The American Empire


Mar 6, 2003
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
To answer your first question we are a superpower. You owuld need outside world, you need the trade, the resources, and i am still waiting for you to find a website there it says that US supplies most of the world with grain. Are you talking about Canada or US, can you please specify, what do you mean by "we"
Well no link, no argument, if a country cant fed its own people than it is overpopulated, Canada needs to trade with the rest of the world as much as US does, and Canada isnt that powerful anyway, Its not a superpower, Russia i remind you is.

QUOTE]Originally posted by Kamikaze
for christ sake ~Canuck~, your horrific debating skills have forced me to come out of retirement to post one more time.
arguing about grain and fish when if you did a tiny bit of research you would have found out that Canada is the world greatest producer of uranium and has huge untapped oil reserves.

"link, or for those with a.d.d. just read the quote below

"Canada continued to be the largest producer, with a 1999 output of 8 214 tU, or 25.2% of the world total"

link, or read the quote

"The USGS added the oil sands to the world's reserves recently, making Canada the second-largest holder of reserves after Saudi Arabia."

don't make me come in here again.

I don't know i sorta thought i met read his post. . .

and yah my debating skills are teh suck.

O and btw otto is russian an ally of america? because if so then then there are only two actual superpowers by definition in the world anymore.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
It wern't exactly the japs fault, I mean if hitler just stayed low for a while and let America and russia twat eachother he could of conquered the world.
When Japan, Italy and Germany made formed the Axis, one of the rules was that they would defend each other. When the Japan atacked the US on Pearl Harbor, and the US declared war on them, Hitler was forced to declare war on US as well. You see, he needed Japan to hold the Russian forces (the one cause why WWII was won, I agree with Otmorosk here) on their Eastern shores.

If he didn't declare war, Japan would not have helped them with Russia, and the war would have ended much earlier. As he wanted to win it, he had to declare war on Japan.


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by ~Canuck~
QUOTE]Originally posted by Kamikaze
for christ sake ~Canuck~, your horrific debating skills have forced me to come out of retirement to post one more time.
arguing about grain and fish when if you did a tiny bit of research you would have found out that Canada is the world greatest producer of uranium and has huge untapped oil reserves.

"link, or for those with a.d.d. just read the quote below

"Canada continued to be the largest producer, with a 1999 output of 8 214 tU, or 25.2% of the world total"

link, or read the quote

"The USGS added the oil sands to the world's reserves recently, making Canada the second-largest holder of reserves after Saudi Arabia."

don't make me come in here again.

I don't know i sorta thought i met read his post. . .

and yah my debating skills are teh suck.

O and btw otto is russian an ally of america? because if so then then there are only two actual superpowers by definition in the world anymore.

And how is that, super powers can be allied, UK and France are superpowers, so is Russia, i read that there are total of 8 of them in the world.


Feb 14, 2004
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Buffalo, NY
Personally I would not call France a superpower just because its France. In all other recent conflicts France has pussied out.

The whole idea of the US taking on the rest of the world is obsurd. We would have more allies than most other countrys.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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When Japan, Italy and Germany made formed the Axis, one of the rules was that they would defend each other. When the Japan atacked the US on Pearl Harbor, and the US declared war on them, Hitler was forced to declare war on US as well. You see, he needed Japan to hold the Russian forces (the one cause why WWII was won, I agree with Otmorosk here) on their Eastern shores.

If he didn't declare war, Japan would not have helped them with Russia, and the war would have ended much earlier. As he wanted to win it, he had to declare war on Japan.
I'm just saying if hitler delayed his attack he could of conquered the world. Russia and America were bound to start something. If hitler stayed put then pearl habour wouldn't of happened, the japs figured that the U.S would be brought into it sooner or later so they made a pre- (darn forgot the word) attack to take out a lot of the yanks navy. Though you are right but we have no clue what would of happened.

EDIT: Nice one kamikaze but the U.S wouldn't take canada without a fight and most likely canada would get a lot of support from other countrys as it wouldn't be the aggressor.


Feb 14, 2004
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Buffalo, NY
Canada would get crushed by the US, if it was alone. Canada would have the backing of Europoe because it is a colony of England.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Originally posted by TrongaMonga

And America wouldn't stand a chance if it were fighting other countries. I mean, with a small war on Iraq you almost lost all your budget, what would happen against the entire world?
Lost all of our budget?????? were the hell did u get that at? when a country goes to war the economy thrives! good example would be our depression ened when we went to war.


Nov 12, 2003
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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
I'm just saying if hitler delayed his attack he could of conquered the world.
No he really could'nt've.
He had neither the manpower nor the technology. He refused to acknowledge the Navy as a legitimate part of war, he never developed strong warships. He refused to use a technology that would have given him the best fighters in the world. And most of all, he was stupid. He made stupid attacks and made stupid decisions.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Originally posted by NTS
Lost all of our budget?????? were the hell did u get that at? when a country goes to war the economy thrives! good example would be our depression ened when we went to war.

It was an exageration to express that if against around 0.5% of the world population, or whatever it is, your economy has gone down the hill, though it will recover, imagine what it would be against 99.5% of the world population.


Feb 14, 2004
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Buffalo, NY
Germany definatly did have a strong navy. Ever hear of the ship called the Bismark? Yea that ship would owen the crap out of any one ship.


Nov 12, 2003
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Originally posted by Jiggy
Germany definatly did have a strong navy. Ever hear of the ship called the Bismark? Yea that ship would owen the crap out of any one ship.
Ok. They had the Bismark, very nice.
Germany had 0 carriers, a max of 5 Battleships, 7 cruisers, and a mere 22 Destroyers. The only real threat was the U-Boats, which I must admit, hurt the Alliesquite badly.

Even so, Britian alone had a MUCH stronger Navy than Germany. With America/France, it is a slaughter.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Hmm, not quite, the Kriegsmarine (German Navy) was known to be weak in WWII. Only the Luftwaffe and the Army (both Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery) were very good.

Though Bismark was supposed to be one hell of a ship, it was sunk (after destroyins UK best ship ;)). That was a blow to German morale as well.


Posted at the same time Lights did, and, yup, frankly only the U-Boats were anything good there. As any good submarine where there's almost no way to detect it :)


BattleForums Senior Member
May 20, 2003
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USA California
Hmmm... I'd have to agree... the USA has a high chance of creaming the rest of the world if it really wanted to.

This is not a good thing and we should not be proud of it. In fact, this shows a lacking in the balance of world power where one country could bully the US has already done. This extra power leads to corruption of our leaders, getting them to capitalize on this power.

Why I say the USA could cream the rest of the world?
Well look at it this way...
The only great losses that America ever suffered in War was in

Notice: "Great Losses" not small battles...

The American army has experienced the most extremes on the combat field. They have went through jungle and cold.

Also, the American government is one of those countries that invests a great deal in their military. So we've got hi-tech arsenal in our pockets.

Desert Storm was a demonstration of our power. We quickly owned those guys...

'nuff said.


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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Originally posted by Induhvidual_1
Why I say the USA could cream the rest of the world?
Well look at it this way...
The only great losses that America ever suffered in War was in

you forgot the war of 1812

The American army has experienced the most extremes on the combat field. They have went through jungle and cold.

the canadian army trains in the artic, where you don't see the sun for months and it gets so cold that any vehicles you bring with you must run 24 hours a day or the oil freezes soild. i'm assuming the russian army face similar weather.

Desert Storm was a demonstration of our power. We quickly owned those guys...

LOL!! yeah, it's really hard to destroy WWII era tanks with todays technology. do you even think before you post?
i've never laughed so hard in my entire life... this must be the most egotistical thread in the history of the forums. the fact that it has been completely perpetuated by what seems to be a boundless patriotism fueled ignorance is completely overshadowed by the fact that you guys actually believe the drivel you're spouting off.

for the sake of the future generations, please get off the internet and read a book.

this thread should be disassembled and incinerated before the shear weight of all this bullshit collapses in on itself, creating an intelligence sucking black hole that will render us all incapable of anything more than mindlessly drooling all over ourselves.
stop for a second and let the horrors of a world full of Jessica Simpsons sink in.
be afraid... be very afraid.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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LOL!! yeah, it's really hard to destroy WWII era tanks with todays technology. do you even think before you post?
Just in case you didn't know, the US supplied most of Iraq's weapons.

Migs and SCUD missles aren't exactly WWII era.

And saying that, wars aren't won by weapons. Economies win wars. How many weapons you can crank out///buy all comes down to economic progress. Hence why the US has been dominant, and countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan haven't. Economy. Russia's economy is making a comeback, but the Ruble is still 1/28th of a US dollar, and their GDP per capita isn't even close to the US's (about 10,000 against the US's 37,000). Economically right now, they are in no position to challange the US to an all out war without more allies. So if your Russian "army" wanted to come over here and invade, I'm pretty sure that we'd smoke your ass because:

A) our weapons are technologically superior
B) we could sustain a war effort longer
C) more people would ally with us
D) you would sink on the way over here like the Kursk [/low blow]

Now seriously, this is THE dumbest thread I have ever read. Just the fact that I am posting seriously in it makes me lose respect for myself.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Originally posted by c9h13no3
Just in case you didn't know, the US supplied most of Iraq's weapons.

Migs and SCUD missles aren't exactly WWII era.

wars. How many weapons you can crank out///buy all comes down to economic progress. Hence why the US has been dominant, and countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan haven't. Economy. Russia's economy is making a comeback, but the Ruble is still 1/28th of a US dollar, and their GDP per capita isn't even close to the US's (about 10,000 against the US's 37,000). Economically right now, they are in no position to challange the US to an all out war without more allies. So if your Russian "army" wanted to come over here and invade, I'm pretty sure that we'd smoke your ass because:

A) our weapons are technologically superior
B) we could sustain a war effort longer
C) more people would ally with us
D) you would sink on the way over here like the Kursk [/low blow]

Now seriously, this is THE dumbest thread I have ever read. Just the fact that I am posting seriously in it makes me lose respect for myself.
Hey, this thread is about US trying to invade the world. We dont need to invade you, we got more resources, and more land so what would be the point? Now your weapon are not technologically advanced, and if you would try to invade us then you gonna get kicked out in a couple of months, becasue our army is larger, our technology is in some ways better (Jet fighters, Tanks, automatic rifles, artillery), if we try to invade you we would probably end up in an economic crisis, no matter if we win or loose, but if we decide to invade you then we gonna have to have an important reason, you are our ally by the way, and we dont wanna loose any, besides, it will cot us many lives, and for reason of not defending b ut expanding and that is always bad for morale. Although we would have a pretty good chance of winning if we invaded you, and if no other naitions interfered. Europe will probably follow Russia, they need the oil.

Originally posted by Induhvidual_1
Hmmm... I'd have to agree... the USA has a high chance of creaming the rest of the world if it really wanted to.

This is not a good thing and we should not be proud of it. In fact, this shows a lacking in the balance of world power where one country could bully the US has already done. This extra power leads to corruption of our leaders, getting them to capitalize on this power.

Why I say the USA could cream the rest of the world?
Well look at it this way...
The only great losses that America ever suffered in War was in

Notice: "Great Losses" not small battles...

The American army has experienced the most extremes on the combat field. They have went through jungle and cold.

Also, the American government is one of those countries that invests a great deal in their military. So we've got hi-tech arsenal in our pockets.

Desert Storm was a demonstration of our power. We quickly owned those guys...

'nuff said.
Lol, well first, you cant, second Iraq can be kicked by any superpower, third you are not the only hi-tech once, other nations are as, or sometimes more hi-tech, Russia for example, our SU-37 can own anyy of your plains, opur tanks are as good, our subs are less senkable. You dont have a lot of great looses cause you are too young. nuff, said.


Nov 12, 2003
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Before we move further, insulting everyone in this thread, let us go back and think about the reason for this. The creator, DB, never said we could defeat the rest of the world, at least not in the title post (I dont think he said it anywhere, but Im not sure). He merely said that we could "take-on", which is the truth. We could take on the rest of the world realistically and do about as good as Hitler. We would not defeat the whole world, most people should realize this.

But it seems people have forgotten the second half of the reason for this thread. Do you think America is a modern-day empire? By definition, I believe it could be considered one.

Dont listen to the mindless idiots who believe we could completely "pwnz0r teh resst of teh w0rld". We wouldnt. Lets stop with the insults and post with a likeness of civility.


Jun 15, 2003
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Kamikaze is smart, lread his posts.

And to everyone saying US gets most of their oil from this middle east, have you looked this up? If you have then correct me but it would make much more sense to import oil from the other two North American nations right beside them (Canada and Mexico) would it not?

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