The Future of Battleforums

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[ Official Forum Ninja ]
Sep 8, 2006
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Roanoke VA
Yea, we don't need flames here in a debate thread.

BoT : I liked what Tronga said. It's one thing to act professional, but another to be professional.


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
What the hell are you talking about? The 4 mentioned above have repeatingly bitched about anything and everything on this site for the past year. Sorry Tronga, not everybody can be as big of a bitch as you are.
Tronga honestly cares about this forum and he bitches about stuff when he gets fed up with seeing it filled with nonsense and bullcrap.

Gimmi's banned, afaik.

Jenny and SouLeSS have lightened up a bit lately, and they were never that bad to begin with. They were mostly just the forum assholes, because that's the role they decided they would fill here. Jenny did more bad shit with her Asylum stunt, but everyone has a lapse of judgement once or twice in their lives, and she's not ever going to be given the power to do stuff like that anymore (at least not that I know). SouLeSS doesn't even ever DO anything harmful, he's just rude and harasses people. If you can leave Hitsua off that list, you can leave SouLeSS off that list.

Frankly, the one biggest screwup on our forum got dealt with, and that was Little-Cheeze. He's permabanned now, unless he comes back under another account, but even then we could probably sniff him out and knock him on his ass. Our members are fine, it's their attitudes that should be modified. Pessimism and cynicism are absolutely rampant on these boards, and it doesn't stimulate the best community environment around.


Former Staff member
Feb 24, 2005
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New york
The problem with the current staff is that they fight with eachother and the members to much. If eric destaffed half the people who bitch about everything and they kept the bstaff forum only for the current members of staff....then more would get done.


Premium Member
Jan 19, 2004
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The problem with the current staff is that they fight with eachother and the members to much. If eric destaffed half the people who bitch about everything and they kept the bstaff forum only for the current members of staff....then more would get done.
You're right, however, half of the members here think Eric should de-staff himself and they believe this would solve the problem

oh the irony


Former Staff member
Feb 24, 2005
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New york
Before Eric was admin we were having these same problems.


Jul 11, 2003
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Before Eric was admin we were having these same problems.

Before you even joined this forum we where having many of the same problems we have now.

No matter how many active members we get, we'll always want more.. Right now the problem with bf is,

1) Lack of direction
2) All 3 admins have a different view for the forums
3) Insert whatever here you guys thinks wrong with the memberbase

How to fix these problems? I'm working on it..


Premium Member
Aug 6, 2003
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Phoenix, Arizona
[glow=black]I don't know why someone always manages to turn a thread into BF's problems with the staff, but I'll give my opinion on a few things.

Firstly, Tronga, I have no problem with you, besides the fact that you're pretty annoying. I think it's also difficult for me to sometimes handle you because you always bring me into everything, period. However, I do understand because of the whole situation of my being added as an administrator, and you come back, get angry and resign. So I really do try to understand, but place yourself in my shoes every now and then. Anyways, that's not what this is about. I think one of BF's biggest problems, which is what Roach is trying to elaborate on is how staff members here don't act like staff. If you have a colored name (whether it be red, blue, yellow, green etcetera) it means the administration (because in the end, that's who clicks the group drop-down box) has some higher degree of trust rather then a normal member. You say you're not staff, yet you're in one of the groups with a connotation of a very high level of respect on BF. Frankly, I'd really expect an ancient to be more appropriated then a moderator. (This is why I vary my punishment techniques sometimes, generally trying to make an impact, such as changing group status and access rights) What baffles me is that it's hard to even describe the staff here as a team. No one works together, there's more arguing, disrespect and general fighting then more of the member base here and it's really quite disturbing. Never have I seen a forum where the staff team has such discord, so sometimes it can be hard for me to comprehend some of the staff (collectively) actions. (When most administration attempts had failed to bring some amount of cohesion to the staff team, I enacted the General Manager group in brighter hopes) That's why if I could receive even the slightest amount of cooperation from my staff, it would mean alot and really help BattleForums in the longrun. I don't know, I've lost my train of thought due to my cell and I'm rambling of my thoughts about BF.

Ben, most of the time (if not all of the time) myself and Roach agree on most things, and have the same basic thoughts about major issues. It is not necessarily the best thing because varying opinions (such as x42's...unique way of doing things) help bring diversity.[/glow]


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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If you have a colored name (whether it be red, blue, yellow, green etcetera) it means the administration (because in the end, that's who clicks the group drop-down box) has some higher degree of trust rather then a normal member.
That's not correct. There's a difference between the administration and one administrator. After all, you were surprised when you saw my access to Battle Staff re-enabled.

Eric, one thing you fail to understand is that this is not a normal forum. This forum has an essence of its own, and believe me, it's what's been keeping it alive for the past four years. Old members come back because it's just fantastic the amount of things that have been seen here.

So much drama, and so much bright ideas, coming from an amalgam of personalities, traits and ways of posting.

The fact that you want to, I don't know, make it so everyone acts the same, is what truly bothers me.

The Staff used to be a lot more competent than this, because they had free will to act.

They were chosen, then they'd do stuff. Imo, the warning system is here to ruin it all. Nowadays everything's so automatic it's just dumb.

Back then, we split the posts to Teh Void (dunno where they go to now) or The Asylum, then we'd PM the person.

That'd give us two things: First, a very personal and friendly relation between mods and members. Mods only. Admins had no moderating responsibilities whatsoever, and it used to be a bad thing to mod something that was not yours to moderate. Second, not everything would be removed (in opposition to really nothing like nowadays), thus leaving a sense of permission, albeit clean, in the forums.

Imo, you guys should really stop standardizing the staff, and focus more in the relationship between staff & members (which I admit, means we need to get members first).

And by the way, I am more appropriated then a moderator. Much more. I know what I'm talking about, I've been here long enough and always reading everything to know what I'm talking about. You just don't understand it.


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
I have to agree with both Eric and Tronga here. Eric brings up a lot of good points about the discordance and improfessionalism of the staff, but Tronga's dead-on as well.

I've seen a "well-oiled staff machine," when I was essentially running the Diablo forums, the bunch of us really kicked our asses into gear trying to make that place work. We were all doing our duties, we talked, we got things rolling. I did my best to add content, create little things to spike activity, and frankly under me and Zoltar (with all due respect to Carbon and Johnny for taking care of most moderator duties outside of Third Party), Diabloforums flourished. We had more new members during our "administration" than I'd seen before our time, and haven't seen after. Diabloforums are pretty much dead now, which pains me after all the work I put into them. Chances are good that if my shit hadn't gotten all ****ed up in my personal life and I hadn't had to quit, Diabloforums would STILL be going well. I mean, shit...I was the one who dealt with Little-Cheeze when he first started up, and kept him mostly in line until he branched out and I couldn't do anything to stop him. But this is more than just a "omg I'm an awesome mod" speech, the others in my staff team were just as awesome in their own sections or duties. We made Diabloforums rock and roll, and it makes me sad to see it degenerated so far.

What we need for the whole forum is what my team did for Diabloforums...a team that respects one another, takes their jobs seriously, and puts everything they can into their sections.


Jul 11, 2003
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I had the d2 forums going decently good before i got destaffed

But still, cm/summit did the best with that place. I'll admit i dont even really browse thoose sections anymore :(


Premium Member
Jul 11, 2005
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US East Coast
Yes, my section is kinda falling apart. We have active moderators. We could do allot. But we just dont have the visitors or motive to do it.
I think Diablo 2 is as much as dead in our case.

I believe that with the release of SCII will bring more members. And possibly help the forums.


Premium Member
Jan 19, 2004
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Yea you're right Ugly, and we had these problems even before you joined (as Ben mentioned)

but things are at its worst right now methinks lol

and well.. as for the members

what can you do lol, not much as of now, just wait till something magical happens and we get floods of random newbies =D


Former Staff member
Feb 24, 2005
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New york
I think a lot of you are missing the point of my post. The point of Hotel Battleforums is to increase your gaming knowledge and be able to dick around/flame whoever you please without having a strict punishment. We have lapsed from this point of view quite a bit in the past year. Besides the recent traffic we have gained from the new SC:2 Forums there really hasn't much done with our other gaming sections which have ALOT of potential.

As for our staff, both eric and Tronga have kind of the same points. Tronga is reiterating that our staff/members are quite unique from those of other forums. We have our jackasses/dicks/narcissic assholes(sp?)/ people who think they know how to run a forum. The truth is, from what I have seen, is that this forum is very much a bandwagon forum with a slight twist. It's like we are all seperated from the rest of the wagons but we are still heading the same direction, to better BF somehow.

EDIT: And this place is described quite well by the song Hotel California IMHO.


RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Two small things...

Imo, you guys should really stop standardizing the staff, and focus more in the relationship between staff & members (which I admit, means we need to get members first).
The staff still has to learn how to work together to be able to focus on better things. If everyone is tattling on each other, and telling each other to STFU in battlestaff, etc..people just end up endlessly complaining or quitting. That does NOT help get new members. The only thing that I ask of the staff, is that they get along with each other..and if they have a problem they deal with it privately (PM, AIM, etc). It's really a simple request.

And by the way, I am more appropriated then a moderator. Much more. I know what I'm talking about, I've been here long enough and always reading everything to know what I'm talking about. You just don't understand it.
That might be true, and no offence, but your great "knowledge" of these forums is often overshadowed by your bias. I'm not saying that you'd deal with something unfairly if given the chance, but you definitely have your *targets*. It seems instead of seeing what's really going on, you focus on one thing *eric* and ignore everything else...including your own actions. I say this because it seems when you're really on crusade, that's the only thing you focus on.

With that don't see everything, because we (the admins) aren't the only ones complaining about how the staff acts. I'm sure tipsy sees it; sees how the staff behaves at times...and others have also brought up their concern to us. Some in this thread, who are also members of staff (or elders) have voiced their it isn't something we're just making up.

Like I said above, I don't expect the staff to act like teachers...or total professionals to the members...I do however expect them to get along with each other, and work together so we can make BF a better place.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Well, I could say the same thing of my side. After all, I am not the only member that thinks Eric sucks arse.

In any case, I am European, I do crusades for my breakfast.

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Well yeah, everyone has a bit of bias. As a admin, I try to eliminate any possible bias I might have. You on the other hand though, aren't in any staff position, so you can have all the bias you want ;).


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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I seriously don't want to turn this into an anti-Eric thread, so let's try not to, but I need this answered:

Saying that Eric sucks means you're a biased person?

That's a bit of a weird concept, saying everyone but you is biased because they believe something different than you ;)


Ban these sucky smileys. Whoever was the idiot that removed the original smileys and placed these stupid animated ones should be shot!

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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I seriously don't want to turn this into an anti-Eric thread, so let's try not to, but I need this answered:

Saying that Eric sucks means you're a biased person?

That's a bit of a weird concept, saying everyone but you is biased because they believe something different than you ;)


Ban these sucky smileys. Whoever was the idiot that removed the original smileys and placed these stupid animated ones should be shot!

No, I didn't say that. I did however, say that you get to chose your battles..I don't..I can't. You have bias because you're essentially a regular member, and you're allowed to have/express personal opinions on someone of a higher rank.

Saying someone "sucks arse" though, definitely shows bias, because that's a personal statement about someone's personality; NOT a professional statement on someone's skills. If I went around saying x42 sucks penis, and was serious, I would be making a personal statement about him..which would show I probably held some sort of bias.

There's a difference between making personal insults and pointing out someone's flaws. You chose to make personal insults, so I think it would be safe to that you probably don't like him. You may have good reason..but still, you obviously hold negative, personal feelings towards him. That however, is okay, because you're basically a regular member (which is what I said earlier).

Personally, I think it's good to point out our flaws, as we ALL have them (yes, even me!)..but when you point out these flaws, it should always be done in a mature, constructive manner... otherwise, the person just takes your comments as a personal attack, and ends up not really giving a shit anyway. That's just how it is.

I think at this point, it would be best to accept the fact that we all have our issues on BF..yes, me, eric, x42, you...all of us. The best way to move past all of this "rawr, you must be demodded!" crap, is to work together to improve ourselves and the forums. This means stop pointing fingers, and start making good, useful suggestions. Simply stating that everyone thinks *so and so* sucks arse just doesn't help.


Tronga, I say you're bias for this reason..

In my above post (this one), I wasn't even talking about eric. Sure, I said his name..but the post was about how I think the staff is a bit out of control..and that I'm not the only one that sees it. Then you answer me by posting:

After all, I am not the only member that thinks Eric sucks arse.
That really didn't have anything to do with my post or what I said. Stuff like that leads me to believe that you just don't like him *again, you may have reason*..and because of that, you tend to concentrate on him more than others...and make him look bad at any given chance. Does it matter? Not's just an observation.


Former Staff member
Feb 24, 2005
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New york
Well, I could say the same thing of my side. After all, I am not the only member that thinks Eric sucks arse.

In any case, I am European, I do crusades for my breakfast.
And you being mr. "Example" himself Troll Eric right and left....


The best of both worlds
Jun 9, 2003
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We need to have the whole forums run like the WoW forums are. Thats the only way things will be better.
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