Raphael: Not far, I can see it.
Zacxko: Wha?... You can see it? From here?
Raphael: A tree that big isn't that hard to see. It just looks like a pile of feces, because of the black leaves.
Zacxko: Oh, so that's what it was...
A few minutes later...
Zacxko: Her we-
*Suddenly, a hail of arrows fly out from many directions, all aimed at our protagonists.*
Raphael: Snipers. Zacxko, find a way to open the tree, our find an entrance near it. MOVE! We'll provide cover!
*Raphael draws out his Griffin Archer's War Longbow, the one that belonged Averski, the Lady of the Bow. This bow is said to have legendary powers that only one of Griffin kind (Griffin Warrior, Archer, Mage, Spellbinder, Nightblade, etc.) can unleash.)
Raphael: Fly true, my arrows. *Nocks an ebony arrow onto bow.*