Tyrials Enlightenment
Unique Shako (1 to 1,000,000 odds of chance over harly)
+3 all skills
+50% Magic Resistance
300-400 Defense
+100 Light Radius
+10% Magic Dmg to Attack(wheather melee/missle)
Diablos Fury
Unique Amulet
-10% Run/Walk Speed
+25 Fire Nova
+25 Lighting Blaze
-100% Fire resistance
+20% Cold/Light Resistance
The Wanderer Slippers
Unique Mirrored Boots
+50% Faster Run/Walk
+150 Life
+150 Mana
Level 1 Endless Stamina
+1 Vigor
Hephastos Skin
Unique Balrog Skin
+2000 Defense
+2 All Skills
+110% Enhanced Damage
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+60% Faster Hit Recovery
Level 5 Defiance Aura when Equipped
Gibbinns Flame
Unique Whip
20-250 Damage
400-500 Fire Dmg
75% Increase Attack Speed
-50% Enemy Fire Resistance
Stuns Enemy
Cowards Glory
Unique Aegis
350-450 Defense
Attacker takes 250 Damage
1-4 Sockets
Level 25 Charged Atack
Blacksmiths Power
Unique Ogre Gauntlets
Adds 25-75 Damage
10% Increased Attack Speed
Repairs 1 Durability in 30 seconds on Everything Worn
Ninjas Agility
Unique Collossus Girdle
100% Faster Run/Walk
100% Invisible Except for Shadow on ground
just what i can think of off the top of my head .... tell me which u like / don't like