Balthizar found nothing of interest so far, he was only searching out of restlessness, he always got restless when a battle, or better yet, bloodshed, were near. As he was about to teleport back to the camp, he felt a strange disturbance. His feet locked in place, and then the rest of his body locked up, he found himself leaving him body, and quickly, he was soon in a large chamber, facing Daemon. "What the hell is the meaning of this?" Balthizar said, but no words came out, just his mouth moved. Balthizar, at first, thought this was some kind of trap, but noticed his stood there completely unnoticed. He decided to just float there cross legged, as he was in some kind of astral projection form. He noticed that Asakai and Torque were both there, Asakai was looking very heavenly, but in a sad way. Torque looked very strange for some reason, but his physical appearance was unchanged.
Noting all these things, Balthizar sat and listened, for that was all he could do.