My thoughts on homosexaulity


May 17, 2003
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newcastle, australia
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Originally posted by Spike~

Many ppl look at gays though religiously tinted shades. Only recently has religion begun to seperate from society and government. And it has only been in that same period that homosexuality has become more and more accepted and tolerated. Or at least less discriminated against.

how disturbingly sad....



Feb 13, 2003
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Ok, I haven't read up on this thread in about a month, and it's still active...interesting...

A while back DateRape said to give an example of a gay friend I had for three or more years, ok, here's some.

I met this guy while on a camping trip for Biology Honors in Freshman year, he was gay, he was proud of being gay. This is now my Junior year in high school, he's still gay, he's still proud to be gay, and he shows his gay pride more in person than on-line. He's known he was gay since before he could remember, and nothing in his life, i.e. sexual molestation or harassment, has caused him to be gay. He is one of my best friends, as he is a truer friend than a lot of straight guys/girls I know.

My best friend through Freshman year, Sophomore, and Junior came out to being bi towards the end of my Freshman year. She had expressed it in secret since she was in middle school, and known it since elementary school. And nothing caused her to choose that way of life.

Neither of them have any mental disorders, or anything else wrong with them in that matter.

DateRape, you should really take a deep breath and look at yourself, last time i checked, more than two-thirds of homophobes were gay themselves.

Check your resources, check yourself, so far you sound like an inane child who is trying to get their way even when they know they're wrong.

~I'm Out~


May 17, 2003
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newcastle, australia
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Mustn't let the homo thread die!!!!:D

i completely agree that homosexuality doesn't necessarily have to affect your friendships etc. though it can because as i said before there are usually alot of other issues that, combined with homosexuality, make friendship difficult

Spike i think alot more than 1% of homosexual guys act .. immaturely to say the least

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Spike i think alot more than 1% of homosexual guys act .. immaturely to say the least
Maybe 99% was an exageration, but most gays aren't like that.
Find something new to argue about, hun. :)


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Aug 6, 2003
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Originally posted by evlnightking
Ok, I haven't read up on this thread in about a month, and it's still active...interesting...

A while back DateRape said to give an example of a gay friend I had for three or more years, ok, here's some.

I met this guy while on a camping trip for Biology Honors in Freshman year, he was gay, he was proud of being gay. This is now my Junior year in high school, he's still gay, he's still proud to be gay, and he shows his gay pride more in person than on-line. He's known he was gay since before he could remember, and nothing in his life, i.e. sexual molestation or harassment, has caused him to be gay. He is one of my best friends, as he is a truer friend than a lot of straight guys/girls I know.

My best friend through Freshman year, Sophomore, and Junior came out to being bi towards the end of my Freshman year. She had expressed it in secret since she was in middle school, and known it since elementary school. And nothing caused her to choose that way of life.

Neither of them have any mental disorders, or anything else wrong with them in that matter.

DateRape, you should really take a deep breath and look at yourself, last time i checked, more than two-thirds of homophobes were gay themselves.

Check your resources, check yourself, so far you sound like an inane child who is trying to get their way even when they know they're wrong.

~I'm Out~
check your head! most gays have been abused for the most. or they are messed up in the head some pal. It is a choice they make kid. choose to steal or choose to be gay. choices !!!


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Nov 28, 2002
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Damnit I was hoping you had commited suicide.
You just crushed my hopes.
You and Pat Robertson are going to bring destruction to the world...


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Its there life choice, anyone has the right to homosexuality without persecution or prejudice (although the prejudice part still exists in the world today.). Homosexuality existed even back in Ancient Greece, the rich were the people that resorted to this. Even Elton John, one of the most inspirational songwriters of all time is gay on the spot. In my opinion its a life choice, they decide if they want to do it in the first place.


Nov 16, 2003
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Los Angeles, California
Originally posted by dateRape
check your head! most gays have been abused for the most. or they are messed up in the head some pal. It is a choice they make kid. choose to steal or choose to be gay. choices !!!
I'm glad that you can simply blow off EvilNightKing's arguement because he needs to check his head. Here's a cookie. Actually, scratch that.

You would be much more persuasive, and a better debater overall, if you could explain why EvilNightKing is wrong, instead of simply saying he needs his head checked. I don't know who has taught you to debate - rather, who hasn't taught you to debate - but I suggest you learn that you have to support your arguements. Maybe my opinion on this differs from that of these forums, but I've never accepted "check your head" as an appropriate counter-arguement.

Back to the subject at hand, I do not know what I think concerning how homosexuals become attracted to the same sex. Whether through a chemical imbalance, some form of birth defect, abuse, or even a combination of those three, I recognize them as people, too. I say that because I've noticed that DateRape considers these people to be completely different. Albeit, I speak with an ignorance because I simply did not read every post he made in this thread. I couldn't even get through the first page because his homophobia was so intoxicating, truth be told.


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I dont like gays period! With or without religious belief! They are sexual predators they thrive on the young to keep their kind existing. Gays just dont become gay without the help of another pushing them when they are at a vulunerable stage if life.


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The following strategies for crafting “gay†children documents homosexuality as so unnatural that it requires vigilant and organized wooing to rival the very successful recruitment techniques of the United States Marines. Children, (labeled “initiates†as in prostitution or religion) are weaned from their “old fashioned†parents, “first into a self-affirming semisecret group, then by collective socialization into a “gay†cultural systemâ€[126]— a form of cult. Homophile, Frederick Lynch spells this out in his study, “The Role of Adult Advisors†in Gilbert Herdt’s anthology, Gay Culture in America.[127] Hundreds of homosexual agitators who,

range in age from twenty-three to the late forties[128]….[to “aid†young initiates]. [W]hat has not been brought out fully in some other coming out studies is the role of guide, teacher, or “helping hand†in either the signification state, the coming-out-stage, or both…. the often benign and helpful role that older, more experienced homosexual men play with regard to younger [males]. [129] [Emphasis added.]

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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AWWWWW!!! It's Satan!!!!

God, what a load of propaganda. Makes me want to hurl just reading that crap.


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Aug 6, 2003
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Truth hurts I see!! Christian coaliation what the hell is that? Save me the trouble of clicking your link! And tell me about your link. Those are the hard facts you choose not to believe! Some of the studies and some of the facts are from the government. Thye are just bits of info collected to do the survey. There was no intention in finding this evidence just was found when looking at the information. The report is two maybe three years old. All information is from about one hundred or more reliable sources kids.

Wow one of their own is sick and wants to hurl. I can tell you why , because how would you like being exposed for what you are really like?

here have a list of the resources


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Aug 6, 2003
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[1] Cautionary Note: This monograph addresses the major taboo in homosexual criticism. Based on empirical and historical documentation it is argued that seduction of children and youths for personal and political purposes is critical to homosexual advancement. Recruitment of children into heterosexual and homosexual promiscuity, on record as always a serious problem, is now so visibly organized as to pose a major threat to all children and society (as Feldman summarized, “these kids are our future†and we need to “invest†in them, see page 11). Those adverse to candid debate and verifiable data authenticating these especially grim homosexual harms may, of course, avoid reading this paper.

Update: At press time those soliciting this paper at The Stanford Law Review in the year 2000, rejected it and all four other academic papers presenting politically incorrect arguments on homosexuality.


[1] Robin Lloyd, For Money or Love, Boy prostitution in america, Introduction by Senator Birch Bayh, (D-IN), Ballantine Books, New York, 1976 at book jacket cover.

[2] Daniel Tsang, Ed., The Age Taboo, Alyson Publications, Boston, MA, 1981, Tom Reeves, p. 96.

[3] Karen Harbeck, Ed., Coming Out of the Classroom Closet: Gay and Lesbian Students, Teachers and Curricula, Harrington Park Press, New York, 1991, at 11. At a Beaverton Oregon conference Uribe said, “When you want to start something with gay and lesbian groups, just do it without asking. It’s easier to say “I’m sorry†than “May I.†April 23, 1992.

[4] The Advocate, March 1992, at 41. The following poem by a boy prostitute was reprinted in Gay and Lesbian Youth: “Watch for punkers, Learn the score, Money first, Then his pleasure. Make the punter, Want you more. Be the weakness for his strength. Be the child, He’s yet to have. Be the strength for his weakness. Apologize, for saying “Dadâ€! Anonymous, Gilbert Herdt, Ed., in Gay and Lesbian Youth, Harrington Park Press, New York, 1989, at 132.

[5] Judith Reisman, Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences, The Institute for Media Education, Arlington, VA., 1998 at 40.

[6] Letter from Professor Rice in the author’s archive, April 17, 2000.

[7] Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, Harvard University Commencement Address, National Review, July 7, 1978, at 838.

[8] Lambda Report on Homosexuality, Vol. 7, No. 1, Feb 2000, at 1, 2

[9] Joseph Farah,, August 9, 2000.

[10] Id, September 13, 2000.

[11] George Rekers, Ed., “Gender Identity Disorder†in The Journal of Human Sexuality, Lewis and Stanley, 1996, at 16. In fact, here Dr. Rekers, the pioneering researcher in the study of Gender Identity Disorder said that “it would now appear logical that homosexuality per se be re-examined as a mental disorder.â€

[12] David Ferguson, John Horwood, Annette Beautrais, “Is Sexual Orientation Related to Mental Health Problems and Suicidality in Young People,†56, 10 ARCHIVES OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY, 876 - 880 Oct. (1999); Richard Herrell, et al., “A Co-Twin Control Study in Adult Men.†10 ARCHIVES OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY, 867 - 874 Oct. (1999).

[13] Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, After the Ball, Doubleday, NYC., 1989, at 151.

[14] Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1967 (1988), at. 345.

[15] A careful collection of remarks about Stonewall reveals the bar as a pick-up for “hustlersâ€â€”boy prostitutes. Mark Thompson, Ed., long road to freedom, Martin’s Press, New York, 1994, at 28-29 cryptically notes the “young people†who rioted. Clifford Lindecker, Children in Chains, Everest House, New York, 1981, at 177, under “The Meat Rack†describes Stonewall’s Christopher Street as a center for the “call-boy operation,†etc. And, the photograph of the apparent group gathered about in front of Stonewall in The Advocate displays a group of male youths, including one young transvestite, August 23, 1994, at 36.

[16] Seventeen Magazine, May 2000, p. 214.

[17] Media Research Center, “Matthew Shepard’s Mudbath Memorial: Networks Promote Gay Left’s Guilt by Association,†Media Watch, November 2, 1998,

[18] L. Brent Bozell, III, “The Gay Left’s Willing Mud-Slingers,†October 15, 1998,

[19] Press Release, Media Research Center, October 26, 1998,

[20] Lambda Report on Homosexuality, Vol. 7, No. 1, Feb 2000, at 1,2.

[21] Boston Globe Electronic Publishing, Inc., May 18, 2000, and 1800 745 2747, The Concentric Network, May 17, 2000.

[22] Minneapolis Star Tribune, September 8, 2000.

[23] Lorraine Day, AIDS: What the Government Isn’t Telling You, CENSORED, Rockford Press, Palm Desert, California, 1991, at 5.

[24] Day at 63.

[25] Day at 65.

[26] Day, at. 84, Los Angeles Times, April 25, 1990.

[27] Randy Shilts, And the Band Played On,, Penguin Books, New York, at 222.

[28]David Island and Patrick Letellier, Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them, New York, Harrington Park Press, 1991, at 14.

[29] Island and Letellier, at 276.

[30] Island and Letellier, at 10.

[31] Island and Letellier, at 24..

[32] Lambda Report on Homosexuality, Vol. 7, No. 1, Feb 2000, at 1, 2

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by dateRape
Truth hurts I see!! Christian coaliation what the hell is that? Save me the trouble of clicking your link! And tell me about your link. Those are the hard facts you choose not to believe! Some of the studies and some of the facts are from the government. Thye are just bits of info collected to do the survey. There was no intention in finding this evidence just was found when looking at the information. The report is two maybe three years old. All information is from about one hundred or more reliable sources kids.

Wow one of their own is sick and wants to hurl. I can tell you why , because how would you like being exposed for what you are really like?

here have a list of the resources
Christian Coaliation, what does it sound like.

Now, all three link in your last post are down (as I figured they would be), and your last post is obviously copied from some site. Care to provide a link for this site?

And dude, don't misinterpret ppl, ok. It's just rude. I was referring to the CC when I said that. Any blockhead would have realized that.


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Aug 6, 2003
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I have three more pages of facts about the homosexuals of the world. Do not be be brainwashed by mods who find it necessary to lie and cover up about the truths of bi's and homosexuals! These are not lies they are actual events. Most of these are public record in the states where they were committed. You cant discredit tens of different newspapers and various news places from around the world. Or can you discredit hundreds of doctors and shrinks either. It is your choice to be ignorant to facts as homosexuals choose to be gay!!


Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Well, thats great that you have this vast array of proof, but until I see a link, and preferebly one that isn't down, then I, and everyone else here will continue to believe that you're full of shit.

If you have to proof, give me a link, just one. If not, shut up.

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