yes , i have had no problems with addictions...Because I wasn't stupid enough to get hooked on anything.
If I was though, I assure you that Id quit on the fuckin spot. Especially if it meant taking care of my health. You see, if it was heroin, it is a different story. You can't just stop cold turkey because your body will go through serious side effects.
With cigs, all you need to do is cut it off for the first few days....then it all becomes mental will power.
You are a grown man and this is your health you are dealing with. So cope with your addiction accordingly...Im sorry if I came off as abraisive, but I dont like to sugar coat my comments when it comes to their health problems that can be easily resolved.
No, its not a matter of sugar coating, its you trying to give advice on things you simply don't know about. I can stop smoking for a day and I'll be more or less fine, minus the occasional shaking, everything past that I get really aggressive, like punch you in the face for saying hello aggressive. Basically its kind of like a hang over, but it lasts for days.
I am not trying to come off as offensive either man. Back in the day, 3 years ago, before I started smoking I was kind of like you in my views on the whole thing.
But yeah, I am not too big on willpower then all that needs to be done is waiting. I am good at the other stuff though, pushing myself through two 12 hour shifts of constant manual labor in a row (that included carrying around 50-70 pound bags, carrying a shitload of mats, pushing around 400 pound carts, literally digging shit with a shovel, and of course my favorite at 4 AM in the morning, getting bit by fucking red ants crawling all over the steaming piles of shit I am digging) now thats more my style.