I had a somewhat similar experience recently. I took a keyboarding class this summer (I don't know why, I type 63 wpm

) and one of the assignments was to type an application letter to a fake business, but my teacher told me to "reinvent the wheel." So I wrote the letter as if I were a power hungry CEO with nothing but bad intentions for the company and strong criminal record. I mentioned a mysterious disappearance of some of my unfavorable peers at a former company, and ended up getting hauled off to the principle's office. He accused me of murder, threatened a psych test, and rambled on about 9-11, terrorism, and Columbine. He said that because I had signed my name to the paper (business applications are always signed) everything I said must be true. I told him I wrote that I was a CEO of several corporations, and that that was obviously not true, but he still gave me a goddamn lecture. I got off easy because I think, through some miraculous stroke of common sense, the guy realized that the paper was a joke.
People are too touchy these days. She got busted because someone didn't like her shirt, and I got busted because I got too creative with some creative writing. In my opinion other people need to cool the fuck down spend their time with more important things.