((I dont mind but this is being wrapped up pretty soon. You wouldn't have much time to rp))
Torque was getting restless. He grabbed onto Thatlos' shoulder. "We have to find her NOW. I am not spending another night here." He growled, his eyes flecked a color of pitch black briefly. Something was crawling up inside his mind, wanting to get out. "The sooner we slay her the sooner we can defeat Daemon. I'm worried sick over Asakai..." He closed his eyes and a tear rolled down his cheek. "Please...please I have a bad feeling that something will happen to her...or has already happened. Please Thaltos? I'm rested enough for this fight...despite the pain of this cursed rune on my back...." He frowned. He wished he could go to her...to see her and to get her out but he couldn't. He was not like his ancestor, Khal who could travel the dimensions. He was a mere human with Dragonis blood, the World Destroyer gene had long since died off in his family. Khal had been a hero to the people of the world, despite his birthright on destroying the different planes of existance. Torque wished that he could do more than just disappear at night at will. He wished he could do something...then a thought occured to him. He smiled but hoped he wasnt too late. "On second thought...let me meditate for a bit." He said and walked to some place secluded nearby. He sat on the grass and closed his eyes then cleared his mind. His father had taught him how to partition his mind so that he could lock away the better part of himself and leave the rest of his mind to suffer when under duress. He would do this now, partition the best parts of his mind and then offer himself to Daemon, and wait until the time was right. When one partitions their mind, only that one person can access that sealed away part of themselves, and even the most brutal mental torture could not break the seal. His father had used this whilst under torture as had many of the Dragonis line in the past. He would do this now. He was willing to sacrifice a portion of his mind so he could be with Asakai. He sealed away his happy memories, and the memory of the first time he and Asakai had embraced. He sealed off his lighter personality and would risk his darker one, even sacrificing his ability to shadowmeld. When he was finished he went to his knees and removed his tunic, revealing the glowing rune tattooed on his back. He thought with all of his might to reach Daemon's. Hear me, Daemon. It is I, Torque Dragonis, your pawn. I am offering myself to you, I have no more will to fight as long as you set Asakai free... do what you want with me, use me to reap the souls of thousands. Just let her go please. Or at the very least...let me be there by her side in your service. He threw his mental message through the rune and thus, into Daemon's mind. He knew that Daemon knew where Torque was at any time due to this rune so he would have no trouble in transporting Torque there should he choose to.