Kingdom of Evers'ilance

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: Fine, fine... lemme think of a good ending... But you'll need to come up with a good conclusion, meaning you'll answer the questions: "Who killed the President?", "What happened to Ainar?", "Where are the metals?", and of course, "What the heck started all this?"


*Deathaven descended through the tear within the roof. A few minutes later, he re-emerges, with two strange-looking objects mounted upon his pauldrons.*

Deathaven: Hmm... too end this all... what to do, what to do... Create, then Undo, or Undo, then Create?

Apollyon: How about Destroy?

Deathaven: You, sir, being Lord Apollyon, should know that Destroying Nothing is impossible... in fact, the Nothingness is impossible... but then again, it was exlied from Reality, was it not? Then so, it IS possible...

Rhianna: Get on with it! I want Raphael back!

Deathaven: As the good lady wishes...

*The left orb floats upwards, the right one down. They grow larger and a beam of energy passes between the two, and splay out above and below. That which was Nothing was now Something, and that Something was the Kingdom, restored to all its glory atop the temple.*

Deathaven: Oh dear. It seems I must be broken down, into my original components, for everything to be back to "normal". *Sighs* Oh well. It was fun, staying within the realm of Reality for a time, short as it was.

*Deathaven chants out a few things, and then releases his grip upon Death's Passion and the Reaper. They float above him, spinning, and he strides forwards into the light.*

Deathaven: Good-bye. Griffinhart will be back shortly, as will you, Lady Rhianna.

*Deathaven is assimilated into the beam of energy. In a few moments, the citadel slowly drops, back to its original place under the ground. Rhianna reappears next to Vox, and Raphael drops from the sky, landing lightly in a crouch.*

Raphael: That was fun...

Rhianna: Wow... hey Vox, is it ever this nauseating when you're resurrected?


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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[glow=red]With all of this happening i decided it was best to leave. I saw a dead body lying near by and transformed it making it look just like me. They will find that body and think that i am dead. This is how i want to keep it. I must learn to control my powers, i also plan on starting my own impire, in the lands that were owned by my people, clans will be untied, mighty cities will be build, i will see it happen. I wrapped myself in a sphere of invisibility and walked away from the city.[/glow]


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
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Ilya, city of stone.
Vox releases Devil's Pleasure, hand trembling. his voice has no more anger to it

Vox: It is nauseating. but you get used to it after the third time.

Vox runs up to them ignoring Devil's pleasure beckoning to him

Vox: i saw...him

Raphael: who?

Vox: The lord of Hatred

Rhianna: Mephisto?

Vox nods

Vox: his voice controls me through Devil's Pleasure.

Raphael: he finally got to you... that blade is evil eviler then Deathscream

Vox: aye but when i hold it, he talks to me...ill never forget that chilling voice.

Raphael: what did he say when you went mad?

Vox says something in Khalamese Raphael understands

Vox: Darkness beckons warrior, destroy the ones you hold dear and eternal life shall be yours. destroy your people and become one with the gods. Destroy your country and become one with the world. i tried to fight him off...but then the memories of my torture coarse through me and im forced to do his bidding. i also heard Akara calling me her pet and then i remember the pain

Vox looks at the ground sadly and tears streak his face


Jan 23, 2003
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(this is my SECOND time trying to get back into this rpg...)
* a figure catches vox's eye, the figure is breathing hard. his armor is that of a dragoon.*

Vox: a dragoon? you were there when all this happend?

Sturm: yes and no. i was knocked unconsious by a boulder and when i came to i was here. i was all alone in darkness. then i sensed a lighter shade of grey in the distance. with nothing better to do i came here.


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
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Ilya, city of stone.
Vox: you were inside my head when i was in a coma too...

Sturm: yes

Vox walks over Devil's Pleasure and sheaths it.

Vox: then you know of my past.

Sturm: yea, pretty hard life

Vox: i must find my parents

Sturm: but they're-

Raphael cuts him off by clamping a hand to his mouth and shakes his head

Vox: but i feel no pity, or remoarse for those i killed today.

Vox looks out the window, he heard footsteps of great beasts

Vox: oh shit, Raphael come here

Raphael walks over to Vox, his eyes wide

Vox: its the Four Horsemen

Raphael: Lord Apocalypse must have sent them...

The four dark riders atop their hellish mounts stare up at them

Famine's skeletal frame clanks with every bump of the hills

Pestiallence makes angry buzzing noises

War pounds a great fist to his unbreachable armor

and Death, What was death doing there?

Vox: they arent the real ones

Raphael: at least Death we know is fake.

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
Raphael: So Lord Apcalypse dares to make a move so boldly, in the face of his brother? Fine.

*Raphael draws out a new blade, Death's Passion.*

Raphael: Mph. New weight... cold, so cold... yet refreshing. Let us do this then.

*Raphael waks out to meet the Horsemen.*

Raphael: What is it that ye want, carriers of Famine, Pestilence, War, and *clears throat mockingly* Death?


Jan 23, 2003
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Sturm: They are not of this time, their very essance glows of a time of disqust and hate. I cant bear to see how they fight compared to raphael. Theyre horsemen, so i think my lance would hold up well


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
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Ilya, city of stone.
Vox: but these are from the apocalypse legends. they cannot be defeated by mortal men

Raphael: we arent mortal arent we brother?

Vox winces as he looks at the four Horrific riders

War steps up and touches his lance on Raphael's shoulder making him go to his knees

Vox: an Agiel! oh damn

Vox: we will fight you Four Horsemen. we will defeat you.

War goes back and his Hellish mount growls

Raphael: so be it. the battle for the world has come

Vox draws Devil's Pleasure and once again he hears the tormenting voice of Mephisto

Mephisto: Kill them, kill the horsemen then your friends, they mean nothing to you. they will betray you one day and then kill you.


Jan 23, 2003
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*Sturm stands next to vox as they await an attack from the horsemen*

Sturm: Though i may not know you all that well, i shall fight to preserve the greatness of evers'ilance forever. I may die, but the blood in my veins will strike the horsemen.

*sturm holds his lance at ready stance*

Sturm: what do ye horsemen see in me? I stand ready for what you hellish fiends can throw at me and i will stand here until my bones disintegrate.

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
Raphael: Hmph... Not for the world... not yet... but soon. Mayhap I shall so my true powers, then?

*Raphael does a backwards flip away, and as he is in the middle his flip, he does a spin, and glows. When he lands, he is a new form, a mix of the Demonchild, Angelkin, Death Incarnate, Death, Deathaven, Dun'kata, and the Final Warrior. He is dressed in silvery armor, with a long tunic, cut in front, kind of like a wide-open trenchcoat with the backend tapering off. In one hand, he holds the Griffin Blade, and in the other he wields Death's Passion.*

Final Warrior: Bring it.


Jan 23, 2003
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Sturm: the legend death incarnate? this will be an interesting battle.

*sturm jumps up in the air, and lands on top of a pillar*

Sturm: though you may be a super human death incarnate, i will try to match your skills and survive along with you this battle between death herself and a few battered mortals.

*sturm chants a spell, his lance(more spear) glows a pale white, then his lance flashes with lightning, his whole body convulges with electricity, long dark blue hairs appear from his helmate, they float with the electric charge and fall. *

*in a raspy, yet, loud voice*Sturm: I have learned a great deal in my travels, i have transformed! my body has become quicker and stronger, yet there are many fault in the build. if i only had more time to train and practice this transformation....but i must try and help defeat these heartless bastards.

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
*The Final Warrior swings around, swinging his blade in a false attack. The Horsemen aren't fazed. The Final Warrior leaps, high over everyone's head, and pulls out Godsrage and Demon's Wrath. He lands, and casts all foru of his blades into the ground, blade first. They form together, into a single blade.*

Final Warrior: Death Walker... Come unto me, Epsilion!

*The Griffin Lord Epsilion comes sailing out of the sky and lands. Upon his back are a pair of guantlets and a shield. The Final Warrior slips on the guantlets and equips the shield, which has runes engraved around the sides and the face of a lion-heaed Griffin on it.*

Final Warrior: To battle, Warrior!

*The Final Warrior rushes out, blade out in back, ready to strike.*


Jan 23, 2003
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*a flash of lightning catches final warrior's eye, it is sturm speeding down on the horseman of death, before he reaches his target, death summons a legion of skeletal knights to his side.*

*Sturm sees the overwhelming force appear, and throws the blade with excess momentum at the closest knight and lands on the ground sword in hand, and slices through the closest 2 knights. tearing their skeletal remains into two, setting their souls to rest once again*

Sturm: Damnit! Death, is all you can do is hide behind the legacy of those who fought for causes you care nothing for?

Horseman of Death: it is but pure pleasure to make them fight. they are my slaves in death you know? their souls are in my hands as will yours be not before too long!

*the Horseman of Death sends an ice spike at sturm's chest. a bolt of lighting blasts the ice into a million peices*

Sturm: such spells are worthless! i shall not die as of yet!

*A skeletal knight bears down on sturm with a warhammer. Sturm parrys and lobs the skeletal knight's skull off with a blow from the blunt side of his blade, sturm slices another skeletal knight's head off with a fluid swing from the last. His lance lies a few meters from his current position, if only he could reach it, he might stand a chance to this army of the dead.*

Sturm: I do hope these are not the fake horsemen...

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
*The Final Warrior leaps high over the heads of the Undead warrior and lands behind them. He swings around, his blade flashing, slicing through 4 knights, and the wind force cutting down 12 more.*

Final Warrior: Hmph. Nevhaye!

*A giant blade of energy swings out, cutting down countless Undead.*

Final Warrior: Fool. You cannot defeat Death with death, for Death cannot die!


Jan 23, 2003
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Sturm: Death cannot die, but he can be defeated no?
*sturm gets an opening and races for the lance(im transitioning it to spear) he cuts down unlucky skeletal knights with a cleaving fashion. He reaches his spear , and procceds by sheathing his sword and picking up the spear. He begins a short chant and plunges the spear in the chest of a skeletal warrior, impaling it and 3 others. then he pulls it back from the skeletons and as he does so they disintegrate. then he leaps back a few meters to an open space not 10 yards from final warrior and charges up for an attack*

Sturm: We need to keep our eyes on the other horsemen, these undead are causing us some troubl-

*before he finnishes the word, an undead knight charges and he swings the charged spear, slicing it in half and sending a minor shockwave down through the ranks slaying other skeletons, he then hurls the spear at a nearby pillar for safe keeping*

as i was saying, we need to watch the others, they are pure evil and will do anything to defeat us.

*as he finnishes the sentance an arrrow wizzes past his head*

Sturm: and now we have archers!

*an arrow poised for sturms skull is blasted out of the sky by the ligthing aura*

Sturm: i dont know how long i can keep this form up..


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
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Ilya, city of stone.
Vox's rage builds and he leaps to the horsemen but transforms in mid jump this is a combination of Dark Fire Warrior, Yratil, Burq and Ishtar making him look like a Flaming Demon with Angel wings and Minotaur horns

Death's Angel:[glow=red]You are without aid Horsemen I shall defeat thee.[/glow]

Death's Angel lunges into War taking Devil's Pleasure and plunging it into the Impenetrable armor

War: my armor cannot be breached fool!

War smacks Death's Angel on the side of the head with his lance but Death's Angel does not fall back

Death's Angel:[glow=red]The powers of Heaven, Hell, Fire, and Earth are mine to command you cannot defeat me ill breach you yet.[/glow]

Hearing the tormenting voice of Mephisto, but the angel part keeping him slightly sane, Death Angel attacks War relentlessly, suprisingly even though Devil's Pleasure is a Rapier (a fencing blade which means its VERY thin) it still manages to put big dents into War's armor

Death's Angel: [glow=red]Hear me War! tonight you die by my hand![/glow]

Death's Angel sends Purple/Blue flames slamming into War's chestplate making ash marks with every hit. the armor thins from the constant attack its Duribility almost expended. when at last it is breached, The Mutated Angel plunges Devil's Pleasure into War's exposed chest killing him

a buzzing sound comes from behind and Death's Angel wheels around looking at the horrific face of Pestialence

Death's Angel:[glow=red]Leave me Pestialence i will kill you later[/glow]


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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[glow=red]OOC; Since no one is posting in Night Empire i guess i am gonna go back to this thread. Story of how Igor created the Empire should aslo be included.

-Meanwhile in the lands of grass lords, Igor's homeland.-

My journey was over i came to the ruins of my village, the one that was destroyed by Orcs. The whole place was already covered with grass, so were the graves. That was good, that meant that the souls of the dead made it to the afterlife safely. I went to the center of the village, there was a hill there. I took out a horn made out of Dragon's tooth. The horn of my clan, the master of the winds. I blew it, and the wind that suddenly blew strongly from all the directions carried the sound in all the corners of the land. After i was finished i set down on the ground on top of the hill and started waiting. Other tribe leaders should answer my call shortly, all i had to do was wait.[/glow]


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
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Ilya, city of stone.
a man walks up near Igor and looks suprised

???: oh! i didnt think anyone would come here anymore. my name is Kie whats yours?

Name: Kie Jed
Race: Elf
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Black
Weapons: two swords strapped over his shoulders
Armor: Civilian Clothes
Class: Slave Driver
Family: Mate: Lisa (Half Demon Half Elf)
Son: Scythe
Abilities: None
Transformations: Dragon Form

Kie: you look sad, is this your home?

Behind Kie is a caravan of one kart its empty


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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[glow=red]OOC: Not something i was looking for, but okay.

Igor: My name is... Gavrila. As for my motives if you stay here you will soon see for yourself.

I heard horns blowing far away

Igor: They have almost arrived. Good many have come.

20 minutes later thousands of men rode their horses into the ruins of the village and onto the hill. Ten men got down from the horses and aproached me.

???: I am Gurak, leader of Stonering clan, who are you, and why do you have the Horn of the wind masters.
Igor: My name is Gavrila, and i want to unite this land, to forge an impire likes of which world has never seen.
Gurak: This horn is to be used to call the clans to war, this is not its purpose
Igor: It is for the best of all of us.
Gurak: Show me the horn, only the worthy might blow it.

I pulled out the horn. Everyone got down from their horses and bowed down.

Gurak: I am sorry i doubted you. What will be your orders?[/glow]

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
-Back in the midst of the battle-

Final Warrior: This ends, here and now. Brothers, come unto me, upon thy steeds. Death upon the winds shall aid thee, blades of divinity protect thee!

*Two resounding roars are heard as Tyravael and Razael arrive, riding two Griffins, Angel-wing white and Demon-heart black, surrounded by swirling blades and wreathed in winds of Death. The two Brothers are armored exactly like the Final Warrior, but in their respective colors. Tyravael unfurls his wings, releasing razor-sharp feathers, and Razael unleashes a Meteor Storm.*

Final Warrior: Brothers, aid us!

*The Final Warrior mounts Epsilion, and he sails out high along with Tyravael and Razael. The Horsemen Pestilence, Death, and Famine ride out high to meet them. The Three Brothers unsheath their blades and swing them out to the side, riding onwards, charging into the face of the Horsemen. Epsilion is surrounded in a golden aura that bleeds out behind him, and the White Griffin Lord Duverathi is encased within a holy white aura. The Black Griffin Lord Hisharadi is enveloped in an aura of red and black. All three's auras form together.*

Rhianna: The Three ride again... as it was prophesied. The end is near now, the Last Battle soon.

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