Master Chief vs Samus


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Originally posted by ApocalypseCOW
wait till halo 2 march 12th 2004
I'll try it, but not worth getting an X-Box from what I've seen.

Originally posted by ApocalypseCOW
man u sure liek to hear the sound of ur own voice after the tranig stuff u wrot i just stopped reading and u said halo had no challeng? try beating it on legendary and the only reason i only played level 2 is because the game got so boring (and yes samus does only got 1 wepon u dont see her change the gun on her hand npw do u?)
Duh! What do you think I beat it on? I've yet to be able to even touch hard mode on Metroid Prime. It takes a true step up in challenge. When Halo was borringly easy to play on hard... Yeah, I lost interest.

As per not reading my post, you just shot yourself in the foot. "Two Levels"? Metroid Prime isn't seperated into levels. They all run together. Did you even get to see the Wave Beam "attachment", as you so ignorantly called it? Her gun morphs, and that give her a distinct advantage. She has a multitude of weapons to choose from, and a storyline that far surpasses anything you've played.

Unlike you, I've beaten both games and know what I talk about. I also know all resources. Try again, bud.

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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My robots pwns all!



BattleForums Senior Member
Jul 6, 2003
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The multiplayer value in Halo is VERY good, either you have shitty friends to play it with, or you have no friends. The single player is team based with computers mostly, the majority of people who enjoy gaint battles are normal people. Your giant post proves nothing, it is EXTREMELY biased. Go do something smart.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
1) I played on my friends console.
2) I entered random games.

I played multiplayer against so-called "elites", and decimated forces by myself. I had about 20 frags to one death, if that. It was dull and borring, like most other FPS I've played. My long post simply proved that I look at everything possible. If Master Chief could beat Samus Aran in a fair fight, I would say so. He can't, and that's not biased.


Aug 21, 2003
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secret cow level
Originally posted by bamthedoc
1) I played on my friends console.
2) I entered random games.

I played multiplayer against so-called "elites", and decimated forces by myself. I had about 20 frags to one death, if that. It was dull and borring, like most other FPS I've played. My long post simply proved that I look at everything possible. If Master Chief could beat Samus Aran in a fair fight, I would say so. He can't, and that's not biased.
ok then do u ahve access to halo for pc? ill vs u there and tech u the meaning of elite

Originally posted by bamthedoc
I'll try it, but not worth getting an X-Box from what I've seen.

Duh! What do you think I beat it on? I've yet to be able to even touch hard mode on Metroid Prime. It takes a true step up in challenge. When Halo was borringly easy to play on hard... Yeah, I lost interest.

As per not reading my post, you just shot yourself in the foot. "Two Levels"? Metroid Prime isn't seperated into levels. They all run together. Did you even get to see the Wave Beam "attachment", as you so ignorantly called it? Her gun morphs, and that give her a distinct advantage. She has a multitude of weapons to choose from, and a storyline that far surpasses anything you've played.

Unlike you, I've beaten both games and know what I talk about. I also know all resources. Try again, bud.
i played after u lose ur suit in the biggining and half way thur when u gotta collect stuff i only got u[ tot eh mroph ball and the charger beam then the game got seriously boring i mean like i didnt fight many enamys at a time maby only liek 10 at oen tiem but thats not alot

Originally posted by TrongaMonga
Well, Samus carries one gun that can morph into other stuff, meaning two things:

  1. Her technology is far better, thus, more powerful.
  2. She is lightier, thus, more powerful.[/list=1]

  1. umm NO if her technology was better why cant she just set off a H-bomb on the planet and just fly away

    Originally posted by bamthedoc

    I could care less that Metroid didn't have multiplayer, it had an engrossing story and amazing challenge. Samus Aran fought bugs (weakling), machines, plants (boss was hard and fun), Choza ghosts, Ridley, Metroids, Space Pirates, and on and on and on and on!

    ok now ur jsut naming every single little alien if u want i can name some too

    there are grunts, jackals elites hunters small flood flooings medium flood and bomb flood there are cybrogs with utra lasers on them.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Because she was investigating, you won't blow something before you know you are supposed to blow it (this is an indirect, guess to what :p).

Anyway, I must agree, Metroid Prime was a little boring, in the normal level, gotta try it on Hard.

But the rest of the series own, specially Super Metroid for SNES.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
FYI: I wasn't naming "every single alien". If I were to do that, It would take up 3 posts (just about). And normal isn't boring, at least after a point. Once you get to the Space Pirates (composing of about 2-3 dozen different alien subsets), the "normal" challenge level goes up.

As per playing Halo on the PC, no. I don't have access -- and don't ask me to buy it. If we were to start naming individuals who Master Chief could beat, I will be honest. He can't, on any given day (1% chance, yes) beat Samus Aran.

FYI: She could just "nuke and run"... But there's no fun in that, and it would be anti-productive against the Metroids (they'd just get stronger). And the Space Pirates would find a way to survive that.
FYI: Metroids compose about 1/2-1 dozen of the alien species.

Oh, and TwEaK... Kirby owns Metaknight. Metaknight even admitted he was "the second best Star Warrior". :p He admitts being weaker than that puffball. ;) I love anime/manga referances (especially those supporeted by game referances).
Sep 2, 2003
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Hmmm... We seem to be forgetting about the forces of soild impact... The force of a 75 caliber rifle shell hitting you in the face at extremely high speeds... Visor or no visor will break your neck from the whip lash... Or in the spleen area will burst your spleen... Oh and Master Chief has beam weapons... Plasma Rifle and Plasma pistol... Then there is the needler... It seeks and it explodes... Oh and I would like to see Samus fight the flood and not get infected... She doesn't have an energy shield... At least not in the orignal games. Oh and yeah the projectiles that you said weren't in them are in them... That's what the little floaty things shoot at you. Projectiles.. And lighter means more power?... I would like to see a light wieght boxer try to beat a heavy wieght boxer... It's not gonna happen folks... Oh and what was that comment that Chief "might" have a chance against samus out of her suit...? Chief would just pwon her even more! Chief has cybertronic implants that improve speed, power, accuracy and reflexes! And does samus...? NO. And is samus a one man/woman army... NO. Does samus fight highly trained highly inteligent alien beings that aren't just alien bugs or average space pirates... Oh and do you think samus would have a chance against a banshi at atmospheric levels splattering her entire area with plasma cannon fire and fuel rod shells would be able to survive? There are after all "beam" weapons... Oh yeah then there are the Covenant tanks... With... I don't know technical term, but they have huge beam weapons. Then we have the cloak thing. Can samus cloak... Does she fight actually cloaked things? NOT ghosts. See cloaked enemies are a wee bit different then ghosts cause you can see ghosts with the right equipment. You can't see cloaked things cause they are cloaked and you can't be cloaked unless you can evade all sensors.... How lame is a Character that is from the distant future that is using.... Elements for weapons?! I mean come on! A assult rifle is by far more familiar and by far cooler to some one then a element... If some one wants elements they'll play a RPG not a FPS. So the metriods absorb energy? How come samus can beat them then? Does she use her missles? Cause beams are energy? So yeah Master Chief could easily beat a metriod. Cause he mainly uses non-beam weaponry. Oh yeah and what about a EMP grenade? It would shut down all the power in Samus's suit and she would be a sitting duck! Master Chiefcould come up at his leisure and snap her neck.. Or molest her one. :p


Jun 17, 2003
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Master Chief, That's it, he wins, everyone voting for Samus is wrong. Sorry :p It's just the truth, Samus is a washed up character, and now it's time for Master Chief to shine


Feb 25, 2003
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Planet Earth
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Originally posted by Minnesota
Dont you guys play Vice City?... EeeEe... Halo?!? Whats so fun about that..?
P.S. We should have a Candy Shop and a Entertainment Zone
I was thinking the same thing. Halo receives far too much praise. Consoles don't get much FPS action, I think that's the reason Halo receives so much praise. Halo is a good game by console standards, but it isn't anything special outside of XBOX.

A summary of what I'm trying to get at: Everything about Halo has been done better many times before on PC, it was only revolutionary because it was a console FPS.

Samus > Master Chief

At least Metroid deserves the praise it receives.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA

Once again you have proven to be an idiot when it comes to, at least Metroid (and maybe even Halo). Let me point this out to you in the simplest, possible, terms.

Hmmm... We seem to be forgetting about the forces of soild impact... The force of a 75 caliber rifle shell hitting you in the face at extremely high speeds... Visor or no visor will break your neck from the whip lash... Or in the spleen area will burst your spleen...
It would bounce off the suit, and Samus wouldn't feel a thing.

Oh and Master Chief has beam weapons... Plasma Rifle and Plasma pistol...
You don't seem to understand. You're getting close, but not close enough.

Then there is the needler... It seeks and it explodes...
*yawn* Not going there.

Oh and I would like to see Samus fight the flood and not get infected...
Her suit would protect her. NEXT QUESTION?!
FYI: She survived INTENSE radiation.

She doesn't have an energy shield... At least not in the orignal games.
Oh, ye of little faith. Her suit is more than an energy shield. It's a bullet proof body suit, extreme temperature protection suit, charged particle resiliant suit, etc. Energy Shields are for wimps.

Oh and yeah the projectiles that you said weren't in them are in them... That's what the little floaty things shoot at you. Projectiles...
They shoot something called "natural defenses" at her. Since her suit is biological (even though bullet proof), a biological item could, in theory, harm her. The only "solid projectiles" in any Metroid game come from the weak little bugs. And, FYI, those aren't even a bother (maybe 1 Energy).

And lighter means more power?... I would like to see a light wieght boxer try to beat a heavy wieght boxer... It's not gonna happen folks...
You, again, don't understand. She's lighter and yet has more power; therefore, Master Chief is no contest for Samus Aran. He has to lug around all his artilery, if he wants it. She, in simple terms, doesn't.

Oh and what was that comment that Chief "might" have a chance against samus out of her suit...? Chief would just pwon her even more!
I put Samus Aran with Master Chief's level of tech there. Should have explained.

Chief has cybertronic implants that improve speed, power, accuracy and reflexes! And does samus...? NO.
Dumbest statement made thus far. Samus Aran's suit gives her even higher hightened awareness than some silly cybornetic implants. She has Master Chief's level of speed, power, accuracy, and reflexes without the suit, though. She is an alien.

And is samus a one man/woman army... NO.
Okay, I was wrong. That's the dumbest statement yet. No comment.

Does samus fight highly trained highly inteligent alien beings that aren't just alien bugs or average space pirates...
Do I stand corrected again? Is this, yet again, dumber? Nah, it's tied. The Space Pirates are as trained as Master Chief, and Samus Aran goes beyond that. Like I said, Samus Aran had to trian for the Chozus Ritual. Master Chief wouldn't survive the training, let alone the Ritual (only survival comes from victory).

Oh and do you think samus would have a chance against a banshi at atmospheric levels splattering her entire area with plasma cannon fire and fuel rod shells would be able to survive?
It's something called "a plan". Samus Aran has survived the very depths of a volcano, "plasma" fire wouldn't bother her.

There are after all "beam" weapons...
Already commented. You're still off on the concept.

Oh yeah then there are the Covenant tanks... With... I don't know technical term, but they have huge beam weapons.
*yawn* You want to talk vehicles now? Samus Aran gets her space fighter and owns that.

Then we have the cloak thing. Can samus cloak... Does she fight actually cloaked things? NOT ghosts. See cloaked enemies are a wee bit different then ghosts cause you can see ghosts with the right equipment. You can't see cloaked things cause they are cloaked and you can't be cloaked unless you can evade all sensors....
Does Samus Aran need to cloak? No. And you made it blatenly obvious that you haven't played many Metroid games. In Metroid Prime, at least, there are cloaked Space Pirates. Fun punks.
FYI: You don't understand cloaking. There is always a weakness. The most common is "heat signatures" Try again when you know a bit more.

How lame is a Character that is from the distant future that is using.... Elements for weapons?! I mean come on! A assult rifle is by far more familiar and by far cooler to some one then a element... If some one wants elements they'll play a RPG not a FPS.
I was comparing the weapons to elements since the COW person wanted to say that Master Chief is resistant to heat and cold. Read more, bud.
FYI: It's hard to say when Metroid series is set. After all, Samus Aran is an alien to us.
FYI: I'm also an RPG fan so I always compare to elements. Assault Riffles fall under "fire" or "metal" as an element. Nice try, bud.

So the metriods absorb energy? How come samus can beat them then? Does she use her missles? Cause beams are energy?
No, she freezes them.

So yeah Master Chief could easily beat a metriod. Cause he mainly uses non-beam weaponry.
You just said that? Wow... You are an idiot... They Metroids can eat bodily energy. They'd just attach themselves to Master Cheif and heal that minimal damage his "non-beam" weapons deal.

Oh yeah and what about a EMP grenade? It would shut down all the power in Samus's suit and she would be a sitting duck!
Oh, that would be true if Samus Aran's suit were electronic. Besides, she came across EMP emitting enemies in Metroid Prime, and they could only disable her visor for, say, 1 second. She can easily work without a visor for that long. Her suit won't lose any energy and bullets still won't affect her.

OH!! You said something about snapping her neck? I'd love to see him try against an expert martial artist. :p Master Chief is owned no matter what he does.

FYI: I knew about those "beam" weapons, but they'd only do 1 Energy damage to Samus Aran's suit. They are much lower tech, and the Chozus Armor is beyond just resiliant.
FYI: The military has often called her in because their tech is so much lower. They rely on solid projectiles and low tech beams weaponry. In case you can't tell, that means that Master Chief and the military of the Metroid series use the same level of tech (and the same training).

I'd recommend you try to get more, and better, information before attempting this.


Aug 21, 2003
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secret cow level
alright dude u obviously didnt see the movie i posted up

oh and liek umm i played super smash bros. melee and umm... pikachu kicked samus' ass i mean even a giant hand killed samus

u dont see mastercheif in anygames like that cuz master cheif would OWN and it wouldent be fair


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
They made the game fair. In reality, a punch wouldn't phase Samus Aran. They made it so that you could play any of "Nintendo's babies" and have fun. You, obviously, have no imagination. I did try to watch that movie, but I only have a 56k.

*1 hour later* Forget this!
Aug 31, 2003
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The Area of Role Playing
I think Samus is better.... Then Master Chief.
You shoulve made this a poll nope.
I like Samus better, she has uhh alot more stuff lol.

Yay! Go Samus!

Model Of Heavy Arms Custom

Revenge Of MetaKnight

Just to let you know, these are not my pictures, so if you think I use roms, I Dont!

Btw: 1. Samus, 2. MetaKnight, 3. GundamWing!
Fyi: The MetaKnight thing may not show, right click on the picture and go to properties and copy+paste the url to your browser.
Sep 2, 2003
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You know... This argument really is pathetic... These characters are from totally different dimension/universes. With no way to compare weapons or abilities. Gravity could be totally different in Samus's universe ,hence her acrobatic abilities, then Master Chief's. Then there really is no way to compare weapons. Cause each one of the enemies have different types of weaknesses. So... There really isn't any way to compare, and you are really making Samus to be some super godess. Oh and you need to get to know you're physics. The bullet from Master Chief's sniper rifle just wouldn't bounce off it slam her neck back and snap it. Cause her neck muscles aren't that strong not matter who much training she has. So yeah if Chief sniped her she would die. Maybe not from penetration but from impact.

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