hmm she was on the shot and she got pregnand..that 1% u talking about, almost never happends. and let me tell u why (im on 3 moths shot myself
) when u start having it the female uterus doesnt release an egg each month. many females stop having thier period also. the only thing i can think of is, she started it not long ago. it takes a while to have the full effect..about 6 weeks while u have to wear a condom. after that...its completely safe. even more...after a while like around 2-3 years of being on this plan u have problems concieving. it takes 3 up to 6 months to start being fertile again.
well if she wasnt new on 3 months shot u could blame the doctor that prescibe her the drug. he/she is responsible for ur baby.
its not enought to have a good income. it might seem really good now that u are sort of single. i mean... her parents take care of her food, and most of her clothes and college money..and bla bla.
but once u move in together it things get really complicated. electricity bill, water, gas, rent, car petrol, food, baby napies, baby clothes, furtinuture... i really pitty u..i went though all this..except baby napies and its nasty.
u have both to be mature about the money issues and really make a plan money and stick with it. having a baby it will deprive u both of many things (specially sleep
). u goota worry now with whom u let the baby while u and ur gf have a well worthed fun time together.
well i dont wanna worry u..just make u relize in what u getting(and ur gf) into. u are young and it might come as a sock for u.
about the delievery u dont need to worry pal...the pain is natural so it doesnt hurt as much as i heard..and plus she can always have the epidural shot
as for loss of blood..with the new advancing tehnology is near imposblie for something to go that wrong. if the baby come legs first instead of head..its always cesarian. and if she is very afraid of pain or complication that is the easy way out. instead of hours and hours of delivering contactions and stuff, the cesarian is done in 30 mins top. but, is a surgical thing after all so its up to her if she wants to do it.
her mum had her, what 17-18 years ago,..since then medicin advanced tremendously. dont worry, everything's gonna be fine