OOC: Thanks to Tac for the items. You guys can go shopping or whatever.
Gears, Small 10 gp
Gears, Large 30 gp
Magnesium 25 gp
Bromine 10 gp
Soap 5 gp
Yeast 1 gp
broken glasses 5 gp
Rags 5 gp
Large Springs 10 gp
Charcoal 1 gp
Saltpeter 1 gp
Ginka Root 5 gp
Kadura Stem 5 gp
Perfume 10 gp
Metal strips 10 gp
Sulfur Pills 10 gp
Carbolic Acid 15 gp
Mushrooms 5 gp (free, if you go look for them)
Coughing Cure 20 gp
Filament 5 gp
Electrical Coil 45 gp
Capacitor 50 gp
Fertilizer 25 gp
Sugar 5 gp
Wine 10 gp (yes, this can be used in techs)
Metal Can 5 gp (free, if you look for it)
Metal Tube 5 gp
Pistol Pieces 25 gp
random Junk 15 gp
Rail Spike 5 gp
Leather Straps 5 gp
Fuel 70 gp
Small Springs 85 gp
Schematics 50 gp
Cocoa leaves 25 gp
Tobacco leaves 50 gp
Big Chief Snake Oil 100 gp
Poison 75 gp
Aqua Vitae 75 gp
Electrolyte solution 90 gp
Brass Ring 50 gp
Lantern 50 gp
Compass 40 gp
Small Electrical Parts 150 gp
Large Capacitor 500 gp
Electrical Harness 100 gp
Stearic Acid 250 gp
Black Powder 50 gp
Large Pipe 50 gp
Metal Casing 75 gp
Metal Clamp 75 gp
Iron Ore 95 gp
Steel 100 gp
Fine Hilt 65 gp
Heavy Wire 65 gp
Lenses 100 gp
Crude Gems 125 gp
Schematics 200 gp
Mithril 1500 gp
Tesla Coil 250 gp
Sheet metal 100 gp
Nitroglycerin 225 gp
anybody can make basic things out of junk, even without training, thse things include:
Molotov ****tail: Rags+Fuel
Glasses: Broken Glasses+ Lenses
Schematics: May not be able to use them (too advanced) Ainar can use crude, moderate, and advanced schematics. Clerics,
sorcerors and wizards gain bonuses to tech skills and can build
up to medium, barbarians and monks cannot build anything,
everybody else can build crude.
Healing Salve: Ginka Root+Kadura Stem
Poison: Cleanser+Aqua Vitae
Battery Charges: Metal Strips+Electrolyte
Electric Light: Lantern+Filament+5 battery charges
Chardged Ring: Brass Ring+Capacitor, increases agility and
Crude Pistol: Metal Tube+Broken Pistol
Spike Trap: Rail Spike+Large Spring
Pure Ore: Iron Ore+Steel
mundane (nonmagical):
War Fan: its like a beautifully crafted lady's fan, but deadly. Add steel and you get a Razor war fan. 200 gp
Khopesh: Curved bladed sword 200 gp
Sai: 3 pronged dagger (Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles uses two fo these) 100 gp
Fullblade: 18 inches longer than a greatsword. 500 gp
Magical: This includes daggers, swords, spears, etc. They just have 'Flaming', 'Frozen', or whatever as a prefix
Flaming weapons 1000 gp
Ice burst Weapons
Chaotic weapons (deal damage to law oriented creatures)
Lawful weapons (deal damage to chaos oriented creatures)
Evil weapons (deal damage to good oriented creatures)
Holy weapons (deal damage to evil oriented creatures)
Electrical Weapons
Sonic weapons (loud sound hurts the ears/deafens)
Dwarven Blackrock: nearly indestructible, takes a huge chunk of damage directed at the wearer, making him nearly invinsible, extremely rare 25,000,000 gp (full plate armor), 10,000,000 gp (scale mail) 1,000,000 (cuirass (body armor)), 500,000 (anything else (pauldrons, greaves, guantlets/bracers, etc.))
Smokesteel: Actually crystal, unaffected by heat, melts in cold conditions. 14,000 gp for a breastplate, 50,000 scale mail, 100,000 gp Full plate mail, 5,000 armor parts (pauldrons, greaves, etc.)
Laen: Hardened Tree sap, fairly common in elven areas. 3,000 for a breastplate, 5,000 for Scale mail, 10,000 for Full Plate, 1,000 for anything other than full armor set (pauldrons, greaves, etc.)
Potions of nearly ever spell you can imagine 100 gp
Universal Animal Call: calls any animal of your choosing, creature thus becomes pernament travel companion 5000 gp
Holy Texts: aids clerical spells 500 gp
Rope: I mean you just gotta have rope 100 gp
BTW, If you're wondering where the ULTIMATE armor is, I'll tell you. King's Armor Keep, back in Evers'ilance (the city). Virtually impossible to get into. The only place that sells Neo Adamntium and Runic Neo Andamantium.