Marijuana legalization


Sep 18, 2003
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Cascasin is what burns your toung in peppers. This creates a response by your body releasing endorphins to counteract the pain. The point is this too is a drug that can be mildly addictive. It has no bad effects in small quantities if a person lacks allergic reactions to it. My point. Although it is mildly addictive it is harmless, weed isn't necessarily harmless though, but both are addictive. Therefore simply saying that any addictive drug should be banned is a ftaly flawed argument.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by Gedrin
Therefore simply saying that any addictive drug should be banned is a ftaly flawed argument.
You missed the point entirely. My problem with pot isn't it's psycological addiction. My problem with it is that it's harmful, and addictive as well. The combination of the two.

You're argument isn't convincing.


Jun 22, 2003
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I feel drugs would be legilized by the goverment because he would sell it, and make lots more money. So instead of having to pay other ppl it would to goverment funds like cigerattes...


Sep 18, 2003
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My point is that taken orally much of this harm that you speak of is avoided.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by Gedrin
My point is that taken orally much of this harm that you speak of is avoided.
The only part avoided is the lung cancer part, so I guess when you say "much" you're only embellishing to make your argument more plausible. And when you take it orally, you will probably introduce stomach or other gastric problems (however, I'm unsure about this). Either way, you've only eliminated 1 of the negative effects of marijuana in this way, and your argument is not convincing. And lastly, if marijuana is legalized, how many people do you really think are going to take it orally over smoking it??


Sep 18, 2003
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Yes the only proven long term effect being lung cancer. So my embellishment is apparently stating that the only proven long term effect can be eliminated. Wow that's quite some embellishment.

As for how many people will take it orally, ever heard of magic brownies? Also what I have mentioned many times is a vaproizer can eliminate many of the carcinogens in marijuana.

As for gastric problems provide proof, not speculation, not the conversation that you had with your dentist, not what you think you might have read but maybe imagined in a pulication that you don't remember the name of, proof. Just one source that is reliable. I have been good enough to do research to prove my point, but you act as if that which you type has to be true because you beleive it.

There are other proven short term effects, but they are short term affects.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by Gedrin
Yes the only proven long term effect being lung cancer. So my embellishment is apparently stating that the only proven long term effect can be eliminated. Wow that's quite some embellishment.
There are other effects that are short term that I consider much more dangerous.

Originally posted by Gedrin
As for how many people will take it orally, ever heard of magic brownies? Also what I have mentioned many times is a vaproizer can eliminate many of the carcinogens in marijuana.
But how many people make brownies instead of smoking it? Seriously, of all the ways I've heard of people consuming pot, from knife hits, to brownies, the most popular ways are smoking it. And for some reason, I really doubt that people will all of a sudden just start making brownies instead of smoking it when it becomes legal.

Originally posted by Gedrin
As for gastric problems provide proof, not speculation, not the conversation that you had with your dentist, not what you think you might have read but maybe imagined in a pulication that you don't remember the name of, proof. Just one source that is reliable. I have been good enough to do research to prove my point, but you act as if that which you type has to be true because you beleive it.
First off I see very little proof that you claim to have provided on this issue we're discussing. Secondly, I was speculating, and I said I was speculating when I said it.

Originally Posted by Me
And when you take it orally, you will probably introduce stomach or other gastric problems (however, I'm unsure about this).
Notice the "however, I'm unsure about this" part. This means I don't know. And the reason I'm unsure is because no one does studies on the effects of marijuana being taken orally. Wanna know why? Because out of people who use marijuana, I'd say the majority of them smoke it. And you don't need statistical information to know that.

Originally posted by Gedrin
There are other proven short term effects, but they are short term affects.
Oh god, only short term effects. Did I mention that I think those are the most harmful?

Here's your argument summarized in my eyes Gedrin:

1. If the general populace took marijuana orally instead of smoking it, it would reduce the risks of lung cancer.

Here's my counter points:

A. I seriously doubt you'll see the general populace taking it orally. Look at tobacco. Most people that consume tobacco smoke it. Sure there is a minority of people who dip//chew it, but they are a minority.

B. When you put carcinogens like benzopyrene into your system, you will most likely develope cancer, since they damage your DNA. It was a speculation, but one founded upon more facts than you have in your whole argument, and I feel it has to be taken into account.

C. Secondly, even in the unlikely event that people did a complete 180 and started taking it orally, it would still only reduce it's harmful effects, and I would still consider it too harmful to be used by the general public, due to it's other effects.

Sorry, you just fell short buddy.


Sep 18, 2003
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First off I see very little proof that you claim to have provided on this issue we're discussing.
Try going to my first post and looking at any of the links that I provided. There is proof there.

Here's your argument summarized in my eyes Gedrin:
1. If the general populace took marijuana orally instead of smoking it, it would reduce the risks of lung cancer.
And since it seems you don't remember my argument here is a summary from my previous posts.

1. Marijuana should be moved down the DEA drug schedule so that it can be utilized for its medicinal properties. I noted several worse drugs that can be found lower in priority than marijuana.

2. Marijuana should be decriminalized. Several good arguments for this already exist and have been posted mainly by other people in this thread.

3. Although marijuana CAN cause proven long term affects these affects CAN be mitigated by the use of either a VAPORIZER or through ingestion, the former of which does not result in combustion and results in harmful organic compounds like benzene not entering the body. The vaporizer is especially useful for medicinal applications.

4. If legalized (not the basis of my argument initially, but I have been discussing it anyway) marijuana should be regulated.

5. This regulated enterprise can be a large potential revinue source for the governments other anti-drug programs or other things in general (general tax revenue) if it were legalized.

When you put carcinogens like benzopyrene into your system, you will most likely develope cancer
wow no source again, MSDS's are pretty easy to find or maybe a study cited. Also this is present in cigarette smoke. No mention of it being in Marijuana smoke is made by this MSDS but it probably is there anyway.

Next time go to google type the compound followed by a space and MSDS. the following is a quote from the preceeding MSDS.

"It is a probable carcinogen in humans and a known human mutagen. IARC Group 2A carcinogen. It is believed to cause bladder, skin and lung cancer"

Notice that it is a probable carinogen. Notice also that bladder, skin, and lung cancers are the beleived cancers caused by it. No mention of gastrointestional maladies.

Notice also that it is "formed during burning of organic material" This quote coming from the following link.

So try and find a compound that actually is present pre-ignition, also this is not exclusively present in marijuana.

See why research is important, and so easy too. Here is a gift for all of you non-researching people.

Okay I found a really good article on benopyren

but I emphasize that this comes from burning it.

So everybody please read this if you smoke whatever and please stop smoking it. Marijuana in brownie form is better for you. but no chewing tobacco either, thta can result in mouth cancer and the subsequent loss of part of your face.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by Gedrin
1. Marijuana should be moved down the DEA drug schedule so that it can be utilized for its medicinal properties. I noted several worse drugs that can be found lower in priority than marijuana.
I don't mind if it's made availible for medicinal use. If you're terminally ill, and you wanna get high, I'm not gonna stop you. I really couldn't care less about people with cancer, and chronic pain.

The other points, 2-5, I'm either against, or I don't think they're feasible.

Nice research on Benzopyrene. I was aware it was a carcinogen contained in marijuana and cigarette smoke, but I hadn't done enough digging on it apparently. Mebbe I should dig out the other chemicals contained in marijuana. You've inspired me to do some reasearch in that department anyways.

I know what Safety Data Sheets are. ;)

Now. Lemme make this real easy for you guys. Here's what I need to be convinced:

A) A study, done by a reputible unbiased source* that says marijuana is not either of these things:

- That marijuana is not psychologically addictive.


- That marijuana does not cause damage to your memory, lungs, and suck out your motivation when consumed in the most common fashion (smoking). For instance, show me a study that shows smoking marijuana has no effect on school attendance or something like that. I realize there's a billion lurking variables here, but show me a good study showing that marijuana doesn't affect your grades or work habits.

*Reputible, Unbiased source - A study or research done by a branch of Government (US, or foreign), or done by a Pharmaseudical(sp?) company. The company must be inside the US.

I've looked for studies of this kind before, altho only halfheartedly. If you can unearth something I can't, I take my hat off to you, and I'll change my opinion. Until then, happy hunting.

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