The American Empire


Mar 6, 2003
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ottawa, Canada
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
We dont really need your exports, you dont have neither most gold, diamonds, oil, wood, or fish. You do however make a lot of grain, but all that can be supstituted. You however to maintain a population of 296 million people gonna need all the oil, gold, diamonds and wood you can get, thats not mentioning Uranium, Steel and other shit most of which today you get from South america. GEt this right now, you not that important, if you are destroyed then world will jsut find somethere else to import their products. Most oil is provided to Europe and Eastern Asia by Russia, so its good to us we gonna have more costumers, you dont have a lot of oil in your land, and your stockpile will not last very long, gas will probably be like 30 bucks per gallon, and you would have smaller income, because a lot of companies which are in america are owned by foreign investors, so no more mitsubishi, no more honda, no more Panasonic, no more engines, no more bunch of other stuff. Arent you Canadian?

o well im sure during a time of war, people arn't going to be to upset at losing a sports car when if they are taken over they won't beable to drive it. You obviously don't have an economics degree nor do i so arguing numbers is pointless.

Also i don't see where you get your numbers from, are you sure it is russia that is such a great supplier of oil? As well how do you plan on feeding an army without grain? The grain is needed for basic foods and for raising livestock. Again without numbers to back this a debate on importance is just futile.

North america would stand a far greater chance supporting the population of 330 million then the rest of the world would stand supporting 5 n 2/3 billion.


Mar 6, 2003
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ottawa, Canada
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
Dont forget that you gonna get invaded so you gonna start to loose your land, and that other nations too produce grain, you also need oil for electricity so i dont see how you gonna survive without that.
well since our invaders would be american, or our gouvernment would collapse and join the us no worries.

As of now Canada and the Us provide most of there own electricity using nuculear reactors, hydro damns, and them high techy wind mills.

Although im sure you russians would be one of the last to fall, so atleast you could pretend you did good.


Feb 14, 2004
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Buffalo, NY
I have to disagree with you on that one there my friend. The world would not be fine without the US. We are the world's police man andno one really has the power to fill that spot. The globe would fall into a large economic strugle and that wouldnt be good. And by the way Russia doesnt supply most of the oil. Silly goose thats what the middle east is for.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Fall? To a single nation, you are dreaming, and you have no pride in your own nation, so you are a traitor

here read this, US isnt the only one stockpiling

Everyone read my link in my previous post.

Oh and Jiggy you right, we gonna have an economic crisis, but will eventually recover, you are not world's policemen, but more of a money handle.


Feb 14, 2004
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Buffalo, NY
You have obviously read my post incorrectly. If you had read it corectly you would have walked awayu with the feeling of... The US is crutial to the global economy and that no one else has the power to trully be the global policeman. As for you saying I have no pride for my nation, you would be gravly mistaken my friend for I am one of the biggest patriots this country has ever seen. I have an entire table in front of my front window that is full of patriotic ornaments such as Uncle Sam and The Statue of Liberty.
And I am certanly not a traitor.


Mar 6, 2003
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ottawa, Canada
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Actually i am not a traitor, i am just merely recognizing the two options my country would be presented with.

Secondly since you obviously don't understand the whole concept of supply and demand, you should not be arguing about this. Since northamerica exports most of the grain and wheat the rest of the world uses, without us, demand would vastly increase, which means that prices would rise. Now because of this, poorer countries (read: russia) would be forced with two options surrender and feed their citizens, or fight with the hopts of winning whilst starving their nation.

Now before you come back and say how much better off russia is then many other countries, there are countires better of then russia, and they would beable to secure things for themselves much easier.

Secondly if the war was fought correctly by the us, everyone would need to surrender to survive.

Originally posted by Jiggy
You have obviously read my post incorrectly. If you had read it corectly you would have walked awayu with the feeling of... The US is crutial to the global economy and that no one else has the power to trully be the global policeman. As for you saying I have no pride for my nation, you would be gravly mistaken my friend for I am one of the biggest patriots this country has ever seen. I have an entire table in front of my front window that is full of patriotic ornaments such as Uncle Sam and The Statue of Liberty.
And I am certanly not a traitor.
Actually i believe he was refering to me.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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You no nothing, US isnt supplying most of the grain, give me the link that prooves it. We got enough of our own grain to maintain populaiton. try and proove yourself first then start saying shit. Now another bullshit idea about US being able to conquer the world. Its not powerful enough, its gonna run out of oil, and even if it wouldnt it would still be crushed if 2 or 3 out of 8 powerful nations of this world will unite, maybe even one would be enough we never now, but what logic suggests is that US gonna get its ass wooped if it tries that.


Feb 14, 2004
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Buffalo, NY
Can we think realisticly please?

First off, The US isnt going to go to a damn war with the entire universe.

Second, If a war DID start it would not be US verse all. England would side with us mainly because they are to weak and would most likly be the first ones attacked.

Third, This whole idea is stupid....... I give up on this pointless argument.


Mar 6, 2003
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ottawa, Canada
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
You no nothing, US isnt supplying most of the grain, give me the link that prooves it. We got enough of our own grain to maintain populaiton. try and proove yourself first then start saying shit. Now another bullshit idea about US being able to conquer the world. Its not powerful enough, its gonna run out of oil, and even if it wouldnt it would still be crushed if 2 or 3 out of 8 powerful nations of this world will unite, maybe even one would be enough we never now, but what logic suggests is that US gonna get its ass wooped if it tries that.
Well i have a sort of rhetorical question for you, if russia supplies the world with so many ressources, why are they not a super power themselves?

I don't have a link, i just remember our teacher in our history/economics calss explaining how canada exports most of its grain to the world since our population does not depand that much. Although once you start posting some links i'll do the same.

The fact that other super powers exist, north america would be like a self sustaining fort. They would not need the outside world. Which means they would not be sucuptible to many tactics of warfare.

There is also another issue, what is to say the rest of the world would even cooperate. China may always take the chance to take territory for themselves. With their giganormous army and only land in the way, they would beable to conquer much land before reaching resistance. If they did meet any resistance, the world would be fighting north america and china. I just don't see how it would be possible for them to win. All america would have to do is take out the few supplies that the world has. bomb a few farms, couple oil piplines, put subs into shipping routes.

A hungry country hurts no one.

Originally posted by Jiggy
Can we think realisticly please?

First off, The US isnt going to go to a damn war with the entire universe.

Second, If a war DID start it would not be US verse all. England would side with us mainly because they are to weak and would most likly be the first ones attacked.

Third, This whole idea is stupid....... I give up on this pointless argument.
That is another idea you are forgetting russian guy, England is the ally(read: friend) of both Canada(i seem to remember something about us sharing a queen? o yah we are one of there colonies) and America(we all know blair can't stop kissing bush's ass).


Feb 14, 2004
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Buffalo, NY
I think if another world war is to star it will be the US, England, Germany, Russia, France (not that they matter anyway) against China, and North Korea. Im not exactly sure where Japan falls into all this but im sure it would have a role to play as well. Assuming that Japan Does not side with China the war would be over quite fast. Masses of troops is no match for the well trained armies of the US and England. North Korea wouldnt even really contribute very much to the cause. However, If Japan Sided with China (highly unlikily) the war would last quite a bit longer and be more costly for the allies.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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otmorosok this question is for you.........

im curious who do u think really ended The nazis attack upon all europe?

Undead Cheese

Aug 3, 2003
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Alright, first off with the whole United States running out of oil deal... We're talking about the U.S. fighting the other "super powers" in the world, and the U.S. just doesn't happen to get it's oil from those countries typically, as it usually comes from the middle east. Now, in a war of such large scales, the demand for oil will be a big plus for the middle east, and ignoring America's demand for oil would be economic suicide. There, oil crisis solved. As for all your list of automobiles that the U.S. wouldn't have, who cares about companies like Honda or Mitsubishi? We still have car companies like Ford and GM.

Now, for your list of super powers... (Otmorosok)

United Kingdom = They'd probably be our allies before they decided to declare war on us.

France = ROFL!!!!

Russia = Probably the biggest "threat," but since the United States does have the largest and most influencial economy in the ENTIRE WORLD, any country cut off from our exports WILL suffer in some way or another, especially in Russia's case since they aren't exactly economically dependent.

China = They spend about 1/5 in comparison with the United States on their military.

I'm surprised Germany wasn't on your list of "super powers."


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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for christ sake ~Canuck~, your horrific debating skills have forced me to come out of retirement to post one more time.
arguing about grain and fish when if you did a tiny bit of research you would have found out that Canada is the world greatest producer of uranium and has huge untapped oil reserves.

"link, or for those with a.d.d. just read the quote below

"Canada continued to be the largest producer, with a 1999 output of 8 214 tU, or 25.2% of the world total"

link, or read the quote

"The USGS added the oil sands to the world's reserves recently, making Canada the second-largest holder of reserves after Saudi Arabia."

don't make me come in here again.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Undead Cheese
Alright, first off with the whole United States running out of oil deal... We're talking about the U.S. fighting the other "super powers" in the world, and the U.S. just doesn't happen to get it's oil from those countries typically, as it usually comes from the middle east. Now, in a war of such large scales, the demand for oil will be a big plus for the middle east, and ignoring America's demand for oil would be economic suicide. There, oil crisis solved. As for all your list of automobiles that the U.S. wouldn't have, who cares about companies like Honda or Mitsubishi? We still have car companies like Ford and GM.

Now, for your list of super powers... (Otmorosok)

United Kingdom = They'd probably be our allies before they decided to declare war on us.

France = ROFL!!!!

Russia = Probably the biggest "threat," but since the United States does have the largest and most influencial economy in the ENTIRE WORLD, any country cut off from our exports WILL suffer in some way or another, especially in Russia's case since they aren't exactly economically dependent.

China = They spend about 1/5 in comparison with the United States on their military.

I'm surprised Germany wasn't on your list of "super powers."
Money doesn't really matter. Ever heard of the eurofighter?(britain france and germany I think) It's faster, more manuverable and 3 times cheaper than the f-22 raptor and it is already in production and has been for a while.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Originally posted by ~Canuck~
Well i have a sort of rhetorical question for you, if russia supplies the world with so many ressources, why are they not a super power themselves?

I don't have a link, i just remember our teacher in our history/economics calss explaining how canada exports most of its grain to the world since our population does not depand that much. Although once you start posting some links i'll do the same.

The fact that other super powers exist, north america would be like a self sustaining fort. They would not need the outside world. Which means they would not be sucuptible to many tactics of warfare.

There is also another issue, what is to say the rest of the world would even cooperate. China may always take the chance to take territory for themselves. With their giganormous army and only land in the way, they would beable to conquer much land before reaching resistance. If they did meet any resistance, the world would be fighting north america and china. I just don't see how it would be possible for them to win. All america would have to do is take out the few supplies that the world has. bomb a few farms, couple oil piplines, put subs into shipping routes.

A hungry country hurts no one.

That is another idea you are forgetting russian guy, England is the ally(read: friend) of both Canada(i seem to remember something about us sharing a queen? o yah we are one of there colonies) and America(we all know blair can't stop kissing bush's ass).
To answer your first question we are a superpower. You owuld need outside world, you need the trade, the resources, and i am still waiting for you to find a website there it says that US supplies most of the world with grain. Are you talking about Canada or US, can you please specify, what do you mean by "we"
Well no link, no argument, if a country cant fed its own people than it is overpopulated, Canada needs to trade with the rest of the world as much as US does, and Canada isnt that powerful anyway, Its not a superpower, Russia i remind you is.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
Americans are steadily getting ****ier and ****ier now. Hitler failed, because, he was stupid. He shouldn't of tried to take on 2 superpowers at once, he should of let them duke it out then conquer them. America wouldn't win against several countries let alone the whole world.
Wasn't Hitler fault that America entered the war, t'was the Japaneses.

Anyway, America is not an Empire, or at least not a conqueror one, in strenght of arms. It's way more subtile that that :)

And America wouldn't stand a chance if it were fighting other countries. I mean, with a small war on Iraq you almost lost all your budget, what would happen against the entire world?


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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It wern't exactly the japs fault, I mean if hitler just stayed low for a while and let America and russia twat eachother he could of conquered the world.

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