Creep AM with malita to lvl 2.
-Won't matter according to your logic the NE heroes are Imbalanced and can solo everything!
Then go for the elf base, target archers and try to kill wisps.
If the NE guy goes KOTG he will entangle/focus fire you and you will either retreat or be killed. If he has Warden then he will SS you and focus and still either make you retreat or have your hero killed. DH=Mana burn> AM. The only one that would have trouble is the priestes....But this doesn't include if the priestess is using the moonwells or not.
Come back with naga and breakers to harass again while building mortars.
-That's an okay strat but against NE I would do an earlier harass with rifles/foots/Pally(lvl2) and do what I hope would be a fair job of a rush. If I lost I would be still teching (Cuz you can tech while defending,rushing, harassing....All you do is make a building a hotkey).
Come back again with a few breakers, casters, and 2-3 mortars and try to tower.
-Tower rushing is REALLY hard to pull off. I would most likely do an assault with rifles/mortors/priests/sorc with a Pally and MK FTW. If you let NE get into tier 3 and get a good army that is when you're in a lot of trouble. They are weak around tier 2 stage and @ the beggining of the game.
Or expand and tech to tier 3 then go caster, knights, gryphon with mortars.
Why on earth would you go gryphs against NE which is the most notorious AA race?
IMO opinion one of the best defenses I have against NE is stopping them from expanding. The NE have a real hard time with expand base defenses and the tree takes a while to build. Also take into consideration when they hit teir 3 they will need lots of minerals to pump out their army.