287. You make a sheet of paper with everyone's names from your class, then you consider this as your alliance sheet. So when you go hostile, you write dueling swords and you use your tape recorder to play the noise.
288. You go into Game Design so you can make a 3D version of Diablo 2
289. You decide to paint all your bullies different colours (palette swapping.) so you can make them different species of monster
290. You yell at your friend because he wants you to play Diablo 2 when you should be reading the Driver's Handbook or doing your hobby.
I find it hard to leave Diablo 2 when I play, i started at 8:00 and i ended at 12:30 AM on a school day. I need to make myself less distracted with my surrondsings

, this relates to 290 so i am not bumping