Sorry, it's been a while.
. arent typhoons russian nuclear submarines?
No. Typhoon = eurofighter. They have been out for a while now. It is the decendant of the British "hurricane".
3. yup, so the eurofighter can fly all the way to the u.s. and bypass america's air force? yeah, a squadron of eurofighters will definately take over the u.s.
I never said that, but it wouldn't be hard to breach U.S airspace.
we didnt come just to get al-quaeda. we also went there to oust the taliban, which was supporting terrorist groups. And didn't you say that Russia "practically built Afghanistan"? So after being built up by Russia, having 10 years of relative peace, and being supplied with U.S. training and equipment, how was 2002 Afghanistan weaker than when the Soviets were there???
The war had MASSIVE effects on afghanistan and there are many other reasons why they wern't as strong. You didn't fight the whole country and you had help and cooperation of other countries but then you were very scared of the soviets so you had to help the afghanistans. At least they had the power to last 10 years, I really doubt the U.S would be able to do that with Iraq.
How is using depleted uranium shells for more effective projectile weapons going against the geneva convention. and last I heard, great britain has also been using them.
Off what/who?
Ever hear about accidents or screw-ups?
They have very advanced bombing systems, it wasn't a accident. You would hurt the civilians to make it a bit harder for the soilders. They would just take water from civilians.
America has freedom of speech and freedom of the press, so any slight brutality will be reported and extorted out of proportion. Russia, on the other hand, can torture thousands of civilians, stage mass executions, and get away with it.
How did Iraq get away with it? Oh yeah, you were best mates with saddam and you supplied him weapons to shoot at your own soilders just to make a pretty penny.
You say Russia isn't the entire world, but you also said that Russia and a few surrounding countries (Lithuania? Latvia? Finland?) can take on the U.S. and win.
You woudn't be able to invade them and visa-versa.
Ha! And Germany sat on 3/4 of Europe (and gained that land in under 2 years) and only lost after Hitler took on 2 superpowers at once (3 if you include Great Britain). If he had been tactful enough to crush the Soviet Union without risking having a western front, he and Japan could have teamed up on or threatened the U.S. into submission, because no one else in the REST OF THE WORLD could have challenged him... the rest of the world was either too weak, was allied with Germany, or was neutral.
They would've done the same to America if they were in the right place. They were very powerful and that shows not how America > the world because it was hitler that was kicking ass, not America. It just shown how powerful europe was/is.
And Germany wasn't even clearly the dominant country in the world before WWII started. Think about what the U.S. can do if it has a strong leader. If America were to gain control of most of Europe either through alliances, attrition, or military force, then the rest of the world shouldn't be that hard to subdue. In fact, if Europe were gone, most of the countries in the rest of the world would probably join the U.S.
That would never happen. The countries are very independant from the U.S. Your president never will and doesn't control the countries. You just can't do it.
We can then be like "Oh, we're pulling all of our troops from Taiwan and South Korea. Bosnia, take care of yourself. Liberia, Haiti, bye bye! United Nations, we're leaving and taking our allies with us. And oh yes, UN, we're booting you out of New York." Then what do you think will happen? China will invade Taiwan, North Korea will invade South Korea, and much of the world will be fighting amongst themselves. (I doubt Japan will stand by to see China become more imperialistic).
If China invades Tawian (which wouldn't happen) what do you think would happen? China which could esily become a superpower would get even stronger.
Then, with the world weakened (except for our allies and the neutral countries, and us gathering resources while the rest of the world is fighting, we can quickly crush our main opposition (France, Germany, Russia, etc.). If Europe is subdued, then most of the world will join the U.S. They're opportunists, but are too weak to challenge America in any way.
Oh please you couldn't take them 3 countries. SIMPLE!!! Even 1v1 you wouldn't/couldn't invade them countries. The rest of the world wouldn't be fighting because there would be no reason to.
How do all of your soldiers have guns? They're being sold on the black market for food! (look at my link in one of my posts above). Russia can't even maintain their submarines and artillery because of a lack of money.
They have guns and enough to sell some. Btw YOU SELL ****ING GUNS TOO. How did you overlook that fact so blantently?
And if the U.S. gains allies and support from other countries, what's Russia gonna do? Attack the U.S.? Not likely, at least not until the U.S. attacks Russia, and by that time, it'll be too late.
What the ****? All they have to do is stay defensive and you won't be able to conquer the world.
How much weight do you think the U.N. would hold if the U.S. and its allies left?
If the U.S left then there would still be Britain, France, Russia to name a few so yea I think the U.N would hold a lot of power.
You talk as if Russians are some sort of super-human race. They are still humans. If they are starving for long enough, they will surrender just like everyone else. This way, we don't even have to go to Russia to defeat it.
The U.S only provides a fraction of Russia's supplys. If you stop giving them then other other countries will increase foreign aid.
South America can't do shit. Africa can't do shit. The rest of North America can't do shit. The Middle East can't do shit. Asia would be fighting amongst themselves.
How the **** do you know that? Middle east can't do shit? Look at Iraq. You're there but you are paying a heavy price. They don't need conventional warfare, all they need is people that hate you. Strap a bomb and run into you. Simple they will ****ing kill you no matter what. They will go at you with kitchen knives if they have to. You can't deal with that shit.
Iraq had the fourth largest army in the world before the war,
Bullshit, they had largely outdated and rusting technology. They had no airforce to speak of, they had no seaforce....
and was supplied with Russian technology.
Very old tanks and ak-47s......
And it's not like the time of Napoleon, where peasants can kill soldiers with rocks and flint rifles. Even if millions of Russians rise up, it'll be massacre and you know it. Machine guns can take out whole crowds before the peasants could do any damage to our soldiers.
It doesn't matter. You go into a town then there will be people that will blow themselves up on you. You go into a house, and they will stab you and hold you as a hostage.
If half of your soldiers starve to death, what do you think that's going to do to morale?
But they won't. There are other countries than the U.S but you don't seem to realise that. If Russia has a problem because a country that provides a mere fraction of their food decides to stop then OTHER COUNTRIES WILL HELP THEM. Ever heard of humanitarian?
Yeah, and Russia has been known to just throw troops at their enemies. Who's wasteful now? Germany lost about 6 million people in WWII, and how many did Russia alone lose? About twice that amount??
1) I'm not Russian you f*ck tard. 2) They had to do that! So it wasn't wastefull. It wasn't soilders fighting the germans it was civilians.
That means that about 27% of Russia's agricultural products (overall), comes from America, Europe, or Asia, and more than 20% of Russian FOOD ONLY, are imported.
The U.S also imports much supplies from other nations.
they would lose about 15% of their food source,
And gain it from other countries.
America is more corrupt than Russia, it should be a fact.
America cannot take the world. No one can. No one has enough power.