Respected Member
1) And they are the same books except translated, different version come from different people translating the bible. Other than translations it is virtually the same.l33t 0n3 said:--
You people assume all fanatics but you are wrong. Again, self centered, ignorant, intolerant, and stupid.
Where did I say that?
I'm talking about catholics in general
-- I have no time to read all that bs --
I doubt that the 50-100 AD book is the same as what we read today, and 0.02% of priests is still a lot of kids f**ked in the ass. I'm harsh on this because one of the priests at my old church was transferred there for molestation, so I left and dropped religion, bout time anyways. As for your thing about europe, I'm mostly talking about the fact that the world is not the center of the universe, and from what it sounds like, you're calling it a prooven fact, read my entire post next time. The catholic church were the people doing that BS, learn your history.
2) I don't know if the church invented the idea of the center of the universe, but the point is many, many, many have called false theories scientific law even though there is no proof. You said the catholics for having one false theory made a scientific law makes them "stupid assholes", I am just showing you that it wasn't just the church that did that.
3) I'm sorry to hear your dropping a belief in God because of a man's free will.
4) Learn my history? You have stated nothing except opinion and subtle insults. There is a reason this is a forum for debating (so you can debate).
5) Why bother posting if you won't read a thread?
Also, forgot to add this in the other post, but the 50 - 100 is the gospels.