

Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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A democrat.

oh wow called somone a demi!!! pffft anyone can turn that one around forged!
You keep calling non democrats demi's and haven't given us a decent pro war reason for the war other than saying it is just the stupid demis and they have no reason to be against the war. You are a warhawk with no reason for your love of war...


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Originally posted by Forged
A democrat.

You keep calling non democrats demi's and haven't given us a decent pro war reason for the war other than saying it is just the stupid demis and they have no reason to be against the war. You are a warhawk with no reason for your love of war...

read up man i did give reasons for the war that were good and bad things..... if you too lazy to do that then here are some.....

first off it was good to have taken out saddam cuz of the horrible things he did to his people + he had built like what? 9 grand palaces while alot of his people starved.... another thing is we are trying to find people who are or were linked to alkida(sp?) and lastly to establish a goverment that will hopefully last.

then we have the bad reasons the only one i agree with is because no weapons of mass destruction were to be found. yet youll come back with that was the reason to go over there making this war uncalled for.....pffft id hope if you were living in a 3rd world country with i tyrant such as suddam, you would want someone to come help u! hell have u even talked to some of the soldiers who went over there? my cuz, who is a screaming eagle(wranger)of the army was over there for nearly 1 full year and he said man u can not believe how greatfull they are! yes the media shows the bad things about the war but thats polotics right there for u man. just a excuse to get bush out of office.

hope this clears up things..... oh and as to throwing mud etc its because i hate how people bash bash bush for the war!


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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first off it was good to have taken out saddam cuz of the horrible things he did to his people + he had built like what? 9 grand palaces while alot of his people starved.... another thing is we are trying to find people who are or were linked to alkida(sp?) and lastly to establish a goverment that will hopefully last.
Iraqs ****ed up dictator isn't my problem, anytime the U.S has ever tryed to interfier with any other goverment we have ****ed it up. Sadaam might be a horrible person, but he is nothing compard to the Saudis, and he is no where near the threat Kim is with his nuke...

So I don't understand how this war is worth the 100billion it has cost us that could have went to helping needy people in the U.S out (yeah we have those) or the 800 casualtys, or the 1600 severlly wounded U.S soliders.

If th Iraqs want freedom so much they can rebel. We did it against the mighty british empire for a stupid thing like taxes, I am sure the Iraqis can revolt against some 3rd world dictator...


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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pointless post cb did a whole lot of nothing!
oh wow called somone a demi!!! pffft anyone can turn that one around forged!
I don't care if you call people democrats (even though most of the people you're arguing with aren't), but to fail to refute an argument and simply called someone brainwashed is bullshit and it makes you appear ("appear" used loosely) stupid.
first off it was good to have taken out saddam cuz of the horrible things he did to his people
... already refuted. Refer to my answers to Sakhuta + Forged's response to your post.
+ he had built like what? 9 grand palaces while alot of his people starved....
Bush spent tens of millions of dollars campaigning in my state. If he walked through the capital he'd see people living in their own shit.
another thing is we are trying to find people who are or were linked to alkida(sp?) and lastly to establish a goverment that will hopefully last.
"Alkida"? At least you realized it was mispelled. If Al'Qaeda's the threat...oh, Idunno, ever heard of OSAMA BIN LADEN? Yeah, he's the guy who was in charge of Al'Qaeda. I know all those Middle-Eastern names get mixed up after awhile...
then we have the bad reasons the only one i agree with is because no weapons of mass destruction were to be found. yet youll come back with that was the reason to go over there making this war uncalled for
The only legal justification for the war (as I already said) was an imminent threat. Plus the fact that this country was dileberately deceived, but I guess that and all the deaths and wasted money are made up for in the faces of all the happy Iraqis.
War is good!!!!
Heh, yeah. Killing people kicks ass.


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Dec 23, 2003
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first off it was good to have taken out saddam cuz of the horrible things he did to his people + he had built like what? 9 grand palaces while alot of his people starved.... another thing is we are trying to find people who are or were linked to alkida(sp?) and lastly to establish a goverment that will hopefully last.
Urm you have found no links with Saddam and any terrorists. The amount of WW2 propaganda and bullshit they made up, how do you know that they're not doing that now. Jesus they made Saddam into the perfect villian, it's like something off the disney channel! He kills and starves his own people, builds palaces, no wonder there are so many that will fight for him and protest to get you lot out....
then we have the bad reasons the only one i agree with is because no weapons of mass destruction were to be found. yet youll come back with that was the reason to go over there making this war uncalled for.....pffft id hope if you were living in a 3rd world country with i tyrant such as suddam, you would want someone to come help u! hell have u even talked to some of the soldiers who went over there? my cuz, who is a screaming eagle(wranger)of the army was over there for nearly 1 full year and he said man u can not believe how greatfull they are! yes the media shows the bad things about the war but thats polotics right there for u man. just a excuse to get bush out of office.
What is a wranger? Most people support the republicans so why should the media be different?

It really makes me sad seeing 18 year olds with no legs...

The fact is that you have made a lot of Iraqis very unhappy, the torture in prisons, the racism. Yes maybe some are grateful (probally mostly in the British controlled regions) but you have started off a major attack in Spain and attacks around the globe (they will be reaalllyy grateful) plenty of individual hostage takings, money wasted and could have been spent to help so much more than they have. You can't say that this war was the best thing you could of done with them lives and money. You've just given people a bigger reason to join terrorist groups, well done!


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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ok really all yall's damn posts where about money......
its that all you care the **** about!?

and if u havnt realized forged, thats what war is about, the loss of lives, but they are willing enough to go fight for our country.

dont think yours is worth fighting for though:p


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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...all of the posts weren't about money. You're making shit up and just trivializing your argument.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Originally posted by CelestialBadger
...all of the posts weren't about money. You're making shit up and just trivializing your argument.
w.e man iv given you my 2 cents worth on this argument, and dont really care if u like it or not!

oh and yet again your your post was pointless just trying to make me look bad for calling *one* person a demiomgsecks!??????

bah why should i even go on.... you didnt even answer my ****ing question "is money all u care about"!

oh and another thing..... its their own fault if they are too lazy to get a god damn job! pfffft plz man living in their own shit , no one is that lazy:p
"war is good!!!! \m/ "
thats just somthing there to tick you hippies off


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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Originally posted by NTS
w.e man iv given you my 2 cents worth on this argument, and dont really care if u like it or not!

oh and yet again your your post was pointless just trying to make me look bad for calling *one* person a demiomgsecks!??????

bah why should i even go on.... you didnt even answer my ****ing question "is money all u care about"!

oh and another thing..... its their own fault if they are too lazy to get a god damn job! pfffft plz man living in their own shit , no one is that lazy:p
"war is good!!!! \m/ "
thats just somthing there to tick you hippies off

1) All of your arguments have been answered. Feel free not to post ever again unless you're actually goint to refute something.

2) You continually focus on one point of my post and disregard all other argumentation. Like I said, I don't care if you call people democrats. If that's your whole post though, then we have a problem.

3) You want me to answer your question? Okay, no, money isn't all I care about and it's not even really near the top of the list of things that I care about. I'm not sure how that's going to further your point, but whatever. Feel free to post more useless bullshit.

4) Is it their fault that the economy is being ruined? How insensitive is it to say that the only excuse for unemployment is laziness? You're really sounding like a callous prick.

5) There's a difference between being a hippy and being rational. Your line of thinking is in direct conflict with rationality.


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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"is money all u care about"!
No but I think if we are going to spend 100billion dollars we should probally use it to feed poor people in the U.S and help poor starving children, or help our detireating school system.

its their own fault if they are too lazy to get a god damn job! pfffft plz man living in their own shit , no one is that lazy
Unfortunatlly not everyone is smart enough or can afford college, and when you only have a GED there really isn't much you can do to just make ends meat. Then when you get layed off because your buisness is taking massive cuts because they can go overseas and higher workers for 1/10th what they are paying you what do you do then? The living wage in new york is $20 an hour a factory job which is about the best you can get without a diploma doesn't pay much...


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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20$ an hour is good... big cities do tend to be more expensive to live in.... but my dad only makes 20$ an hour as an aircraft mechanic.. i live a comfortable life... not rich, weve claimed bankrupcy twice, but we live comfortably.

my dad only has his job coz he spent 10 years in the military as a mechanic, and got his aircraft mechanic lisence... you can get the same thing in like 2 years at a college. 20$ an hour isnt bad... i think thats good for not going to college.

we live in a pretty small farm town though. the cost of living here is probably less than in big cities..

theres nothing we can really do about companies leaving and getting cheap labor.. what we need to do is help other economically weaker countries out so that they can be almost level with us.. and theyre citezens can have jobs in their own companies. make a true global economy. now its just a few rich countries raping the weaker ones economically.


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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There is a solution to outsourcing. Under this government? No. Our government is too scared of the corporations to take a stand.


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Dec 23, 2003
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10 pounds an hour is quite good in the north of Britain but down south you get paid a lot more as the living costs are fcuking mad. Maybe if you could get some housing cheaply away from the main cities but work in one you could become rich =) (We have gone a bit off topic). I think the argument is pretty much resolved the pro war posters haven't replied yet.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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indeed its over, it just goes back and forth, getting us nowhere.

20$ would be really nice pay in the south. minimum wage is 5$/hr. Then you have my dad would just completed all of his A+ and C++ etc. and just barely makes 20$/hr.


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
The war in Iraq, I personally don't agree with being there, but I do believe if we had found WoMD it would have been reason enough for doing so. I just returned from their about 3 months ago, and its hell. I think our focus should be primarily on finding Bin Laden and the terrorist cells without the world.

In either case if your pro or against the war, just support the troops. They are giving their lives for you and I.


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