Гражданин СССР
Lol, bitter about what? You trying to act clever and failing miserably? Okay I replied to you now.Aww, you're still bitter over the Thinking without Language thread. How cute.
Also, if you expected us to seriously discuss why 'russia is better than the us in every way', perhaps it's best to not start a thread with some kind of laser pistol, followed by a rocket-propelled chainsaw gun.
This is adorable, a "gangsta" poser with an intellect of a doorknob trying to act clever even though he obviously can't even handle the basic laws of physics, nevermind going into philosophy or anything else that requires a person to not be utterly brain dead. You make sure you keep those jokes of yours coming.
This thread was a joke, like I said repeatedly, you're the one who decided to turn it into a retardfest by tagging your retarded ass along.