why is that all the great military genius always end up failing to conquer Russia??? that cold cold place haha, i feel sorry for napoleon and hitler
Two words: General Winter
too bad einstein couldn't live long enough to finish his theory on cold fusion
He concluded it was impossible
Ben Franklin--inventions-- was british first, schooled in britain
Thomas Edison--inventions- tinkerer
The Wright Brothers--airplane-- airplane had already been invented
Martin Luther King Jr.--part of the protesters in South Africa's campaign and other places- ghandi made more of an impact, luther whined
Men and Women of the Women's Rights Movement in the US-- happened almost everywhere
George Washington--military tactics- he defeated a bunch of mercenaries from germany and france, there were less than 100 english infantry in America fighting
Thomas Jefferson--constitution-- congrats on doing what 90 other countries have done
Albert Einstein--physics-- german
Henry Ford--revolutionized manufacturing- how?
Bill Gates--revolutionized computing- germans did not him
Dell--again, revolutionized computing- again
Oh? And idiot? Maybe I shouldn't argue with you... But...oh well...
Ben Franklin was an American citizen. Want to get technical? I'm German/Czech/Irish and half a dozen other European things. Go figure.
Thomas Edison
was a scientist. Anyone who "tinkers" and invents something
is a scientist. It took research and experimentation to invent the lightbulb. Oh! And it took a little luck and help. He and a black man (who didn't take credit due to the fact that it would discredit the invention) discovered, guess what,
cotton was the secret ingredient. He made
many more discoveries than that, too. Read some history, why don't you?
Martin Luther King Jr. may not have had as much of an impact as Gahndi, but he
did have a major world impact.
Leonardo de Vinci
conceptualized the airplane. The Wright Brothers invented it.
George Washington was a military tactical genious. He beat more than "100 regular infantry", you can tell by both US and British history.
Thomas Jefferson's constitution has been addapted by more than a dozen countries,
including those who already had one. Do I need to state the obvious?
Albert Einstein called himself an American in public a lot. He was, officially, an American citizen.
Henry Ford invented the assembly line. It affected more than just cars.
Bill Gates created Windows, enhanced the GUI that
Apple created, they are leaders of XML, and other things. Germans have had revolutions for computers, but anyone can.
Dell made computers more affordable. His company is the most popular in the world along with IBM and...someone else. Both American companies if you notice.
XenoDancer I hope you have something better than your previous arguement. You make yourself sound...wel...dumb. I can tell you haven't looked much into this actual subject. Pick up a history book one day and do something revolutionary, read. Oh! And I've read more than the junk you'd find in school. Those are biased.