All maps that have been created with the SC X-tra Editors can be played with the normal SC - Broodwar!
This files must be in the StarCraft directory, because some files in there are required to run the programs. The installation program does this automatically.
(Compartible with all Broodwar versios)
There are currently five Editions (Modes):
Standard version (All scripts, standard unit-setting, buildings everywhere (Standard Emerald)) - Buildings can be placed totally independent from terrain.
For the neutral player 12 (Ale scripts, all units for player 1-8, building placing like in StarEdit).
All units are given to player 12 when starting this mode, so this mode should be used at the start of a project to avoid annoing corrections with another mode later.
For the fundamental map designing (StarEdit building placing, everything for player 1-8, also critters)
An alternative to the Classic Mode (Addons are independend and placable everywhere)
(Critters for player 1-8, the most other things are like the Classic Mode)
Good for RPGs and special projects: Every unit/building requires just one point on the map, so e.g. buildings could be placed in another and above each other. (Addons and critters are not neutral, the Addons must be placed like buildings in StarEdit.) This mode should - if necessesary - used at the end of project to make it perferct.
(This mode is only availible in the Professional Edition of the SCXE!)
ALL MODES contain 255 upgrade levels and advanced dialogs.
With SCXE Wizard you can launch all SCXE modes as well as a symbol palette for easy use of special signs in text messages. In addition to this you can create or remove short cuts on Desktop and/or in the quickstart bar.
You can also launch up to three programs of your choise, the so called "additional functions". Select the functions tabsheet in the options to edit the use of the three functions.
Current version: 2.6
For the version history read the file "SCXE Versions.txt" or see the "?"-menu in the Launch Wizard!
A list of the used programs in the making process of SCXE can now be found in the "?"-menu of the Launch Wizard. Choose "About the Launch Wizard" and click on "Show credits ..." there.
Therse programs may be given to further persons as long as this is done FOR FREE and without and modification of the program files. Any commercial use is forbidden. The author of this program is not responsible for any damage to your files or your system that are caused by the usage of this program.
None of such things have happend until now but you use the SCXE on your own risk!
All company and product names are registered trademarks. All rights are reserved to the componies who own these names.
Thanks to all who worked on the tools, that helped me to make this program(s) and all the ones who helped me making the SCXE. Thank you also to the ones who use this program and give their feedback.
Special thanks to JusTAfANaTiC (who helped to make the SCXE better since the beginning), Suicidal Insanity (for hosting the SCXE and helping me with the Launch Wizard) and PSX_ (who gave me the decisive hint how to make Version 2.0)!
(c) Created 2003 by General Mengsk (Camelot Systems)
sorry I can't help at the momment I have very little time right now I gotta do something. Sorry Dark-riot