Diablos True Will (set)
Rarest Set
Diablos Bloody Angels Wings (Armour)
Requirements : Lvl. 87
Str. 225
Vit. 100
+4 To all Skills
Defence - 1600-2000
Cursed (Weared may not remove this until he has the full set(This attribute is only showed after the wearer puts it on))
-15 Vitality
Wearer cannot be target of any fire spells.
+ 1-500 Fire Damage
+ 2-200 Magic Damage
30% Chance to cast Diablo's Blood Wave when monster is near.
Wearer cannot harm diablo.
Diablo's Horns (Helm)
Defence - 250-500
Requirements : lvl. 72
str. 155
+2 To all skils
+ 5 to Diablo's Fire Spurt
Replenish Gold 10 per second.
Wearer may do damage to members of his party.
+200-600 Fire Damage
+500 to maximum damage.
Unique - Wearer has spiral horns on his/her head.
Diablo's Breathe (Large, red tainted sword)
Requir. lvl.85
str. 275
vit. 155
417-569 Damage
+3 To all skills
-25 Vit.
Monster weaken by 25% per hit.
500-700 Fire Damage.
+1 to health
-1 to mana
10% Life Stolen per hit.
50% Mana stolen per hit.
Unique - Wearer will have a hand that looks like diablo's.
Diablo's Death Grin (Ammy)
Require. lvl. 45
+500 health
+1 To all skills
+500 Mana
Monster grow stronger.
Diablo's Finger of Doom (Ring)
Require - lvl. 67
+200 to damage.
+2 to all skills
+10 to life and mana steal.
2 set items - +3 to all skils, 500 to mana
3 - 3to all skills, 500 to mana, 500 to life.
4 - 5 to all skills, 500 to mana, 500 to life, Walk/Run 75% Faster, 25 % Chance to cast lvl 50 Resurect on death.
Full set -
Same Attributes as four.
Unique - Your character looks like diablo
0.215% Chance that diablo will be summoned to aid you when you join a game.
Monsters Weakened by 50%
Fire spells reflect off your character.
Immune to fire.
Monsters immune to fire do not attack you.
Any questions :
Approximately 30 minutes in the making.
Here you are