If U.S.A. went to war with Canada...


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
Boy... A lot of misconceptions about military here.

First, I'll say this. With Iraq, there has never been more than 10% of our troops. The Iraqi military outnumbered us in theater, but that's just proper use of resources.

Now for the training...

US and Canadian snipers are of equal training. Our armies are of equal skill. Canadian's navy is better. Our air force is better. Our marine corps are equal. In terms, that means we are equal overall. That's in training.

Techwise is a little different. Canada is superior in naval tech. The US is superior everywhere else. It has been said by the UK, Canada, France, et cetra that the US is invincible at night, and unstopable during the day. The top five trained militaries in the world are, in no particular order, the US, UK, Canada, China, and Sweden (or one of those Norwegian contries...).

Is China a threat? Yes and No. They are "calming down" in their eldern years of socialistic society. With the induction of Hong Kong back into the country, it is the hopes of the world and many Chinese that the Socialist Party will, slowly, die. China is more interested, now, in securing economy and allies. The US is one of those allies. They are even acting in our behalf to "disarm" North Korea with our negotiations there. In terms of strength, China has the second strongest armed forces. Terms of training? I've already stated top five ;)

Am I "disregarding" other contries? No! France has a decent military, but they are, truthfully, wimps when it comes to military and war. They have nicer tech than they have training. Japan has a stupendous defensive force. Russia...has fallen behind. African nations don't have organized military. They have organized militia. There are exceptions, but not as many. South Africa being the best example of an organized military. Australia has some of the best snipers in the world, along with the US, UK, and Canada.

Looking at all possible aspects, the US would likely take Canada quickly. We are more than amply prepared for "cold weather warfare", as we have Alaska and the states of the Great Lakes for examples of extreme weather. We would have as much trouble moving through the cold tundra as the hot dessert (maybe less so). Would we do it? Uh...NO!! Canada and the US are currently cooperating in dealing with sleeper cells that are way too numerous (by Canadian official reports). Are we concerned with the UN? That bunch of wimps who never do what they promise? Ha! Don't make me laugh! I'm more concerned with our own troops if we did something like that.

I respect Canada and their military, but I also know what it is capable of. I also have a great deal of respect for all other nations in the world, and their military. It's all perspective and knowing what technologies and training are in use.

US v. Canada won't happen. It's more likely:

US and Canada v. Cells in Canada


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