All people who say God doesn't exist are weak minded.


Mar 24, 2004
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Western Canada
This thread isn't worth typing much effort, but I'll chime in a few sentences if I may. It's funny trying to talk to someone overly pro-science when it comes to life and belief. "Science says" and "Well, Science" seem to be the first and only points to make. My only reply to these people, who seem to infest this thread is this: Try to explaign Science to those aboard the shuttle Challenger, when it blew up, killing everyone aboard, Science said before lift-off everything was fine. Try to explain science to the poor families who lived in Chernobyl, who the lucky ones, lost everything and not their lives. A standard operating proceedure killed over 4,300 people in that case. On a funnier side you have scientists who were thinking problems will happen when the years went from 1999 to 2000. In my experiences with religion and science, I've found a good religion is constant, whereas science is constantly backtracking, cleaning up mistakes, then claiming it's better then religion, until the next big science mistake and the science cycle happens again.

Thanks for your time.


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Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
Okay. When I said Christians being Weak-minded I was talking about the ones to are dependent on God. The percent of the ones who absolutely need him is prolly a good amount less then the ones who just believe in him, i was just making it about them.

My views on the ones who just believe in God. It is their choice. The ones who are devote religious believers, I just don't understand how they can believe in something they can't see, hear, or talk to. They place their hands in God(If anyone has seen Gods and Generals Jackson said "God has choosen my date, I will let it come to me." not exact but Something like that). That kind of faith.

The ones who believe in God and don't really take it to any extremes or even and mediums. I think they believe in God just to believe in something.

People that don't believe in anything. Well they are just without faith. They don't get taken in my a money grubbing church(like my old church) and something they can't even see or converse with.

I don't push my beliefs,which are view and far between, on anyone. I "Obey the CowGod" and nothing else.... except the bottle. :wasted


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Nov 28, 2002
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mesiahofpenguins said:
wtf is a yec

Use google?

A yec is a Young Earth Creationist, those idiots who believe the world is only 6,000 years old. They came to this conclusion by taking the bible literally. :yum


BattleForums Senior Member
Jul 13, 2003
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its hard to belive theres a god when things like war and murder over 5 ****ign dollars exsist... also heres a little consept for you

lets say there is a murderer that has kiled hundreds of people. now a few mounths befor he dies he confeses all his sins and finds god...

now lets say theres a nice guy who dotn belive in god that has helped people get off drugs and given money to charity or to homless people he sees on the streets...

now to say the killer would go to heven and the nice guy will go to hell... sorry, but you people are out of your ****ing minds.

and as for the people who dont belive in god are weak minded, no we just live in the real world. people who belivei n god are week minded, they cant come up with an exsplenashion of what happens when your dead and how teh earth starts so they go "oh i know god did it." theres a $20 bill on the ground "aw sweet god put this here for me"


BattleForums Addict
Mar 19, 2004
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Texas lol
lets say there is a murderer that has kiled hundreds of people. now a few mounths befor he dies he confeses all his sins and finds god...

now lets say theres a nice guy who dotn belive in god that has helped people get off drugs and given money to charity or to homless people he sees on the streets...

now to say the killer would go to heven and the nice guy will go to hell... sorry, but you people are out of your ****ing minds.
I never said that and have never believed that. It seems so stupid to assume that if there is a heaven, there's only one way to get in.

and as for the people who dont belive in god are weak minded, no we just live in the real world. people who belivei n god are week minded, they cant come up with an exsplenashion of what happens when your dead and how teh earth starts so they go "oh i know god did it."
I know what happens when you're dead -- you cease to function and your family buries you in the ground and you decompose :) Maybe there's a heaven and maybe there's not, but either way, you're dead. And as for how the earth started, I believe the most commonly accepted theory is the Big Bang. Woah, I'm Christian, and I didn't mention God at all just then.

theres a $20 bill on the ground "aw sweet god put this here for me"
There's a $20 bill on the ground -- "Sweet dude, some idiot dropped his money and now it's mine :)"

You obviously have no idea what it means to be Christian if you think all Christians attribute everything to God >_> Either that or you're just really bad at making generalizations.


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May 10, 2003
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thebastardsword said:
i agree 100%, you cant measure someones mind by asking what religion they are. thank god some people on this forum have an open mind
I'd say you can. What if someone told you they worshipped grass?


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Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
Once i kicked my friends hand to grab a 5 that was being blown away by the wind. When it comes to money people are relentless. So that is my view on the collection plates at church. God never needed money before, he won't need it know.

If God is real or not, its people like priests that abuse peoples faith to get money. Which is one of the many reasons why I stopped going to church.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 10, 2003
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No one said you were obligated to give money. And not all church's take or accept collections/donations.


BattleForums Addict
Mar 19, 2004
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Texas lol
well from the number of christain i know they think god does everything
Very odd.

Anyway, I don't see what money has to do with anything. You're not obligated to give any money to the church. There's no "membership fee." People tithe because they want to -- because they know it will be going to a good cause (although you do sometimes have things like building funds for a new church, but that's also optional). I save 10% of everything I earn to give to a charity of my choosing because I think it's a good thing to do, not because I have to.

Also, how can you say that people who believe in God are weak-minded...? To be weak-minded means to lack fixed or strong beliefs, which hardly decribes Christians or just people in general who believe in God :/


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Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
When i was going to a Catholic School one of my best friends had to leave because his mom went to college and couldn't go to church. The head Priest Sent a letter, to my mom as well, if they didn't go to church and donate a small fee they would raise the tuition of school year.

It is one of the the few priests that do shit like that but its still bullshit. Religious has become to man-made to be real or worth it anymore. When i say man-made I mean the ones that used to send people into wars for religion.

Not smart enough to come up with another paragraph


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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c9h13no3 your not xactly right but not wrong either,
let me xplain. what you sound like is a desperate person trying to make a debate about God.
what you did good is that atheists are retarded bitches. God gave us a choice...believe in God or suffer. now those ppl have all heard of God if they have read anything about him and most of them have. it is their choice wther they believe him or not.
everything here is just crap. make some topic wortth debating about like DOES GOD EXIST? there probably was a topic about it before but it is still worth it anyway.


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Oct 27, 2002
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c9h13no3 said:
The reasons Atheists don't believe in God is because they can't. They can't fathom there being a God. Their minds don't have the power to even see how that would be possible. It goes against the grain of everything they've ever seen. Sounds to me like their weak. And all of them must be weak. Because broad generalizations are always good things to make when arguing, especially when those generalizations are only backed up by my opinion.
i don't believe in god, i also don't believe in leprochauns..

mesiahofpenguins said:
First of all how could they make B.C. without jesus are you saying that some people just made a wild guess and said hey the savior of the human race was just born and if religion was created because of the jewish thing then the whole rest of the bible was just fabricated and you say all religion was created from that incedent well the jewish people were religious to so you say the belief in god was created after some people were freed even though they already belived in god no one believed in god till after they were freed and still what do you have to say about the darwin thing
i'm not going to continue reading through this thread... i've had more than enough.

mesiahofpenguins please never open your mouth again, reading your posts makes me want to beat a puppy to death with a sack full of kittens.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Since 99% of you guys haven't noticed, allow me to make something perfectly clear.

I made this thread to show two things:

1) That sweeping generalizations will make you look foolish.
2) That there is a flip side to every coin. You can say people who believe in God are weak minded, but since there's no evidence for either opinion, you can also rationalize that everyone who doesn't believe in God is weak minded. Both opinions are pretty evenly weighted.

Now that you've realized this (or I hope you do), stop trying to assert your opinion as the "right" opinion. I don't think there's anything more audacious than saying "You guys are weak minded" or other phrases like that.

Religion is like your underwear. It's personal. No one wears each other's underwear, and you don't go around showing your underwear to other people, telling them that your underwear is better. So lets all just pull up our perverbial pants, and move on from this religion thing.


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Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
what you did good is that atheists are retarded bitches. God gave us a choice...believe in God or suffer
This is yet one small reason I have choosen to be Atheist. If what you speak of is true flea, then God is a vicious dictator of religion. "Follow me, or burn in the eternal pit of hell." Doesn't sound like a nice guy.
1) That sweeping generalizations will make you look foolish.
2) That there is a flip side to every coin. You can say people who believe in God are weak minded, but since there's no evidence for either opinion, you can also rationalize that everyone who doesn't believe in God is weak minded. Both opinions are pretty evenly weighted.
This is all true, and earlier I did make clear which group i was calling weak-minded and gave other oppinons on different types of christians.
Religion is like your underwear. It's personal. No one wears each other's underwear, and you don't go around showing your underwear to other people, telling them that your underwear is better. So lets all just pull up our perverbial pants, and move on from this religion thing.
As a matter of fact I have been going Commando and not wearing my boxers for some time now. It is fitting seeing as how i have no religion and I have never tried to get other people to not wear any under britches. IE i don't push atheisthism on anyone.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Static said:
IE i don't push atheisthism on anyone.
When you call a religion a collective of weak minded individuals, that may not be exactly pushing atheism on them, but it's basically the same thing.

It'd be the same thing (to use my analogy again) as saying "briefs really suck, and you have no penis if you wear them".


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Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
You pointed that out to me earlier so i then made it more clear on my oppinions.

Okay. When I said Christians being Weak-minded I was talking about the ones to are dependent on God. The percent of the ones who absolutely need him is prolly a good amount less then the ones who just believe in him, i was just making it about them.

My views on the ones who just believe in God. It is their choice. The ones who are devote religious believers, I just don't understand how they can believe in something they can't see, hear, or talk to. They place their hands in God(If anyone has seen Gods and Generals Jackson said "God has choosen my date, I will let it come to me." not exact but Something like that). That kind of faith.

The ones who believe in God and don't really take it to any extremes or even and mediums. I think they believe in God just to believe in something.

People that don't believe in anything. Well they are just without faith. They don't get taken in my a money grubbing church(like my old church) and something they can't even see or converse with.

I don't push my beliefs,which are view and far between, on anyone. I "Obey the CowGod" and nothing else.... except the bottle. :wasted
since you did show me my ignorance I then replied with that

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