This is a very interesting topic. I'm going to address something from way back on page two...Thomas Jefferson did not write the Constitution, he wrote the Declaration of Indepence. Benjamin Franklin and many other American Revolutionaries wrote the Constitution. Also, I believe Jesus has had a great impact on this world, by great I don't mean necessarily good, but more along the lines of important impact. The thought of his existence has changed the lives of many millions of people. I'm not a Christian, that's just what I think. And Juilius Caeser didn't have as much of an impact as the war that was a result of his murder. Bill Gates should not be on anyone's top ten list, neither should Dell, yes, they helped with new technology dealing with computers, but only about 2-3% of the world's population own computers, so how are their inventions/discoveries going to help the rest of the 97-98%? And people who said Albert Einstein created the nuclear bomb..No, another man did(can't remember his name) and went to Einstein so he could have a strong voice to propose the idea to the U.S. And for a little information, I'm pretty sure he also introduced the idea to the German government also, but since he didn't have a front like Einstein with him, they didn't except the idea. Edison may have had over 1000 patents, but not many are still used, mainly the lightbulb, video recorder, and phonograph(record player for all those who don't know what that it) until recently. That's all for now, and for those who keep flaming, proving other people wrong, please spell check before you post, it almost discredits your post when you spell a word wrong while trying to make an "educated" post.