Master Chief vs Samus


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
You don't understand her suit. It absorbs impact, hence the reason she's able to jump from really, really high up and not feel anything more than what you'd feel jumping from 1' up. So, no, if Master Chief tried to snipe Samus Aran, it would have the same affect as hitting a well armored tank. Her suit has very high impact resistance.

I'm not making her out to be a "goddess"; I'm explaining the physics of her suit. They are from different universes, yes. Metroid is even seperate from Mario.


Aug 21, 2003
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secret cow level
yes her suit not her helmet

and how can it absorb impact shes not hevy armored if u look she has barley any armor on (excluding the gravity suit cuz u barley see her use it)

master cheif looks more heavily armoored then her

and your also telling me that she would aborb a scorpion tank shell?


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
If she can absorb the impact of her own missles, then yes, definetly. FYI: I can't tell you that referance, EXACTLY, because it would be a spoiler to several games (including a recent one: Metroid Fusion).

Her helmet is a part of her suit. Her basic armor is smaller, lighter, and more powerful than Master Chief's armor. Samus Aran also has upgrades, and her Final Suit just rocks all (again, can't mention for spoilers).

She has a lot more packed away in a smaller package, and it's all more powerful, too.
Aug 31, 2003
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The Area of Role Playing
He didnt say that. The image does not really matter. Did you see her inside or something?
Who cares if its not as thick. Its differant metal ( i think ) and its differant.
Chief guy is like a "human", so he would'nt survive that much impact or anything.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
The most "seen" image is the Varia Suit, and that's what you posted. I can't find a good pic of the Gravity or "Final" Suits. I want to find the "Special" Suit too, but that's probably just as rare :( I just would like a good image of the "Final" Suit :usad!


Aug 21, 2003
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secret cow level
teh final suit is a black varia suit and with alot mroe armor

and u guys are mixed up master cheif isnt a human at all hese a mutant and samus is a human so a mere human trained by some old guys versus a unltrgenetic mutant trained as a spartan and master cheif's suit is (this is from the stroy of master cheif): human solders have used performance-enhancng equipment for hundreds of years and you MJOLNIR battel suit represents teh curent pinnacle of military technology. as a product of teh SPARTAN-II project where you were cio-engineered and technologiacally enhanced for better reflexes, eyesight , and coordination the addition of your MJOLNIR armor makes you nearly invincible
the battle suit utilizes a neutral interface implanted in your brain. your armors movements and wepons are controlledat the speed of your thoughtd. teh battele suit also contains a layer of crystal that forms a network capable of supporting starship-grade AI so you can over power alien computer systems if necessary. the suit shell is comprimised of many layers of strong alloy and a refractive coating to disperse ENERGY weapon hits. internally the suit regulates temperature and can reactively change in density as nesscessary.

THEre master cheif OWNS


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Did we happen to play Metroid Prime enough to realize that Samus Aran's Chozus created suit goes beyond even that? Gee, they both have "super computers" built in. Master Chief had to be altered to achieve the same level of ability as Samus Aran without her suit, and then the armor's aren't even comperable (as in Samus Aran's is much better).

I love it when games include the words "nearly" and "invicible" in the same phrase. It makes for a rather boring plot. Samus Aran has overcome a lot more than Master Chief.

Her story is also a lot more dramatic. Space Pirates killed her parents and most, if not all, the people on her home world. She was found and raised by the last remaining Chozus. They trained her in their ways and gave her the Varia Suit (which has been up- and down- graded multiple times). They also sent her through their ritual, something no "mere human" has never survived. Many Chozus never come back from it.

Master Chief was genetically engineered, and I know he wouldn't survive the trial.

Master Chief has a suit to reflect "energy" weapons, but, trust me, he's not going to be "immune" to them. Energy encompasses much more than you seem to realize. There is energy in bullets, but not enough to be a concern to anyone. Electicity is a form of energy, and you know Master Chief can't just touch a live wire and be fine. He'll avoid such high energy. Samus Aran's weapons go above and beyond that. She uses charged particle weapons!! Do I really need to repeat that again?

This is far different from "normal" energy weapons, that you are assuming is the only kind that exists. These eat straight through any "energy shielding" relatively quickly, and they don't "refract". They aren't created from light; they are created from particles, and you aren't going to stop that.

Then she can morph her cannon so that it becomes a missle launcher. She can combo those missles with different beams, if she wants, and then she can do a lot more damage. Then there's the "underwater" aspect. Master Chief's bullets will be worthless underwater, as well as most/all his electric systems, and Samus Aran remains completely unaffected (at least with Gravity Suit). She'd still be faster than him with her "regular" and Varia Suits, however.

And you're again calling Samus Aran a "mere" human. The Chozus could not have trained a "mere" human because the human would die from such training. That's the end all, be all of that.

Samus Aran's ship is also another advantage. True that Metroid fans haven't gotten to fly it yet, but manga and anime give a pretty good idea of it's power (and references in game).


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Meh, if you can't finish an arguement you started...

FYI: I know more about video games than just Metroid. I just happen to have read the manga, played the games, and watched the anime. I have also played Halo and read various other resources.

I'll leave you to your fanboyism, but I won't remain silent when I feel some one is doing poor representation. I.E. Saying that Master Chief would lose to, say, Col. Jack O'Neil from the Stargate video game, movie, and TV series. (And I like Col. Jack O'Neil better, too)


Oct 2, 2003
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ok, im gonna make an assesment...

Samus: very flexable, fast, somewhat good armor, some sort of locking computer, beam weapons(im guessing energy), high jump, dodging hard to tell due to 2d enviroment(sorry, havnt played MP, but all the other ones), missles, bombs(must be weak, since it doesnt even crack her own armor), superbomb(same as last), trained for so many years(cant remember how old she was), and she's a cyborg i belive.... all requires suit i belive, because in the gba title, parts of her armor are surgically removed, which she says weakend her, making her rebuild her armor along the game.

MasterCheif: Light battle armor, special plasma sheild, can pick-up plasmashield(in book), can use any weapon, can flip a tank which is probably 20+ tons, has the top AI ever created in his helmate that is kinda a sidekick, part cyborg, since 6 has been in military and is 30-40 years old, doesnt need suit for all his abilites. When outside of suit, he does not have plasma shield or battle armor, or computer, but can weild all the weapons, flip the tank (super strength), is played in a 3d world, and thats about it.

Okay, in their suits all decked out, samus would have a hard time beating MC because MC has a special plasma sheild that absorbs energy weapons(take notice plasma is not energy), mc would have a hard time catching Samus nontheless beating her.

Outside of suits, MC would win hands down.
Sep 2, 2003
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Umm... Did you even play the game Halo?! Quote" His bullets would be useless underwater as would his electrical components"

Umm... How stupid are you? (just wanted to say that)
1. He has a suit that is water proof....
2. This is advanced "futuristic" weaponry... (doesn't even use gun powder)
3. If MC's suit could withstand the pressure or lack thereof of space don't you think he would survive the depths of the oceans also?

Well... Can't remember what other dumb things you said but I have to go to bed.


Oct 2, 2003
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Originally posted by ApocalypseCOW
master cheif armor is like samu's armor read what i wrote before
thats untrue, does mc's suit turn into a ball? nope. mc's suit is capable of containing an AI samus's? no she needs to be near a comp. Also, Does samus have a form of a plasma sheild armor? yea, he does, read the book.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Originally posted by Terran_Commander
Umm... Did you even play the game Halo?! Quote" His bullets would be useless underwater as would his electrical components"

Umm... How stupid are you? (just wanted to say that)
1. He has a suit that is water proof....
2. This is advanced "futuristic" weaponry... (doesn't even use gun powder)
3. If MC's suit could withstand the pressure or lack thereof of space don't you think he would survive the depths of the oceans also?

Well... Can't remember what other dumb things you said but I have to go to bed.
I wasn't going to say anything, but...but...*stiffles laughter*


Okay, okay, seriously.

1) Okay, I'll take that.
2) And your point...? Solid Objects are still slowed by water.
3) In space there is no pressure, and its different to take a lack versus extreme underwater pressure.

Halo doesn't use very good physics, but Metroid Prime does lack a little in that department a bit, too. It's easier ot point out physics problems in Halo, though.

An example is "bullets". They will be severely slowed by water. You should be able to dodge a bullet, and likely won't care too much. The higher the water pressure; the more bullets are slowed. Do you realize that while traveling through air bullets are on a decreasing velocity and a falling one? Charged Particles, on the other hand, are able to with stand this much better. Laser based tech basically ignores it (and neither use that, really). Charged Particles also "take on" the attributes of what they are "fired in", more like from. They'll always "cut like a hot knife through butter", in a manner of speaking.

FYI: Bombs Cracking Samus Aran's armor would be counter-productive. Her suit was made to withstand that. I'm curious, TheRisingSun, have you seen the Metroid manga and anime? Her ultra-bomb is considered the most destructive weapon she has, at least against "normal" targets (discluding Metroids and a few others).

The anime and manga have her using her bombs and ultra-bombs and doing much more destruction and damage than what they do in the video games. After all, Metroid games have yet to want a realistically destructable environment. Metroid Prime took this a step further by saying "this wall-type can only be affected by [insert weapon here] or 'stronger'". It was interesting, to say the least. (though there is something comperable in Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion)


BattleForums Senior Member
Jul 6, 2003
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Originally posted by bamthedoc
I wasn't going to say anything, but...but...*stiffles laughter*


Okay, okay, seriously.

1) Okay, I'll take that.
2) And your point...? Solid Objects are still slowed by water.
3) In space there is no pressure, and its different to take a lack versus extreme underwater pressure.

Halo doesn't use very good physics, but Metroid Prime does lack a little in that department a bit, too. It's easier ot point out physics problems in Halo, though.

An example is "bullets". They will be severely slowed by water. You should be able to dodge a bullet, and likely won't care too much. The higher the water pressure; the more bullets are slowed. Do you realize that while traveling through air bullets are on a decreasing velocity and a falling one? Charged Particles, on the other hand, are able to with stand this much better. Laser based tech basically ignores it (and neither use that, really). Charged Particles also "take on" the attributes of what they are "fired in", more like from. They'll always "cut like a hot knife through butter", in a manner of speaking.

FYI: Bombs Cracking Samus Aran's armor would be counter-productive. Her suit was made to withstand that. I'm curious, TheRisingSun, have you seen the Metroid manga and anime? Her ultra-bomb is considered the most destructive weapon she has, at least against "normal" targets (discluding Metroids and a few others).

The anime and manga have her using her bombs and ultra-bombs and doing much more destruction and damage than what they do in the video games. After all, Metroid games have yet to want a realistically destructable environment. Metroid Prime took this a step further by saying "this wall-type can only be affected by [insert weapon here] or 'stronger'". It was interesting, to say the least. (though there is something comperable in Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion)
In what science have you learned the impossible of knowing what how a charged particle works? Go and shoot me with one.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
It's called "Quantum Physics". It's science beyond what we know, but can theorize about based on math. Since Samus Aran's weaponry uses Charged Particles, I have to go by what we "know" about them.

In other words, this is what her gun does:

1) Rapid intake of particles surrounding gun.
2) Condensing them all together forming a plasmic-type energy (plasma beam is a big step up).
3) Fires energy shot created.
4) Cools off (plasma beam has longest cool down).

There are two examples of charged particle weapons I know of in the world of anime, games, and manga.

1) Metroid takes the cake as the strongest weapons known (in other words, strongest charged particles).
2) Zoids uses the second strongest charged particles (though the larger Zoids can use stronger weapons).

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