My thoughts on homosexaulity


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Aug 6, 2003
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People all facts are not clickable links!!! That is also a fact. If you are so lazy that you have to depend on clickable links for your facts. I feel sorry for you. For you will never be known as to what is going on around you. Like some girls here are!

Sure I can see a homosexual saying those things. But be real of course they would. They will come up any bogus reason to discredit any truths about there kind! The references provided can all be verified. I am sorry to say that it will take some effort looking them up. Your laziness is not a valid reason to discredit the resources!!!

ER,†Fox Network, June 8, 2000. The implication is that such inter-gay violence patients are so well known on the emergency wards of the nation, that even this ultra liberal drama felt compelled to include the handsome, young couple in one of its features. The macho victim was battered for such things as not picking up the cleaning.

[34] See Harry Oosterhuis and Hubert Kennedy, Eds., Homosexuality and Male Bonding in Pre-Nazi Germany, Harrington Park Press, New York, 1991 for a chronicle of the homosexual movement pre-Nazi Germany and its history of “pedagogical eros†in the recruiting of German boys to the “gay life.â€

[35] Id., Robin Lloyd, For Money or Love, p. 15.

[36] Id, at 137, 151.

[37] Toby Marotta: The Politics of Homosexuality: How lesbians and gay men have made themselves a political and social force in modern America, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1981 at 319.

[38] See extensive reports in regular NARTH Bulletins as well as Ray Johnson, “American Psychology: The Political Science, at 53-57.

[39] Betty Berzon, Permanent Partners, E.P. Dutton, New York, 1988, at ix.

[40] Paidika: The Journal of Paedophila, Amsterdam, Volume 2, Number 4, Issue 8, Winter, 1992, at. 83-85.

[41] See David Thibodaux, Political Correctness, The Cloning of the American Mind, Huntington House Publishers, Lafayette, LA, 1992 for extensive documentation of such violations in academe. Thibodaux is a professor at the University of South-western Louisiana. One can see the development of a two-tiered pattern of suppression: (1) Bi/homosexuals at the National Institute of Health or on peer review committees try to quash funding or publication of studies by researchers who appear to have negative findings on homosexuality; 2) Should an occasional study or article of homosexual harms get published (e.g. two articles in the General Annals of Psychiatry in 1999) the press ignores (“spikesâ€) those studies, focusing on those that are favorable to the politically correct point of view.

[42] Camille Paglia, Vamps and Tramps, Vintage Books, New York, 1994, cited in the NARTH Bulletin, August 1996, Vol IV, Number two, by Joseph Berger, at. 1, 12

[43] Statement of Policy for the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), 16542 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 416, Encino, California, 91436, 818 789-4440.

[44] John Gagnon, “Science and the Politics of Pathology,†The Journal of Sex Research, Vol 23, No. 1., February 1987, at 122-124.

[45] See C.F. Turner, H.G. Miller and L.E. Moses, Eds., AIDS and Intravenous Drug Use, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1989, at 79.

[46] Rachel Maines, “Rebel With A Cause,†The New York Times Book Review, April 23, 2000, at 16.

[47] Scott McLemee and Daniel Harris, cited in Salon (, April 15, 2000, at 1, 2.

[48] Daniel Tsang, Ed., The Age Taboo, Alyson Publications, Boston, MA, 1981, Tom Reeves, p. 96.

[49] Id., Reisman, at 40-43.

[50] Id.

[51] Liz Smith, Liz Smith age, September 14, 2000.

[52] See James Jones, Alfred C. Kinsey A Public/Private Life, W.W. Norton, New York, 1997, at 739 and Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy, sex the measure of all things, Chatto & Windus, London, 1998.

[53] Id., Jones esp., at 760-773.

[54] Id., Jones, at 739.

[55] Id., Reisman, at 60.

[56] Id., at 54.

[57] Id., at 104.

[58] Id., Reisman, Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences, see discussion in Chapter 6 and Chapter 8 and the original definition in Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin and Gebhard, Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, W.W. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1953, at 53.

[59] Id., Chapter 7, at 140.

[60] Id., Chapter 7.

[61] Id., at 149.

[62] Id., at 1-322.

[63] Kinsey, Pomeroy and Martin, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, W.W. Saunders & Co., Philadelphia, PA, 1948, at 161.

[64] Gore Vidal in the British BBC “Reputations†video documentary, (broadcast in the USA as “Biography,†Arts & Entertainment) August 14, 1996, in the author’s archive.

[65] Mark Thompson, Ed., Long Road to Freedom. St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1994 at 102.

[66] Id., Reisman, Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences, at 204-211.

[67] Id., Reisman, Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences.

[68] Id., Reisman, see also, Id., Jim Jones and Tim Tate, “Kinsey’s Paedophiles,†Yorkshire television documentary, August 10, 1998, Great Britain; and Bob Knight, “The Children of Table 34,†Family Research Council video documentary, 1995.

[69] Kinsey and team members fit the classic definition of “sexual psychopath: an individual whose sexual behavior is manifestly anti-social and criminal.†dorland’s medical dictionary, 1981, at 1091.

[70] Id., Reisman, see also, Vidal, BBC documentary, “Reputations,†1996.

[71] Judith Reisman, Soft Porn Plays Hardball, Huntington House, Lafayette, LA, 1991, at 36.

[72] Stewart Timmons, the trouble with harry hay, Alyson Publications, Boston, 1990.

[73] The Alyson Almanac, 1994-95, Alyson Publications, Boston, at 24, 152, 1995. See also Stewart Timmons, the trouble with harry hay, Alyson Publications, Boston, 1990.

[74] Id., Alyson Almanac and Harry Hay.

[75] Id., Reisman, Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences, “Kinsey’s Impact upon the Law,†Chapter 8. .

[76] David Allyn, “Private Acts/Public Policy: Alfred Kinsey, the American Law Institute and the Privatization of American Sexual Morality,†Journal of American Studies, 30, 3, 405~428, 1996 Cambridge University Press, 1996, at. 407-409.

[77], “Supreme Court of Canada Told Porn Part of Gay Identity.†March 16, 2000. “The Supreme Court of Canada was recently informed that pornography “is part of the gay identity and should actually be protected,†according to a Reuters report…I think it's been extremely important to our community as well as affirming who and what we are," she added…. ome of the material seized… including one entitled "An Enema From His Father" as well as various SM samplings depicting both gay and lesbian scenes with hot wax, tit clamps, and chains. "In this case the appellants are seeking to create sexual anarchy. If this case is lost, then every Canadian loses some of their freedom to walk the streets in safety," Peter Stock of the Canadian Family Action Coalition told reporters. On the Little Sisters team are the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere (EGALE), the writers group Pen Canada, and the feminist organization LEAF.â€

[78] Dan J. Stein, MB, and Donald W. Black, MD, “The Epidemiology, Psychopharmacology, and Neurobiology of Compulsive Sexual Behavior,†Neuropsychiatry of Hypersexuality, Psychopharmacologic Treatments for Nonparaphilic Compulsive Sexual Behaviors, January 2000, Volume 5, Number 1, p. 18. See also the essay on “The Epidemiology and Phenomenology of Compulsive Sexual Behavior†by Donald Black, MD, who cites to the Kinsey “data†on total sexual outlet (TSO), using these “data†as the touchstone for normal sexual conduct. “Kinsey et al, who developed the concept of TSO, reported that the median TSO was 2.14 for men from adolescence through age 30 years, and 1.99 for all men


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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You know DateRape your right some Homos rape little children and try and transfer strait people into being gay...
4% of the world's population prefers homosexuality (My History teacher was giving all these stats this was one) I would say out of that 24,000,000 around 5,000 are child rapist and shit, I know that their are more than 5,000 rape and child molestation cases per year So I am assuming the other vast amount is done by so called strait people...

As for the rest of your propaganda it is total bullshit, getting information from the far religous right isnt called data it is called propaganda.
Thats like saying what the Nazi's said was true, the spread lots of proaganda about fags and Jews to make people hate them.

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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You're getting your information from somewhere, so just give me the link of where you're getting it. Real simple. I don't have the time to verify all those references you gave. Some of them don't even provide enough info to verify them.

But I did decide to check out #47, at I did a search for the ppl mentioned in the reference, couldn't find them. Articles on are by individual writers, and all differ in opinion. Like this one, which is supportive of my arguement:

But you can quote all the articles, and nutjob writers, and biased newspapers you want, because I have supportive statements from well established organisations such as:

American Psychological Association

University of Washington's Gay, Bi, Lesbian, Transgender Commision

National Association of School Psychologists

American Counsiling Association

American Psychiatric Association via The Body


And a detailed essay reafirming all of my sources at:

So, quote all the book pages you want, nutjob commentators, magizine and newspaper articles and biased organisations you want. Fact is, more ppl will trust the collective wisdom and expertise of well established medical organisations over the ramblings of a buncha nutjobs.

Perhaps when you post the site where you're getting your info from, your arguement will be taken more seriously.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2003
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heh heh those are all nutjob cases! Not to mention all baised doctors spreading their propaganda. What a maroon! You crack me up. Dont expect me to do you work for you dont be so lazy! You just do not want to admit the truths about your kind. Those links are bogus and baised! Nice try!


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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Heh I think you have it backwards...

The doctors and educated psycatrist orginizations arent biased, it is the Methodist preachers you are getting your shit from that are Biased...
You make it hard for me not to get you banned simplilly because you are such a moron.
No this isnt a threat and no I wont get you banned though it would be rather easy, Im just pointing out your presents makes this board look worse...

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by dateRape
heh heh those are all nutjob cases! Not to mention all baised doctors spreading their propaganda. What a maroon! You crack me up. Dont expect me to do you work for you dont be so lazy! You just do not want to admit the truths about your kind. Those links are bogus and baised! Nice try!
Like Forged said, you got it ass backwards.

Think about it. What reason do all these professional organisations have to lie about homosexaulity? I can't think of any good reason why they would even want to lie about something so big.

And listen, it's not about laziness, I just simply don't have the time to look up all those refs you gave. Now I know you have a link, cuz you have to be getting that shit from somewhere. Either that or making it all up, which at this point I wouldn't doupt. So, either provide a link, or or admit your arguements are bogus.

This is a place for debate, not games. And all you're doing is playing games. So, either start debating, and by debating, I mean posting links, or I'll have no choice but to treat your posts as spam, and you as a spammer. :)


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Aug 6, 2003
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Well I find it funny all the police reports to be bogus? Hmm how can police reports and how can cops investigating crime scenes be bogus? What you are saying that every arrest made was from the religious sector. Wow new to me I thought it was because a crime was committed.

Let me save you the trouble of having to make up some lie or bogus reason to silence me. I am through playing your lil game. The corruption in this place stinks.

You lose. convictions dont come from the religious sector. They are from a law being broken.

If I decide to post here again it will only be to prove how easy it is to play you kids or to show you at your best. Abusing your mod status!!


And to the rest of you I will now close the thread. Thank you for your time. And thanks to the homosexuals who made it possible For others to see how we must never let gays have anymore power than in chat rooms or forums!


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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You cant close this thread dumbass, and I would like to see some of these police reports that says all of the rape, and child molestation cases are from homos...

Just because Pat Robertson says it is true doesnt mean it is.

On a side note I think God is gay. He is my reasoning.

1.Jesus Never had sex with a women. or atleast the bible didnt say he did

2.He was followed around by 12 guys who never got any puss eather.

3.The bible never said he wasnt gay

4.It was perfectlly normal for people to have sex with the same sex in the time of Christ.

5.As Jesus is the reincarnate of God that makes god Gay.

I just showed the same logic you have shown throughout this thread....

a cup of stfu

Jul 29, 2003
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What pisses me off is the fact that homos complain about not fitting in, etc. but then they have things like "the gay parade" where they openly display homo actions towards little kids. If homos wanted to be accepted maybe they should stop making it such a big deal. "It not our fault! Its those people that start it by talkin shit about us!" STFU quit complaining, if you are gay, deal with it IN YOUR OWN HOUSE, not on streets


Nov 16, 2003
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Los Angeles, California
It's not completely their fault. Albeit it, some do complain as you describe, and such, but do you think heterosexuals make this easy for them? Using "gay" as a word to describe that which we don't like (ie "That shirt of yours is stupid and gay!"), the hate crimes against them, etc. Many homosexuals don't even come out with the fact that they are attracted to the same sex, or at least not on any large scale. Some, maybe many, I can't say for sure, are scared. I hardly see it logical to complain about their complaining for two reasons. One is that two negatives don't make a positive in these circumstances; if we complain about their complaining, all that will result is more complaining. Secondly, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. What I mean is that unless you don't make things harder for them (ie by using "gay" as an insulting word), you have no right to complain, as you're attributing to the problem they are complaining about. Hell, even I slip sometimes and call things "gay", as I did use that word very often a year or so ago, and bad habits die hard.


Nov 16, 2003
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Los Angeles, California
Do you see millions of people saying, "Oh my God, you're into Pokemon? That's so ****ing straight!" The point is, if there are any anti-straight campaigns, they are on a much, much, much lesser scale as compared to how much homosexuals are bashed.

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by dateRape
Well I find it funny all the police reports to be bogus? Hmm how can police reports and how can cops investigating crime scenes be bogus? What you are saying that every arrest made was from the religious sector. Wow new to me I thought it was because a crime was committed.

Show me these reports, then you'll have something.

And to the rest of you I will now close the thread. Thank you for your time. And thanks to the homosexuals who made it possible For others to see how we must never let gays have anymore power than in chat rooms or forums!
By all means, close this thread. :)


May 17, 2003
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newcastle, australia
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haha sexual predators!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry page 12 still has me laughing)

"People all facts are not clickable links!!! That is also a fact. If you are so lazy that you have to depend on clickable links for your facts. I feel sorry for you. For you will never be known as to what is going on around you. Like some girls here are!"

I was just about to agree with you Daterape.. not all facts are clickable links... well ok i will agree with you anyway.

BUT I KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND ME! what is with ripping off girls... so you feel u have the right to degrade homosexuals because it is a choice. what gives you the right to degrade girls?? How dare you feel sorry for me?! ugh nm.. anways

Ankh you have a good point. and i understand where you are coming from but i still don't see it as a reason to go around flaunting your sexuality. By the way i am against heterosexuals who do this as well.. such as britney spears and kylie minogue etc etc etc etc damn those musicians..

The people relaly making it hard for homosexuals to be accepted is the homosexuals...

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by Jaden
I was just about to agree with you Daterape.. not all facts are clickable links... well ok i will agree with you anyway.
Odd, because I've been able to support all of my arguement thus far with clickable links...

BUT I KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND ME! what is with ripping off girls... so you feel u have the right to degrade homosexuals because it is a choice. what gives you the right to degrade girls?? How dare you feel sorry for me?! ugh nm.. anways
From what I've seen, he does like gays, chicks, blacks, jews or anyone capable of intelligent thought and proclaims Christ. He's the perfect KKK member...

The people relaly making it hard for homosexuals to be accepted is the homosexuals...
And ignorant Christians have nothing to do with it. :rolleyes:


Machine Gun Funk
Jun 15, 2003
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Washington DC
I'm not sure about the gay issue. I don't agree with gay marriage, but I also don't think that gays should be discriminated against in terms of jobs and health care. I guess I will leave it up to 'God' to decide on this issue. It's not for me to decide.

a cup of stfu

Jul 29, 2003
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sorry to dissapoint people but there is and always will be a group that hates/looks down on/talks crap about/etc on homo/transsexuals. they aint changing their opinion. its like the surgeon generals warning on a pack of cigs to a smoker, useless.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Those labels are not useful. The only way any government has managed to stop smoking is increasing of prices. Back to the point...

Yes, there will always be people that will make fun of or insult other people/life choices/standards etc. But do not judge homosexuals by action!


May 17, 2003
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newcastle, australia
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Originally posted by Spike~
Odd, because I've been able to support all of my arguement thus far with clickable links...

From what I've seen, he does like gays, chicks, blacks, jews or anyone capable of intelligent thought and proclaims Christ. He's the perfect KKK member...

And ignorant Christians have nothing to do with it. :rolleyes:

well from my point of view ur arguments are limmited. I can argue with the best of them about why homosexuals should be accepted and provide amazing evidence etc. just as you have. However i feel its wrong, and i can provide alot of clickable links to Bible references and testimonies of people who i feel are knowledgeable on the subject . However, i know that you will not accept the credibility of these people neither will you accept what i say as fact. so i don't bother. And not all truth is on the internet. sometimes u have to go with your instincts... not discounting knowledge at all. No offense Tempest but ur argument is limmited to the world's perspective. and its the most damned easy and predictable argument ive ever heard... Just because Christians disagree with something does not make them ignorant. i make no excuse for people who attack homosexuals but i don't think taking a stand against the act rather than the person is wrong. You say that science is more 'real' than 'God' i disagree and thats where my perspective comes from. it would be incredibly arrogant of you to deny his existance or my perspective.


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