with any luck, we can all hope for it to reset tonight at midnight, and now i'm going out to dinner w/ my family. so post here if your info is not correct on my list, and i'll fix it in an hour or 2, when i get home.
Well just saying, Ive been here for a while, and Im fine with anyone that joined a yesterday as long as their cooperative and competent. Seriously, time doesn't matter at all.Trojan said:No actually me and wing are the ones who have been here the longest. Wing beats me by 2 days.
Then I'm first!Anatomy Of Vice said:I'm being serious. Get rid of all the 2005'ers, and make it first to come first to get a spot (Based on when we joined)
Bio.Hazard said:lol@gow@postcount: 1
got you all added
please, no more sorcs, and no more join date= today w/ 1 post people
also, no more signing up your friends, this is a battleforums leveling team, and they are not even on battleforums. the people that signed up today just signed up so they will have some1 to level with, and are leeching off of our skills.