Tempest Storm
Premium Member
He has the right to call those ppl idiiots. Why? BECAUSE HE'S POSTING A ****ING ARGUEMENT! You have yet to post a single fact for your "case", yet you are calling him an idiot and a fool. If your next post in this topic doesn't have an arguement in it, you're getting warned, got it?Originally posted by c9h13no3
Anyone who calls large bodies of intelligent people fools is a fool.
WTF! What in the world does that have to do with smoking dope being legal?
And this folks is why my opinion isn't in the big box of idiocy.
And Sonic, Hemp doesn't have TDC in it, so it's really not the same thing, though they are of the same species.
The stoneheads don't care about smoking in public. They just wanna be able to get their shit without worrying about doing more time than a ****ing serial killer. Can you really blame them?
And actually, I believe the reason pot is illegal is because of the cotton companies lobbying for it to be made illegal, and they used that "killer weed" arguement as their case. They wanted it illegal because, as you said, hemp is better for making fabric than cotton. Thats most likely why it's still illegal. There's little, if any medical reason why it should be illegal. No financial reason. And really, no legal or constitutional reason either. It's basicly just a safer, more effective cigarette.