OOC:This is my character, and Final Warrior OKed me
Name: Leron
Race: Human
Age: 27
Class: Shadow Servent- Blademaster and mage slayer
Sex: Male
Allignment: Nuetral
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: Near 150
Appearance: little of his skin shows because he always has a dark cloak on,but he is slightly tan from the parts that you can see(some of face, hands and sometimes arms)(wheres all black and dark green,except for his red Amulet)
Equipment: Amulet which gives his sword an attack that slowly makes a soul his(can be healed by mostly all paladins), one Handed Sword(very light)that is called Lights Tormentor ( it is pure black but odly enough reflects a great amount of light which makes it look shiny), Black Cloak which gives him the ability to blend in to anything as long as he stays still for 30 seconds, has light ordinary armor under his cloak, and has bracers used for blocking if he loses his sword.
Shadow Walk: can only use 5 times a day. where you can teleport to any place that has a shadow but you must know what this place looks like.
Backfire: Sometimes can send a spell back at a caster.
Fire/Ice Immune: Immune to fire and ice
Sleight Of Hand: excellent theif and can easily slip poison into any drink
Suspicion: Can sense when some one is trying to trick him
History: Once a pupil of Eshmar a Paldain of the high council, he was thought to become the greatest blademaster among the paladins once he graduated from Ilamel a training facility for paladins. He was very curious and often took walks through the building, and often dared enter areas forbidden to pupils.(he did this for the thrill of excitement) One day he was taking a walk when he recognized a teacher at Ilamel, he thought to say hello but then realized he was in a forbidden garden(only allowed to full paladins and nobles), so he jumped into a bush and hid. Leron over heard Ilamel saying to his fellow teacher that he had hired a man to assanate a noble family, Ilamel then said that his plan was to find the person he hired and then kill him. (this would make Ilamel look like a hero because he killed the murderer, though the paladins were considered people of the light, many people did not know that many of them were power hungry)
Leron continued to hide until Ilamel spotted an high inside the bush and yelled, whoever is in there get out or you will be killed, so Leron stepped out. Ilamel told him that if he told anyone what he had heard that Ilamel would kill all who he loves. So Leron kept silent for a few days, but he couldn't take it anymore so he told his personel teacher Eshmar, Eshmar didn't believe him and went off to tell Ilamel what an imagination Leron had. Later that evening Ilamel learned that his only love Melyana his girlfriend for the past 3 years was killed. He wept all night until a note was slipped under his door, It said "tell anyone else and your mother will be next" Leron knew this was Ilamel and bcame so angry that he picked up his sword and ran through the halls towards Ilamels large apartment, Leron rushed in with his sword in his hand and stabbed Ilamel in his chest and then ran of weeping.
HIstory Part II: after 4 years of wandering through the lands he met a Shadow Servent who after one year had taught him all of the Shadow Legion, they were nuetral assasins/fighters who lived only for revenge and despised mostly all nobles for there wealthiness. He studied under this nameless Shadow Servent for 3 more years and then he was given his first mission, he was to assainate a major leader of the paladins, he did this without a second thought because this man worked with Ilamel. He simply used his shadow walk ability and killed the man while he slept.
For this assaination he was given a red amulet that would slowly make a soul become his whenever he attacks someone (takes a few weeks to work on people who are strong in the mind and soul, doesnt work on paladins).
History PartIII: He has completed 87 assasinations that were nearly flawless and is known for his skill in leader ship and fighting on the battle field. He weeps every night for the death of his love Melyana and sometimes considers leaving the Shadow Legion because he knows she would never approve of it. Though many people in the Shadow Legion have decided to become evil he still sticks pure nuetral and kills all who harm him. He wishes to become an angel if the light could ever forgive him for his sins just so he can be with his lvoe Melyana. He has even considered changing his name and joining the warriors of the light, but he knows that he cant leave the people who brought him in when no one would. So he stays in the shadow legion and has taken a vow to destroy all who are power hungry or pure evil, unless they are within his own legion.
BOT:*A noise is made in the bushes near the caravan, WOlfz goes to invvestigate*
Wolfz: whos in there?*wolfz barely sees a person draped in dark clothes, a red amulet gave the man away*
Wolfz: You show your face*the dives into another bush and when Wolfz checks it out the man isnt there*
Zacxco: what was it?
Wolfz: some man, i couldnt see his face though...Keep on the look out tonight.