate the deployment of a marine-type military formation to an unfamiliar environment in order to conduct short- and long-term operations. To the Russian military, which has been based for decades on the offensive-defensive Cold War-style warfare, this type of deployment is a new and untested territory. It will call its forces to act on local conflicts happening either deep inside another country or within its coastal regions, demanding mobility and rapid reaction to the constantly changing battlefield environment."

That was an exercise, not a real thing, not a lot of transportational batallions were used, but it prooved that Russia can transport thousands of troops, long distances, with armored vehicles, over short periods of time.

now this is about Russian AA defense system:


notice the range, the system can easily provide cover for Chinese territory as well.

this one is about the CIS, the alliance between Russia, Kazahstan as well as few other nations.

and here is a little bit of info on Russian-Chinese relations as well as the upcoming military exercises between two nations.


and here is something that discusses the quality of Russian military technology:


Please feel free to ask me to proove anything else to you, in case i forgot something. I can give you comparitive stats of Russian military hardware versus that of american, if you'd like.


Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Los Angeles, CA
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Now now, guys.....lets not get too heated about this.

Just kidding. Lets.

First of all, stop it with this American technology pwns all garbage. Its a known fact that in conventional combat, two relatively evenly matched divisions of soldiers (matched through) training, will both suffer heavy losses, regardless of technological advantage. The victor cant even be determined this way. China also has one up on us.....they have more people, and less attachment to those people. Namely, they would be perfectly happy to lose a few million and keep fighting, whereas in the US that wouldnt necessarily be the case.

Also, I agree with the comment up there about US propaganda. Don't think that just because this country is chocked full of free-speech, free-press intellectually horny ideologists, that it's completely devoid of the darker side of politics.
Theres plenty of propaganda in the US...and it doesnt even have to be aimed at a potential agressor like china.......remember france, anyone?

And this comment about russian missile accuracy. Youre forgetting they went into space and had icbms years before we did. Their missile accuracy is just fine, and with a thermonuclear warhead, honestly...does it matter?

I think the biggest threat to the US to date from china is economics. Their domination of global markets hasnt exactly been subtle, to say the least. We rely almost exclusively on their manufactured goods, and for a second....lets just imagine that China decided to bar us companies from operating on its soil? Wed really be up shit creek then.....because its not even grounds for war (debatable). An attack would make us look like the agressor.

However, that is unlikely to happen, as they need the money, and we need the labor. But that cant, and wont continue forever, just as a warning.....

Also, on kind of a side note. Theres wayyyyyy too much misconception about the chinese in the US for my comfort. Until that time magazine story came out, everyone just assumed that they were happy little communists, doing their happy little red duties and being a grand enemy to capitolism.

My god....right now...ill tell you...Im chinese....and this past summer I went back to china. The american public cant be more misinformed. Ads for abercrombie and Fcuk dorn the streets, rather than posters of mao....
(on an aside....wearing a shirt of mao there is like wearing a shirt of ché here)

Sure, there are farmers everywhere that have it hard, but thats true here in the west, as well.
There are rich, there are poor....there is a middle class. Nobody will hate you if they say you are from america...hell, they like your money, and they like the chance to improve their english.

Stop it with this asians are conservative junk too. They know sex sells...they know alcohol tastes good and is great at parties, and they realize that ribbed condoms are the way to go.

God, ignorance pisses me off. Makes me think this country could use a good kick in the pants via a nuclear weapon sometimes.


May 10, 2005
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Military expenditures - dollar figure:
$67.49 billion (2004)
Military expenditures - percent of GDP:
4.3% (2004)

Military expenditures - dollar figure:
$370.7 billion (FY04 est.) (March 2003)
Military expenditures - percent of GDP:
3.3% (FY03 est.) (February 2004)

1 World $ 55,500,000,000,000 2004 est.
2 United States $ 11,750,000,000,000 2004 est.
3 European Union $ 11,650,000,000,000 2004 est.
4 China $ 7,262,000,000,000 2004 est.

according to that, USA is still far richer than china and also invests more money into military development.

And they dont just use american weapons, they arent that stupid, they want to have the best of the best...so..

but looking at the long run. china will soon surpass the US, but then there is their economic rival: India. :D

source: cia.gov


Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Los Angeles, CA
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Firebat said:
but looking at the long run. china will soon surpass the US, but then there is their economic rival: India. :D

source: cia.gov

Wow....something we finally agree on. hooray.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Firebat said:
Military expenditures - dollar figure:
$67.49 billion (2004)
Military expenditures - percent of GDP:
4.3% (2004)

Military expenditures - dollar figure:
$370.7 billion (FY04 est.) (March 2003)
Military expenditures - percent of GDP:
3.3% (FY03 est.) (February 2004)

1 World $ 55,500,000,000,000 2004 est.
2 United States $ 11,750,000,000,000 2004 est.
3 European Union $ 11,650,000,000,000 2004 est.
4 China $ 7,262,000,000,000 2004 est.

according to that, USA is still far richer than china and also invests more money into military development.

And they dont just use american weapons, they arent that stupid, they want to have the best of the best...so..

but looking at the long run. china will soon surpass the US, but then there is their economic rival: India. :D

source: cia.gov
The fact that China invests less in its military, doesn't mean that it doesn't possess the level of technology which it needs to combat USA. I am of course talking about Russian technology they buy a lot of. Please read the last link i posted that should explain it pretty well to you, don't believe everything B~E says, especially technology wise, he simply doesn't know what he is talking about.


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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US invested tons more money in military than those rebels in Iraq does, and look at how they're doing in Iraq. Thousand US troops dead.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Actually that number is almost 3000, but they did kill a lot more rebels, plus what they fighting in Iraq right now is not conventional warfare its guerrila warfare. Technology does have a lot to do with winning a war, especially with controlling the skies which is pretty much an ensurance of victory. The thing is, China has the means to defeat US in a conventional war, they have the technology (regarded by BE as inferior for the reason of his limited knowledge of the matter) to match up to that of US, as well as an awesome numerical advantage and a military system that is able to sustain numerous amounts of casualties.

But to go back on topic, US and China will never go to war with each other, one of the more simpler reasons for that would be MAD.


Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Los Angeles, CA
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Something that back in the cold war era was almost perfectly acceptable to generals on both the american and soviet sides.

the concept of MAD (mutually assured destruction) isnt a very pretty one, but some military minds do think that its perfectly acceptable to take the chance, banking on the remote hope that some people will survive to continue on with the country's government.

Lets face it, in the words of that kooky chinese general a few weeks back, "we are prepared to lose all cities east of the *wierd name* river...likewise the americans must also be prepared for great loss"

i doubt itll happen, but im just saying its nothing new.


BattleForums Newbie
Jun 30, 2009
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This makes me very nervouse.
My fiance is in the air force and i really dont want him going into a mass war. . . .


Premium Member
Feb 26, 2004
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This makes me very nervouse.
My fiance is in the air force and i really dont want him going into a mass war. . . .
I hate to say this to a newbie but this was posted 4 FUCKING years ago. China and U.S. will never go to war.... we depend way to much on each others imports/exports.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
Not to be a dick, this is general curiosity... what does China rely on us other than us buying all of their crap. Or is that the general need?


eSports Player
Jul 15, 2003
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What the fuck is up with you necromancer? 2005 --> Now 2009. Time machine? NOOb, ban. His name suggests retardness.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
whats next russia for making a new jet?
to me
the government is afried to be
upstaged by crap countries
Russia doesn't need jets. They got 50,000 nukes and they aren't afraid to use them as thier trump card.

America is just paranoid with all these wars going on that any country who hates them will take advantage of them. So they will prepare a counter-measure to stop them, that is like thier trump card.


Machine Gun Funk
Jun 15, 2003
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Washington DC
Not to be a dick, this is general curiosity... what does China rely on us other than us buying all of their crap. Or is that the general need?
Cheap labor is how China makes all the Mickey D's toys and As Seen On TV shit.

Americans just don't want to work for 10 cents an hour to make plastic.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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IMO china and india should be nuked. we're all thinking it, im just saying it

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