From the start this thread has been mostly about moving marijuana down the DEA drug schedules so it can be legally prescribed.
Decriminalization too would make sense.
btw I can resist the big mac. Saying that partial freedom should only be allowed is kinda a no brainer. For instance alcohol is perfectly legal once you are 21 BUT no giving it to people under 21, no legal consumtion if you re under 21(there is a difference), no drinking and driving, no public drunkeness, no selling without a liquor liscense, and a whole bunch more.
Now if made legal and highly regulated it is very possible that marijuana use could be better controlled than it is now (see earlier posts by various people). I mean think about it, as a paralell if you have a liquor licsense and you sell to a minor you could end up losing that liscense, and with several legal compeditors you will have a hard time being able to sell liquor then. The same could go for marijuana.
If marijuana were legal then we would have people getting high on marijuana and maybe hurting themselves. As compared to people getting drunk and dying from alcohol poisoning, or doing stupid stuff like driving drunk.
btw I checked my source and it gave the vaporizer a higher percentage of THC than combustion. Are you sure you didn't read the info backwards?
Decriminalization too would make sense.
btw I can resist the big mac. Saying that partial freedom should only be allowed is kinda a no brainer. For instance alcohol is perfectly legal once you are 21 BUT no giving it to people under 21, no legal consumtion if you re under 21(there is a difference), no drinking and driving, no public drunkeness, no selling without a liquor liscense, and a whole bunch more.
Now if made legal and highly regulated it is very possible that marijuana use could be better controlled than it is now (see earlier posts by various people). I mean think about it, as a paralell if you have a liquor licsense and you sell to a minor you could end up losing that liscense, and with several legal compeditors you will have a hard time being able to sell liquor then. The same could go for marijuana.
If marijuana were legal then we would have people getting high on marijuana and maybe hurting themselves. As compared to people getting drunk and dying from alcohol poisoning, or doing stupid stuff like driving drunk.
btw I checked my source and it gave the vaporizer a higher percentage of THC than combustion. Are you sure you didn't read the info backwards?