Quitting smoking

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Jim Morrison

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Jul 11, 2003
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sometimes, you need to respond with arrogance...it gets the message accross better.
You see, uncle vanya is a feeble weakling...If I were his father I would have him publicly flogged for his failure to take care of his health. Peasants like him should not be babied, they should be treated with disrespect because they are too incompetent realize the consequences of their actions.
Never use the internet again, because you're addicted.


i suggest you to totally quit it! i know its hard, but its for your own good!! once you totally get it out to your system..its really a great feeling!!:D


Гражданин СССР
Dec 26, 2007
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Raleigh, NC
sometimes, you need to respond with arrogance...it gets the message accross better.
You see, uncle vanya is a feeble weakling...If I were his father I would have him publicly flogged for his failure to take care of his health. Peasants like him should not be babied, they should be treated with disrespect because they are too incompetent realize the consequences of their actions.
Kid you seriously do not understand what you are talking about, so be quiet, you're embarrassing yourself.

Barney Stinson

Suit up
Jun 9, 2003
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. You see, if it was heroin, it is a different story. You can't just stop cold turkey because your body will go through serious side effects.
You'd be surprised. First 72 hours suck dick but you're pretty much fine after that.

Cobalt Wolf

New & improved!
Nov 7, 2002
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Actually, now that I think of it, I have a friend who hasn't smoked in at
least 10 years and occassionally she will say she still wants a smoke.
I suppose some people never quite get over it. :(

Ok this is gettin depressing. I'm done on this thread.


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Aug 17, 2003
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Kid you seriously do not understand what you are talking about, so be quiet, you're embarrassing yourself.
I fully understand what im talking about...I've hung out with many smokers and the reason they started was because of peer pressure or mere stupidity. If you actually realize that you do not have the willpower to stop, then that should further fuel your attempts. I'm not saying it's easy...But sometimes that makes it more worthwhile...
Many of my friends have quit cold turkey...I do not see why you can't. Do you have a psychological disorder? Are you an animal that acts only upon pleasure instincts? Do you not care about your health?
So stop arguing with me and throw ur pack of cigs away...Actually keep 1 in the box and let it sit there. Chew gum, play with ur balls, occupy urself and try to contain ur rage....

RoaCh of DisCord

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May 17, 2003
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I'm not saying it's easy..
Uh yeah, actually you are..

You are a weakling. How can you live with yourself? It's really simple
See.. Simple = easy. It isn't simple.

Many of my friends have quit cold turkey...I do not see why you can't. Do you have a psychological disorder? Are you an animal that acts only upon pleasure instincts? Do you not care about your health?
Neat. A) addiction is a psychological disorder, as well as a physical one. B) we're all animals who act upon certain instincts.

And lastly..he does care about his health or he wouldn't be attempting to stop. But that whole "dont you care about your health" argument could be applied to practically anything in life. Eating a cheeseburger, smoking, drinking. Everyone has bad habits. Anyway, you've never smoked (I assume), or atleast you've never been addicted, so I really don't see how any of your arguments are very valid. Having friends who've smoked means nothing.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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yes , i have had no problems with addictions...Because I wasn't stupid enough to get hooked on anything.

If I was though, I assure you that Id quit on the fuckin spot. Especially if it meant taking care of my health. You see, if it was heroin, it is a different story. You can't just stop cold turkey because your body will go through serious side effects.
With cigs, all you need to do is cut it off for the first few days....then it all becomes mental will power.

You are a grown man and this is your health you are dealing with. So cope with your addiction accordingly...Im sorry if I came off as abraisive, but I dont like to sugar coat my comments when it comes to health problems that can be easily resolved.
There's been people who have stopped cold turkey on heroin and stuff.. The story of convulsing and throwing up. Withdraw probably one of the worst ways to go but you're not necessarily going to die 100% of the time from a withdraw;.


Jan 17, 2003
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You are a weakling. How can you live with yourself? It's really simple...just stop reaching for the cig pack. There is no need to make a whole thread.
The same goes for the fat asses that are trying to lose weight...Just close ur mouths more often and exercise. No need to consult a physician or dietician.

People make things so complicated some times.
Spoken like a true webMD expert.


Гражданин СССР
Dec 26, 2007
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Raleigh, NC
I fully understand what im talking about...I've hung out with many smokers and the reason they started was because of peer pressure or mere stupidity. If you actually realize that you do not have the willpower to stop, then that should further fuel your attempts. I'm not saying it's easy...But sometimes that makes it more worthwhile...
Many of my friends have quit cold turkey...I do not see why you can't. Do you have a psychological disorder? Are you an animal that acts only upon pleasure instincts? Do you not care about your health?
So stop arguing with me and throw ur pack of cigs away...Actually keep 1 in the box and let it sit there. Chew gum, play with ur balls, occupy urself and try to contain ur rage....
Eh, like I said, be quiet, your down syndrome came off as silly at first but now it is getting annoying.

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Forum *********
Aug 17, 2003
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Uh yeah, actually you are..

See.. Simple = easy. It isn't simple.

Neat. A) addiction is a psychological disorder, as well as a physical one. B) we're all animals who act upon certain instincts.

And lastly..he does care about his health or he wouldn't be attempting to stop. But that whole "dont you care about your health" argument could be applied to practically anything in life. Eating a cheeseburger, smoking, drinking. Everyone has bad habits. Anyway, you've never smoked (I assume), or atleast you've never been addicted, so I really don't see how any of your arguments are very valid. Having friends who've smoked means nothing.
Look at you getting all technical on me...Very well done! Too bad im not writing a scientific journal...Im posting on the internet to a bunch of sheep...Im not going to clarify what I meant because I know you are smart enough to understand what I was trying to convey...

Uncle Vanya, the more you argue with me, the more power you give your addiction. When you reach for that next cig, make sure you remember how weak you are....

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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It's not scientific it's common sense.

The more he argues with you the more power he gives his addiction? The world doesn't revolve around you, sir. And wow..calling people weak over the Internet. Dood stop, i'm scared you might beat me up and steal my e-lunch money. Seriously, you don't sound tough, you just sound incredibly uneducated and stupid.


Forum *********
Aug 17, 2003
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It's not scientific it's common sense.

The more he argues with you the more power he gives his addiction? The world doesn't revolve around you, sir. And wow..calling people weak over the Internet. Dood stop, i'm scared you might beat me up and steal my e-lunch money. Seriously, you don't sound tough, you just sound incredibly uneducated and stupid.
You are part of the weak sheep herd too...I forgive you. I do not usually spend much of my time conversing with peasants; however, i see that some are feeble and need help from superior capable beings like myself. I thought I could reach out to the will power buried deep within you...However, it seems as though this power is nonexistant. May a shepherd enter your life and guide you towards the right path...


Гражданин СССР
Dec 26, 2007
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Raleigh, NC
Look at you getting all technical on me...Very well done! Too bad im not writing a scientific journal...Im posting on the internet to a bunch of sheep...Im not going to clarify what I meant because I know you are smart enough to understand what I was trying to convey...

Uncle Vanya, the more you argue with me, the more power you give your addiction. When you reach for that next cig, make sure you remember how weak you are....
QuickSilver, just in spite of what you are saying I am going to smoke a cig every half an hour now. Stop being an idiot, this is like talking to a fucking 12 year old. This doesn't impact you what so ever, its my funeral, you won't be attending it. So be quiet, you have no clue about any of this. Then some idiotic punk ass bitch is trying to tell me what to do, I don't want to do what they tell me, I want to beat the living shit out of them.

You are part of the weak sheep herd too...I forgive you. I do not usually spend much of my time conversing with peasants; however, i see that some are feeble and need help from superior capable beings like myself. I thought I could reach out to the will power buried deep within you...However, it seems as though this power is nonexistant. May a shepherd enter your life and guide you towards the right path...
Hey jerk off, who the fuck are you? You take that misplaced arrogance of yours and shove it up your anus. Stop trolling my thread you lowly piece of shit.

Honestly where the fuck do you people get these lunatics?

Barney Stinson

Suit up
Jun 9, 2003
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