this should help:
Legality of skunk ownership in the United States State Legality Statute
Alabama Legal, if bred in state
Alaska Illegal
Arkansas Illegal [32] 15.18
Arizona Illegal
California Illegal [33]
Colorado Illegal
Connecticut Illegal
Connecticut Illegal
Delaware Illegal
Florida Legal, with permit
Georgia Legal, except black & whites [34]
Hawaii Illegal
Idaho Illegal [35]
Illinois Illegal
Indiana Legal, with permit
Iowa Legal
Kansas Illegal
Kentucky Legal in some counties [36]
Louisiana Illegal
Maine Illegal
Maryland Illegal [37] §10-621(b)(1))
Massachusetts Legal, with permit
Michigan Legal with permit; outside cage must be built; must be Michigan bred.
Minnesota Illegal [38]
Mississippi Illegal
Missouri Illegal [39]
Montana Illegal [40]
Nebraska Illegal [41]
Nevada Illegal [42]
New Hampshire Striped skunks illegal; hooded and spotted legal.
New Jersey Legal, with permit & if bred in state. [43]
New Mexico Legal, with permit [44]
New York Legal with permit, in some areas only.
North Carolina Illegal [45]
North Dakota Illegal [46]
Ohio Legal, with permit
Oklahoma Legal, but must have import permit and health certificate.
Oregon Legal, if bought outside of the state, with import permit and health certificate. Illegal to sell or trade skunks.
Pennsylvania Legal, with permit
Rhode Island Illegal
South Carolina Permit now required; currently owned are legal, but no more will be permitted. Illegal to buy or sell skunks. [47]
South Dakota Legal without permit; only one skunk per person.
Tennessee Illegal [48]
Texas Illegal
Utah Illegal
Vermont Illegal
Virginia Illegal [49].
Washington Illegal [50]
West Virginia Legal, with permit
Wisconsin Legal, with permit [51]
Wyoming Legal (classified as predatory animals; as such may be kept as pets with no license required) [52]
Washington, D.C. Illegal