The Future of Battleforums

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Premium Member
Jun 28, 2003
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New york
We have no content. Unless the "TEAM" of administration can hire actual staff members who contribute guides etc; we will be gg'ed.


Premium Member
Jun 28, 2003
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New york
LOLs at newbs.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
How exactly is the WoW Forums?
Look for yourself or ask Renzo. I don't play WoW so I use him for all the right reasons.

Cheeze said:
everyone knows what admin should be gone
The extremely useless one who abuses power more than the others.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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I have been a member for nearly 4 years, and honestly never had the urge to post, just read.... But I got bored and tired for waiting for D3 so I started posting. I want some damn credit for sticking around this long and finally starting to post :)>
yay. hoorah for you. ecookies for you. ill give gifts soon just wait ujp

We have no content. Unless the "TEAM" of administration can hire actual staff members who contribute guides etc; we will be gg'ed.
this was what i was meant to say. seriously, is anyone here pro enough at games to actually post guides? i mean there are hardout nerds at starcraft****** where the guides are genuinely good. can we compete?

Tempest Storm

Premium Member
Apr 5, 2003
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While I'm sure Skuzzy was a great admin..what you say is not entirely true. Skuzzy had the chance to create BF when the blizzard games were still in their prime. After he left, BF continued to do well because the games were still popular. The only thing the newer/present admins at that time had to do, was maintenance work. The gaming forums got a decent amount of traffic on their own... there was more interest, and more people who played these games. Now, however, most of the games we have are tired and fading. So, unlike the other admins, we're now pretty much stuck in a rut, with various options on what to do. Our job is alot tougher, because we're left with a bigger carry on hosting not so popular games, expand, or hope that blizzard pumps out newer games that will bring in more traffic.
Do you think Blizz games were the only thing Skuzzy played? Are they all that you play?

You're talking about the future of a sight that caters to a dying breed of fanboys, when there are dozens of new games coming out all the time, on a multitude of systems. This devotion to Blizz means a slow death for this site.

I'll show you your future. That's BF's furture. War3 used to be the shit of the shit, but they never planned for life after Warcraft3. They lost the site, and all they got now is a stagnant forum with 9 years of vibrant history. The only new members they get these days are coffee ad bots and 2/3rds of the vets have moved on never to be heard from again.

You only other option is to find a new niche in the gaming world, revamp the site, combine a lot of these forums, get the idiots outta the staff, throw some money down for adds, and most of all, model the new site after what worked when Skuzzy was here, and damnit, have some of the ****ers that were here when Skuzzy was around, because when I got here right after he left, this place was fun.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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The biggest problem is people are trying to look at other forums and copy them (is. all the gay ****ing hacks, the skin, the forum) instead of duplicating the formula that made BF gain thousands of members in months.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
No, the problem is we are putting too much faith in the Child Prodigy of SCII when we don't know if the game or section will come out on top. You just can't place ALL your resources into a hope, a lot of the time you get consequences that aren't really good to have at this point.

And the other possible ideas to improve sections are either disallowed, or the staff is just too lazy to do something about it or implement it. And 2007 isnt exactly Year for Blizzard Gaming.

And I have said my point about you guys arguing over the same crap 5000 times because nothing was getting done, and look at it now: Nobody listens to me and we still argue over the same crap that could have been resolved on Day 1.

If a forum is gonna keep being runned this way, then I wouldn't be suprised if this webspace becomes a barren desert or another eBay clone.

Pan said:
there is no admin team. just people who have powers and no vision
We have admins here? Ok lets see, one is on hiadas who does a good job at running the tech stuff, one is here once in a blue moon but has promise, and the other's idea to getting to the public is delete or not read every PM to help BF or help with thier own affairs and has developed hate with other members (eg. Soulless, BFH, etc.) cause he is "very busy" (No offense). It's crap like that why good people like BFH or LB do what they do or get treated the way they shouldn't have. If things weren't like this, we wouldn't be in this predicament of pointing the finger at the person who was responsible for sacking the activity in the first place, and people that were killed off would have been the mods or staffs they should be.

As for Tipsy, I do appreciate what he is trying to do for this forum. But he needs a lot more help with getting this forum operating at the peak we had back in the 03/04 days.

Flempipes said:
I want some damn credit for sticking around this long and finally starting to post
The only credit you get from me is nothing.

Ok "Darkmatter at reading text", now actually do something and contribute to our development to be better forum instead of sitting on the sidelines. I have been around here for 4 years, have 15000+ posts, and an avid poster in almost all the gaming sections this board has to offer and look where I am now and where I will be next (hopefully either the next GM or Admin :().


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Well, I admit I've stopped reading this thread, but one thing gives me hope:

The fact we theorycraft too much shows we are still indeed a Blizzard forum <3

Anyway, give me back Staff access, it was unjustly removed.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
Reaction score
Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Hahaha but then again, that theorycraft sometimes works, you just need to load up the game and try it. And I would gladly restore your staff permissions, if I could.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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oh gosh. someone seriously visit the admins and punch them until they start a massive recontruction of this site because this site will get NO WHERE with small cosmetic improvements that are being made oh so often recently


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 27, 2003
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We are indeed a Blizzard forum. We just don't offer that one thing people want the most, hacks. That's fine by me, but we should offer guides. UP to DATE guides. WoW and D2 are prime examples.

As for SC2, this is a HUGE deal my fellow comrades. Huge. This game has been waited out by fans for many many years. Many people have their own 2 cents about the game and we want that here at our forum. Mike has done an excellent job of providing content. Renzo, his name is up there. Almost looks as good as mine in the dead forum. :rolleyes But seriously, Mike has done a great job. I hope he can keep it up.
Yes!! Yes! SC can bring us back, but we need to try something different. Because right now something isn't working. Admit it! Put your prides aside and see that it isn't working. We are following procedures to the letter on how to run a forum. (sc2 for example) Posting content wise. But something isn't working. We all say we'll do something but no one ever gets on it. Especially those who have the power to do things.

SC2, WOW, and D2 (even though its old) is our main revenue. Yes, this forum is old. We don't have a parent website that most, if not all, forums have now a days. We are traditional. And from what I've seen we are split on that issue. Some want to conform, while others want to stay traditional. While I don't hold the answers to these questions its evident enough that the formula that Mike stated was effective.
Yes we DO bring in a lot of people. 1 post wonders, I want them to stay. I have my own opinions about user names and a clean up, but I see where statistics are needed with a larger member base. You know my vision for that, and I was disappointed we couldn't do it. But I will continue to play politics.

Now for a more pressing matter that has lately been really bothering me. We just don't respect each other anymore. Eric has the forum against him, and he's our main influence. That does not reflect well. What also doesn't reflect well is us regulars constantly fighting outside the asylum. We have to start respecting each other again. I know Eric is only 16, and maturity has a bit to play in that. And I know some of us older guys also throw fits. But that really must change.
I really fear things are going to get a lot worse than they are going to get better.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
Reaction score
Temple Prime, Sarajevo
I have been talking to him about that and trying to give suggestions to improve it. I want to help him get better because I have been for a long time and this was the only forum that hasn't screwed me over (2 previous ones sure as hell did, didn't even make it past 100 posts). I for one feel that Eric's tarnished image isn't good for the forum. Plus, we are running out of people and there are only a select few that can be trusted with admin CP to get the job done, should Eric fail and drop out.

A lot of people want to be admin as well, so they can "do a better job". But what isn't gonna stop them from repeating the same mistakes our admins of the past have done. And there are also a lot of people getting screwed over in the process.

Picking a new admin should the time come is a science within itself.


Premium Member
Aug 6, 2003
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Phoenix, Arizona
[glow=black]The next choices for admin are rather obvious. Their names are red.[/glow]


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
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We've been having this discussion for God knows how long and we're still here. I think y'all are worrying far too much. We'll pull through, we always seem to manage to.

-Frank :cool:


Buggin' Out
Nov 19, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, Mass. USA.
That professionalism thing CB brought up earlier with staff well I think that originates back to me. God damn I was a ****** back then.

Oh and I'm surprised this place is still up, I was kind of shocked when I saw a new homepage when I logged in the other day.
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