I've only read up to almost finishing page 4, I got bored. In case this hasnt been said, the books are NOT official Bungie material. Whatever they say, could, be false. I mean, think about it. In the BOOKS, they say the Spartan **II** notice the II's? 's are capable of running 56 km/h, WITHOUT the suuit. That's unrealistic. However, the MC's armor is amazing. He can walk up to a 60 ton+(120,000 pounds?), and easily just bounce it off a cliff... and then he can walk up to another Spartan **II**, punch him in the head, and guess what? Wow... not only does it fail to turn every bone in the MC's fist to powder, but it also has a minimul effect on the Spartan II's armor...
also, if you took Samus when she was a baby, and tossed her into the Halo universe where technology isn't about 999999999999999999999 times any tech level humans will reach before making themselves go extinct through greed, laziness, pollution.... *cough*... well, so on, BOT, and then let her grow as a soldier until the age of 20, a 17 year-old MC could kick her @$$. But, taking into account the fact that her tech level is, as I mentioned earlier, many many many many many times more advanced than the MC's, then, yeah, she'd win. Because it's an unfiar fight. And if you want an analogy...
Caveman with nothing but a rock= Master Chief
Some chick with the most advanced technology to date, and intensive training all her life
Who wins? Was it because the chick was and was more capable of being kick all @$$? Naw. It's because her technology is superior by such amounts that only several millenia of evolution could make... and that's even though Samus has technology of an even TOUGHER race!!!!! Might as well have it be
"Who would win? This Innersphere powered combat armor? Or this Madcat Mk2 Clan Mech?", but it's even worse since they're completely different universes.
Also, some things about Halo that irrelevate previous arguments...
1. They may have all those types of weaponry, but the MC can only practically carry 2.
2. And considering that he only wants 2 weapons, HOW THE HELL WOULD HE BRING a 60 TON TANK!?!?
3. Don't talk about a Sniper round killing Samus. It can't kill MC in one hit, unless it's to the helmet, in which case I must say it's impractical to have enough bullet proof whatever-the-hell-his-visor-is-made-of to stop the bullet from killing him with they're thousands of times lower tech.
And some I can't remember... too many stupid things said. And, to be truthful, there IS NO WAY TO MAKE THIS A BIASED ARGUMENT. Remember that Samus has a much more advanced armor suit and implants...*thinks, yet their armor suit, which unless is practically dense as a neutron star, weighs less than 2 tons, something the MC could easily carry, slows her down enough that she runs slower, and she's so weak or the modifications to her body suck balls so much, that she runs slowly...*...*sigh* no point in arguing a biased argument...
I wish this were the Asylum so I could flame most of you for using stupid as hell logic. Then, I gotta add, the MC is gonna be the one to jump off a ship in orbit around Earth, land somewhere(another ship I heard somewhere

), and defend Earth from armadas and armadas and armadas of creatures with technology atleast 3 times as advanced. And the MC can bounce 60 ton tanks onto grunts
so fun to do that...
and, if you took a grenade made by ppl with tech about 3 times as advanced as Samus', then tossed it onto the weakest point of her armor...
would she be able to survive that and a punch from someone that can EASILY bounce around 60 ton tanks... not to mention knock them around even with the very tip of his/her fist?
how about, you take the VERY best man-portable weapons developed by the Chozo... you take the said 3 times/advanced grnades, and you hit Samus with 3 of each? I DOUBT she'll survive that... I HAVE done that to ppl in multiplayer HAlo... so, as should have been understand long ago in pages 2-5, the MC is way more bad@$$ FOR HIS TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL. I'd hate to say it, all you ppl that prefer the much more realistic in many ways, much cooler, much better game on a MUCH better platform and so voted MC, are wrong...
Just put the MC into a time warp to the 100th century, and THEN watch the now equaly advanced Samus win... or just let the MC be a bounty hunter with unrealisticly stupid technology.