*Devenar gets far enough away that his spell will not be interupted*
Devenar: One more thing young wayward, you forget, I am no mere spellcaster, I carry a complete arsenal.
*Devenar cast Sanctuary, the Spithriku, try as they might, cannot harm him*
Devenar: Maybe I'll just take a little rest...
*Devenar slumps to the ground, after a few minutes of trying to breach his sanctuary, the Spithriku turn their attention back tot he others, one unleashes a Choas Lightning, which Vesquire is barely able to dodge*
Devenar: Turning your back on an enemy is never a good idea.
*Devenar stands, glowing in a red light, just finished casting Heal on himself. devenar starts aking gestures which see to be niether Arcane nor Divine*
Devenar: The powers of the alchemical, arcane, and divine all focus on one point, ME!
*energy swirls from the surroundings and forms a small ball in his hands, The Hellball, only usable by spellcasters well versed in the Art, or after extreme concentration, which would cause insanity in most*
Devenar: Lets see you ignore this!
*Devenar hurls the Hellball straight at one of the Spithriku. Acid, Lightning, Fire, Ice, and a thundering roar fill the room. The Spithriku that was hit directly slowly fades out of existance, the rest fall to the ground in pain, injured, but not defeated. The remanants swirling around the room like a miniature storm, almost hitting his allies, but swirving around them as if under complete control*
Devenar: Its like a little Storm of Vengeance huh?
*The three shards immediately begin glow once again, Devenar slowly moving faster and faster as he smacks one of the Spithriku around with The Rod, which has once again grown large blades on each end*