Originally posted by Zaku
Im sorry, but i could not read one thing you just said...
Well like I said. I, don't live on this forum. It's, just nice to drop by. I'm not married and I didn't need a condom at the time. She was on the shot (female type condom thingy). Well apprently my sperm got past it.
My sister had a kid last year and she is 3 yrs older then me so this wasn't a big shock for my parents
Even though I'm 20 years old.. I, always been afraid of growing up..i mean I pay bills on my car ect..... but, the inner kid in me just won't let go. I will have to let go soon but until then I'm drinking like a sailor.
I, still hope it's a boy and I know she's been pregnant for at least a week and a half but.... I, just now got the balls to share it with you guys. (you will never see any of us in real life)
So if you haven't noticed. I've been drunk every night since then then. Ask Viz and/or Tweak and now you know why!
My girlfriend wants to name "
it" (ahahahahahhahaha). Her autumn if its a girl. Don't know if I spelled that right.
There you go Zaku corrected his bad grammar with my own bad grammar.