Devenar: I say we continue on this quest to find, what was it again?.. Ah yes, the Tekblade. One moment...
*Devenar pulls out the eye of a beholder, a font of water, and forms a small pond on the ground, he looks in each one in turn, staring intensely.*
Devenar: I cannot find it, i have a vauge feeling of where it is, but......Aphra, assist me! I need you to channel your energies into this font of water, concentrate on this blade we are searching for, put everything into it you can.
*Devenar puts away the eye and looks deeply into the font and the Blade appears, not the actual blade, but its location in the font, revealed through scying*
Devenar: Whoever holds this blade must not have guarded it very well against Scrying. Prepare yourselves to Windwalk, its a harmless procedure, but i must tell you, it can be a shock the irst time. While i prepare, gather your belongings, for our next stop is the residence of the Tekblade.
*Devenar begins drawing a circle on the ground and making arcane gestures*