New Map (Continued)


May 18, 2003
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My house
well u im'd me so we can talk like that... ok good now i can't show u the map since demon is doing it but yeah..


Feb 26, 2003
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dude.. plz get AIM


while demon is making terrain we should be thinking of names and stuff. also is this gunna be an entire campaign or just 1 custom game map???

also some1 could be working on units and balancing cause u can export/import those

name ideas...


May 18, 2003
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My house
Ok bout what x0rcist said:

It's 1 custom game map, i know it sounds weird to have it all on one map, but online you can't move from one map to another.

Units: we are going to keep most of the names for normal units, i think that's the most reasonable way to do that, but, many of the heroes will need new names. Since this is becoming a 7 player map, we will need at least 9 undead, elf, orc, and 5 human heroes. I think that's possible. Some units will need completely new names, but we can mess around with it all till we get it right.


May 18, 2003
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My house
nope u didn't.

Back to terrain: Demon, can you work on it tonight? If so, post up what you did in the morning tommorow, i'll dl it and look it over, i'll make my changes, then i'll write up a report bout what should b changed, then we can have someone else finish what we did.

Quests: We need quests!! anyone who's read my whole stroyline over should make a list of quests to put into the map.


Feb 26, 2003
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hmmmm.... we shouldnt name it after a person because it would be unfair since we all worked on it:

1) BattleForums Elite RPG

thats good :D


May 18, 2003
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My house
Screw naming it after anything except what it's truly about!!

I like Psycho's "Slave RPG"

On hte topic of making terrain, unless demon gets anywhere, im going to let x0rcist start making his own version, we can always copy things from map to map quite easily.


May 18, 2003
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My house
Ok for whoever ends up making the terrain, my new and improved description of what we need (now more precise on what quests go where)

Strating from the top left corner, going to the top right, then down, then to the left.

Top Left:

The orc ecampment, made up of layers of cliffs, each level is very big, and the top level has a stronghold if you understand what im saying. (Strating with raised ground 1 on a big square, then raised again more towards the midle, 4 lvls is enuf) The bottom level should be HUGE, almost 3/4s of the tpo left of the map.

Middle Top:

The middle top is no longer water because lorderaon summer (our base tileset) doesn't have water, and i guess we don't need it anyways. The areas between encampments are now forests with many paths interwining inside them, the land in the forests can be lowerd and raised in small hills and downhill thingies in any way the map designers want. This top area shouldn't go to far south, because the huge hman encampment takes most of hte space up.

Top right:

The top right is COMPLETELY undead ecampment, the ecampment is a hueg square on a "+2" cliff, so it's quit high. at the very bottom left of the huge square there is a ramp going down. The rest is just hunderds of ziggurats, spirit towers, meat thingies, dead trees, pretty much a whole area of death all over.

Mid Right:

Forest, very open over here, there should be a fountain of health, and in the bottom right a fountain of mana and goblin store here. Once in a while there are groups of neutral units. These will be mostly sleeping later.

Bottom right:

same as mid right, trees, the human camp spreads partially into this area.

Bottom Bottom:

the begginnings of the elf area, this is no dense trees with small paths between them, here and there are clearings with dead campfires.

Bottom Left:

7 large clearings, any amount of other smaller ones. The woods are slightly hilly, not much, but there are bumps here and there, one part leans uphill for a very large area (a large hill)

Mid Left:

Mostly elven area, this stretches towars the center quit e abit.


The human area, this is huge stretching out from the very middle to certain directions. This area has it's own prison, mostly hanging cells, multiple fires, riflemen galore, and footmen like CRZY!! It's a full size human camp.

Quest are in the next post, i have to review the storyline first.


May 18, 2003
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My house
Ok demon convinced me into re-using water, but we're keeping the above thing, water is for defined places only.

Maybe we'll add a river around the orcs later on.

The Scenarios:

Orc Missions:
- Escape the castle with atleast # of orcs
- Find the human encampments and persuade them that you are friendly.
- Aid the humans in attacking the undead fortress
- Escape from the humans back into your own lands (w/aid from the night elves)

- Assimilation:
Gather orcs from the prisons and try to get out of the human base with as many alive as possible.
- (Side quest)
Find the elven leader and convince him to hlep you escape.
- Rescued
Find the human ecampment, and convince them that you are useful by killing their evil undead controlled death knight leader Arthas.
- (Side Quest)
Stop arthas from getting a shipment of dead footman from getting to the undead so they can't summon an extra army of units from it.
- Redemption
With the humans, attack with all your power on the undead fortress scattering their various heroes across the land, chase the surviving heroes into the deep elven territory.
- (Side Quest)
Find the prison and save the surviving elves and orcs from them.
- Last Stand
With help from the elves you helped save, escape from the human ecampment alive (w/hero and other units)
- (No side quest)

Night Elf Missions:
- Pretend to aid the undead in stopping the orcs
- Help create the secret weapon
- Use the secret weapon against the undead
- Escape from the undead and past the humans back to the woods.
- Come back and save the orcs from human imprisonement
Night elf quests:
- Saviors
Talk to the orc leader and help him and the orcs get out, don't let any undead captains or heroes see you in the process.
- (Side Quest)
Destroy all ziggurats on the way out to aid the orcs when they try to get back in.
- Disguise
Fake the creation of a secrte weapon by searching out in the wilderness for a destructive plant, (timed)
- (Side Quest)
Find one extra plant in the woods, one that will create an extra explosive blow
- Mascaraders
Run out into the lines of humans/orcs and tlel the human commander about the weapon. Then use it in the midst of the battle to aid the humans in destroying undead, (it will NOT destroy all the undead, only some)
- (No side quest)
- Murderers
Murder every undead you find anywhere, and then run home to your homeland in the woods, there, the elves will be hostile towards you, convince them you are not undead by running into the human camp, and using the waters of healing on yourself.
- (No side quest)

Undead Missions:
- Find at least 50 orcs and night elves and bring them back to the fortress past hte human defense
- Kill the leaders of the night elves who helped the orcs escape
- Stop the secret weapon from being used against the undead
- Attempt to stop the humans from destroying the undead
- Wait in hiding away from the destroyed fortress while the night elves aid the orcs in escaping the humans, then ravage the human camp as they are sleeping
- Enter night elf territory, and destroy their town to re-establish a base.
Undead Quests:
- Nostalgia
Keep your cool as you ravage through the peaceful orcs and night elf territory as you capture and chain 50+ of each race... Don't get caught by any humans ortheir'll be a bloody massacre everywhere
- (Side Quest)
Capture the leaders of each race and bring them home for a boost in points.
- Explosives (2 part quest)
The night elf leaders are trying to hlep the orcs escape, find them before they get out of your base and kill them.
part 2: They will then try to fake a secret weapon, before they can use it in battle, pull your army back and wait for the bomb to be triggered, then rush in and murder the humans that remain.
- Nightmares for the Nightmares
It's hell in the undead citie, the armies are gone and there's not much left, escape with a small group of bandits out of ht ecitie without the humans or elves ntoicing you. Use a shade to scout for you.
- New Beginnings
Re-establish a base inside the night elf territory, capturing multiple gold mines is essential because many of them will be almost delpleted.
- The Dead Rise
After the orcs and night elves escape from the humans base, rush in with your new army and renew the prophecy of killing the humans for the second time. Using your new "tome of power" you can raaise the long dead bodies of Tichondirius, Mannoroth, Archimonde, Uther the Death Paladin, and Arthas the Death knight.


May 18, 2003
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My house
Ok my comments on the map now:

Nice job with the orc area, we need a few more of those mountains though, maybe 2 or so.

Woah you are good at bridges!! Nicely done!

the Undead area cuold spread westward just a tad more, and the forest their could be a little more spread out with more paths through it.

You forgot to make a prison inside the undead area i think, im not sure where it would be if there was one.

Everything else is nice! Gj!

Im just planning out how we're going to make the game run later on, what is giong to happen and when, how each quest is going to work etc. We may have to create a new set of quests for the night elves, because right now theirs aren't very user interactive.


Jan 22, 2003
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Right behind you,LOOK!!
Ok everybody since I got terribly bored I just decided to edit this map a little bit...I added some green fog to the undead area,made some path's in the undead woods for the orc's and night elve's to escape through...I added some doodads,I also added some rocks and stalagmite to the mountains and I edit the lake by adding some ramps to go down considering it's shallow water(I also added some deep water)and at one place in the water I think it's where the orc's,night elve's and humans could make a secret weapon to defeat the undead.:D Hope you guys like what I can get rid of some doodads if you want:rolleyes :tnt


May 18, 2003
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My house
well i haven't looked at it at all yet since im not on the comp that uses wc3, but i'll check in a moment hold on.

ok a few things bout the new map:

Nicely done with the prison, i didn't have time to see much more else.

This is the new set of scenarios, not the main quests im not finishe editing those to fit the map design yet. The scenarios are now more incorprative of the game itself, they also fit better to quests that would be playable in the game.

The Scenarios:

Orc Missions:
- Find a way to escape from the prison witout being noticed by guards. (Unsure: finding "hidden" goblins inside undead acolytes will help you find your way out)
- Enter the human ecampment at night and destroy their food sources, Once the food is burned come into the camp with a load of food and aid them convincing them you are friends.
- The humans will ask you to aid them in attacking the undead fortress, help them but beware of the "secret weapon" the elves created.
- Escape from the humans back into your own lands (w/aid from the night elves)

Night Elf Missions:
- Without any of the guards seeing you, help the crazed uncontrollable orcs escape the undead. (unsure: go near a sentry tower to control it for a moment aiding the undead in passage)
- Find the spring of life inside the human ecampment and steal water from it (the water area)
- In the midst of the battle, escape from the undead ranks without a guard noicing you, return into the prison and take the secret weapon out, use it when there are the most undead near you.
- After the battle, the undead will retreat, chase them into the woods then run away from them to your homeland.
- Return to the human camp in the midst of the night while the guards are sleeping and attack with your new elvish forces.

Undead Missions:
- Go deep into the orc and elf territory and kill and murder anything you encounter. Take their leaders by surprise by using "back doors" to their kingdoms.
- The orcs will try to escape, find the night elves who are helping them and murder all the orcs before they acn get out. (they are strong orcys)
- In the midst of the battle a group of elves will run out carrying an item, the secret weaopn, before they can drop it kill them all.
- The humans will ravage the undead base with all their strength, protect the base for as long as you can, then escape into the southeast/western areas from the undead base.
- Create a base (each hero has his own) and wait for the chance to battle the humans elves and orcs for revenge.
- If gold supplies are low, attack the elves for their gold mines.
- Finish off the remaining orcs and humans but leave the elves.

New Req. for the night elf territory of the map: Each clearing needs a gold mine, not requiered to have much gold in it. Also, a back door into the main clearing in the middle of the woods is needed (see the undead quests)

New Req. for the orc territory: These aren't dwarves, no gold in this area, but the whole area is farm land, if you'll notice one part of the orc area is a wheat field, having more of these spread acros shte land behind fences would be great for the look of the map. Also, a back "door" into the highest of the orc hills is needed.

Nothing new for undead/humans.

I have a long storyline i can make, but this one is already VERY intense for making a map like this, so i think this is fine. We can always make a part 2 of the map if we really want too ;)

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