Wow. For the most part I agree with Andrew. Shocking, really.
We go out and kill plenty innocent Iraqi's "accidently" all the time now, yet by the end of the day we shrug it off and hardly even recognize the damage and chaos we've created and done. When some of our own innocent American's die, from this much used word "terrorism"...we create a ****ing memorial. We hold our meetings...we fill our newspapers and tv's with speaches honering those who have died. I guess that's how it works...but I don't agree with it.
That's why I've never understood patriotism...and having pride for ones country. Does it mean that our innocent lives are worth more than others? Is our morallity only needed when it comes to our own countries people? I may be getting off topic a bit, but I felt the need to comment. What I'm trying to say is...some people are just totally ignorant to the entire issue of it. They choose to cry, and be totally devastated over every american that dies in combat, or serving their country...yet for some, they never even THINK about the innocent lives "we" (i use we as our country) have destroyed. It doesn't even cross their mind..and if it does, it isn't that big of a deal to them.
Just being American makes us superior I guess? Of course we need to look out for our own people, that is very important...but we also need to realise a life is a life. We are not special.
I choose to seperate myself from the entire patriotism thing. I feel bad when anyone dies. Not just American's. I hate war...and I hate people getting killed for selfish and un-needed reasons. People just don't understand how important EVERYONES life really is. Just like 9/11. Innocent people were killed. It was horrible...but we have to think about what WE do. I honestly don't understand how "everyone" is pro-war..when they are absolutely sickened when an American dies. In my matter where you are in the world..or who you are...everyones life is equal.
Now that I have ranted...and typed up yet another essay..I'll sum it up.
I'm not going to cry my eyes out for the people who died in 9/11. It was tragic..and it never should have happened...but I'm not going to go out of my way to honor them, without honoring every single person who has died for no reason at all (and I obviously can't do that). I'll remember it as yet another horrible act that has been done in this world..but that is it. I'm not going to break down on every 9/11...but instead, continue my day as just another normal day...and hope that better things come for us in the future.