OOC: maybe i can sice things up! ^_^
btw i changed sturm a bit, think of him as brand new
. check here for new stuff http://www.battleforums.com/showthread.php?p=914830&posted=1#post914830
*as the party awaits doom, twisting nether tears a hole in the fabric of evisailiance, and out arrives a human clad in smoked leather armor. His eyes are blocked out by glare. He walks towards the party but does not leave the portal. it is a dark portal, it appears as though nothing is inisde of it, yet there stands a human. he gestures for the party to enter the nether. As he does so, the tornado of metal closes the gap even further and the whizz of metal can be heard and nothing less than a yell can penetrate the noise. *
btw i changed sturm a bit, think of him as brand new
*as the party awaits doom, twisting nether tears a hole in the fabric of evisailiance, and out arrives a human clad in smoked leather armor. His eyes are blocked out by glare. He walks towards the party but does not leave the portal. it is a dark portal, it appears as though nothing is inisde of it, yet there stands a human. he gestures for the party to enter the nether. As he does so, the tornado of metal closes the gap even further and the whizz of metal can be heard and nothing less than a yell can penetrate the noise. *