Marijuana legalization


Sep 18, 2003
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I beleive that marijuana should be legalized. You may ask what is my situation? I am a 20 year old college syudent. Then you may question my proclivities. I have not nor will I ever smoke pot for recreational use even if it is legalized. So then why do I care?
Here are a few good reasons.

There are already many worse substances that are legal

First off if we use the DEA's version of legality there are degrees of illegal. There are 5 schedules of drugs 1 being worst 5 being least bad.
To start out we can see in schedule 5 several preparations of opiates. Which are apparently according to the DEA less addictive than marijuana.
Next we have drugs like Diazepam also known as valium in schedule 4.
Now we come to the barely legal to prescribe schedule 3. Anabolic steroids, barbituates, Marinol(synthetic THC), LSD precursors, and some more opiates.
Next we have schedule 2 which contains: PCP precursors, cocain some more opiates, cocain, ritalin(confuses the hell out of me),
Now the most dangerous of all drugs schedule 1. PCP, LSD, marihuana and others. According to the DEA these drugs have no medicinal uses and have a high potential for abuse, and there is a lack of accepted safety for the drug.
Anything wrong with this picture? How is it that cocain is worse than marijuana. And to prove that this is not some horrible lie heer is the ling to the DEA websites drug schedule and what the schedules mean

Paralells in alcohol prohibition

What happened when prohibition ended to the alcohol empires that the mobs had built when prohibition ended? There was no need for them, and they either found something else or collapsed.
To spell it out a little better if marijuana was legalized there would be a lot of lost revinue for hmm say drug dealers. Those inclined towards switching to another drug would already be selling it.

The rift between law enforcement and regular people

Another important point is the rift between law enforcment and people. Especially in poorer areas or slums ghettos whatever you call them. Marijuana is typically viewed as a benign drug by the general populus, and possibly law enforcement. This is dangerous for both sides and leads to a whole host of problems.

skews perception of other drugs

If marijuana is one of the worst drugs according to the government then maybe they are lying about some of the other drugs. Kind of a natural thought even if in most cases it is false it is very dangerous.

DEA funding argument

If you legalized marijuana and made it so that you had to have a licsense to grow and sell it there would be immense revinues generated. Even without such a system if the government just grew it cheaper than it could be sold illegally by others effectively destroying their business. This would of course save the amount of money spent on marijuana for other drugs.

The medicinal argument

Even if all of those other arguments didn't d oit for you this last one in my opinion is the best. Marijuana is an EXTREMELY effective anti-nausea drug making it great for aids and cancer patients who need to gain weight.

I am interested to see what other people think, but please be mature I don't want this thread ending up in the asylum.


Sep 18, 2003
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Are you going to give an argument? Or are you just being sarcastic?


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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He dodn have to give an argument. It's not an aruing place the Arcane Sanctuary...That it isn't. But I also disagree.

Very stupid. Why would they legalize something that kills people?


BattleForums Member
Aug 18, 2003
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legalize marijuana!!!!!!! reason: cuz i blaze it everyday and it would be ALOT cheaper of it was legalized. I smoke around 1 gram a day to my head...thats $20 a day!


BattleForums Member
Aug 18, 2003
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Originally posted by sakuhta
He dodn have to give an argument. It's not an aruing place the Arcane Sanctuary...That it isn't. But I also disagree.

Very stupid. Why would they legalize something that kills people?
The thing is weed DOESN'T kill people...even sez that and weed leads to thousands of arrests per year but NO deaths. Cigarettes on the other hand kills over 700,000 people a year and they are just doesn't make sense. In order to overdose on weed is to smoke 150% of you body weight...and that is impossible to do cuz even a seasoned smoker would just fall asleep after a quarter (7 grams).


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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a quarter of what? Are you only smoking kb? I could take a quarter of shwag.

Ne way I beleive that all drugs should be leagl, we live ina country where we are given the right to do as we wish as long as it doesnt bring physical pain on others. I dont see how me smoking bud poping x eating shrooms or licking stamps could possiblly be my goverments buisness.

Furthermore it would release the amount of people we would have in jail, and we would stop having to pay such high taxes for stupid things such as drug dealers...


Sep 18, 2003
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I've heard exstacy can kill you, and if you have a bad reaction shrooms can destroy your liver very quickly. THC on the other hand is almost impossible to overdose on (there has never been a recorded OD based fatality)
Besides some opiates are legal by prescription, and they will result in respiratory arrest if you get too much in your system.

also typically weed does not cause the violent behavior that legal drugs like alcohol do.

Anyway an uneducated argument does not belong here if you gave a good reason that marijuana should be illegalized that would be good, but giving the reason that a drug that is almost impossible to overdose on kills people is just silly.

RoaCh of DisCord

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May 17, 2003
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I'm going to have to agree here.

I find it ironic that weed is illegal, and cigarettes aren't. Marijuana's main affects are short term...and hardly, if ever... directly kill people. I would by far rather have my friends smoke weed at someone's house and have fun, than drink...or smoke (cigarettes) on a regular basis. Chances are, if you smoke will become calm. Most people do. Allot of people do crazy things while drunk, and cigarettes, well...they just give you cancer ;D


Retired Staff
Jan 21, 2003
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Originally posted by c9h13no3
I'm going to disagree.
I really like it when someone says what he/she means in 20 instead of 200 words but next time try to explain why you disagree.

Originally posted by sakuhta
He dodn have to give an argument. It's not an aruing place the Arcane Sanctuary...That it isn't. But I also disagree.

Very stupid. Why would they legalize something that kills people?
AS is not a place for arguments and marijuana kills people??? Your logic is beyond my intellectual abilities, Sakuhta. :rolleyes:

As for the thread topic, prohibition of using any kind of drugs, whether it is nicotine or alchool or cafeine or marijuana or heroine, is a direct violation of fundamental human rights.

Everybody is free to choose his/her *poison* as long as he/she doesnt harm other people. Everything else is unconstitutional and the only people who benefit from the prohibition of drugs are the drug trafficers.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by Galatia
I really like it when someone says what he/she means in 20 instead of 200 words but next time try to explain why you disagree.
I found explaining why I think a certain way has no effect on people. The more evidence I dig up, the more it goes unnoticed by people making other arguments counter to mine. So therefore, I choose not to argue my point. I just felt the need to let him know that everyone on this forum isn't for it's legalization. If there had been a poll, I would have voted, and not replyed.


Jul 30, 2003
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i'm sorry... yes i have smoked before but i do not see why it should be legalized...
sure i don't have a problem with it when friends smoke a bowl in front of me..... but i'll no longer be a part of it...
regardless of what u say no marijuana does not kill ppl...
the problem is it ruins there lives...

you guys ever see that comercial?
my brother got hooked on pot...
is he in jail? no....
did he drop out of school? no...
well... to tell you the truth he never really did much of anything...

that comercial 100% shows my view on pot...
to me it is stupid and worthless and if legal many more people would just be worthless burnouts...

also the cost issue... you think if the government was growing pot the price would go down? lmao
they would give the licences to grow it.. they would tax the **** out of the licence
they would give the licence to sell it...
they would also tax the **** out of that licnence..
and they would tax the **** out of the ppl that buy it....

the cost would only go up if they legalized it.... plus you got the problem of who get's to sell it?
you ain't gonna find pot at your local gas station...
there gonna put restrictions on it... you can only buy it at a certain age...
and how do u have some sort of test to see how "stoned" someone is?

theres gonna be limits.. i mean if someone's so blazed out he can't even talk he shouldn't be driving should he?

overall i say no... pot should not be legalized...

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by sakuhta
He dodn have to give an argument. It's not an aruing place the Arcane Sanctuary...That it isn't. But I also disagree.

Very stupid. Why would they legalize something that kills people?
Let me see if I can blind you with my brilliant logic here. AS is a debating forum. To debate means to argue. Hence AS is an argueing forum. Perhaps you should actually rea the forum discription before making dumbass statements like the one you just made.

And weed does not kill ppl. Cigarettes, with all of the chemicals and posions do. Booze do too. But both are legalized. Also note that hemp (a distant cousin of weed) is also illegal in areas. And you could smoke an entire hemp plant and get nothing but a hacking cough. Hence the governments crimilizing of weed is not based of health factors, because, as stated above, weed has been proven to have certain medical qualities.

The war on drugs is fruitless. The drugs get in no matter what. And there is high demand for the drugs. Personally, I think all drugs should be legalized and regulized.

Think about it. Where do most murders occur? Inner cities. What types of ppl thrive in inner cities? Gangs. What do gangs thrive on, drugs and sometimes illegal arms sales. They thrive because there is no compitition, except among themselves. If the government were th\o get into the game, and offer their drugs at lower prices (licences wouldn't be needed if it was a government department growing the weed instead of individual farm owners) and safer buying enviroments. They have this set up in Holland and the way they do it is they distribute it at safe areas, like church basements and such. They have armed guards, and a doctor there as well, in case omeone ods, which is very rare since they can control just how much the person gets. And they also make them shoot up in the buying area too, but only for the heavier drugs, like coke, heroin, crack, LSD and shit. Weed is sold in coffee houses actually. 5 joints a day. So if the government got in the biz, then they could drive the gangs out of business, and that would largely decrease murders and drug related crimes.

It would also save us the inane mmounts of money it costs to jail drug users and deals, who make up the largest percentage of the 2 million person prison population according to the Bureau of Justice, with more ppl in for drugs related offences than rape or murder, and occupying roughly 25% of the prisons.

you guys ever see that comercial?
my brother got hooked on pot...
is he in jail? no....
did he drop out of school? no...
well... to tell you the truth he never really did much of anything...
That commercial is pure government propaganda and has little, is any, factual evidence to go on. I know many ppl who smoke weed and who go to school, goto work, do their job, do them good, and smoke at nights to relax.

So yes, I do believe that weed and most, if not all other illegal drugs should be legalized and regulized.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by Tempest Storm
Let me see if I can blind you with my brilliant logic here. AS is a debating forum. To debate means to argue. Hence AS is an argueing forum.
Debating assumes there's a rational party on the other end.


Retired Staff
Jan 21, 2003
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Originally posted by c9h13no3
I found explaining why I think a certain way has no effect on people. The more evidence I dig up, the more it goes unnoticed by people making other arguments counter to mine. So therefore, I choose not to argue my point.
Your arguments don't go unnoticed by everyone around here, c9h13no3.

And the purpose of debating is not to change other people's minds. It is all about your arguments and how you support them.

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by c9h13no3
Debating assumes there's a rational party on the other end.
So what, everyone who support drug legalization is irrational? Even though they may have very good reasons for supporting it. Is everyone who disagrees with you irrational? How's about this, either debate, or don't post. :)


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
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They should legalize it.. what the hell, I know soooo many kids that smoke pot they act like it is legal. Like 95% at my school are stoners.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 27, 2003
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for realisticisity no it shouldnt be.

for fun yes it should be.casue then it wold be ezier cause u dont gotta sneek it.and to od 150% ur body weight.....thats crazy.

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