109. When your in college, you roomate says we need more food. You immediatley say 'build more farms'.
110. When you loose a chess match and accuse the victor of using a maphack and threaten to get him banned.
111. You cut out a cardboard claw and say u have +15 attack.
112. When you are running away from the cops, you tell your friends to get close so you can mass tp.
113. when you think the birdbath in your backyard can heal you and replenish mana.
114. You keep tapping your house and expect peasents to come out.
115. You think sidewalk cracks are a path for TD monsters.
116. You continue to point at an animal, thinking it would explode.
117. You kill an animal, thinking it might be a mechanical critter.
118. When you see your friends, you use unit quotes like 'what? what? what?'
119. You drive at night without your headlights on, and say you've researched ultravision.
120. when you try to give boose to the pandas at the zoo