Unofficial Char List
Char Listings As They Run... Based on Sweaty's first post
Note: These are Battleforums Screen Names, Not Account names
Note: Added MacMan's BowBarb to the list
Note: Added Wiggly_Tug's Enchanter to the list
Note: Added X-D2Addiction-X's Javazon to the list
Note: Added Wing Zero's Wind druid to the list
Note: Added Velvet's Light Sorc to the list
Note: Added Koji_Fox's Light Sorc to the list
Note: Changed MacMan to a blizz sorc
Note: Added itdbesam's fire sorc to the list
Note: Added david32133's fire sorc and his friend's fire sorc to the list
Note: Added God_Of_War's ww barb to the list
Sorc: 24
Fire: 10 [Bio.Hazard, N4srudin, Dream_Walker, CoolMission, nuclear3000gt, Wiggly_Tug, itdbesam, david32133 & his friend]
Cold: 10 [seymorebutts, Trojan, AssBandit, Roach of Discord, Koolmangtx, ak0n, FlamingIce, johNNyboi, Jim07, itdbesam]
Light: 3 [Ntrik_, Velvet, Koji_Fox]
Hybrid(s): 1 [Strongest_Claw {C/L}]
Druids: 3
Wind: 3 [SweatyOgre, *cujo2004 {that is his account name}, Wing Zero]
Paladins: 11
Hammerdin: 4 [TopGun, o1xAndy, Forged, dNiym]
Zealer: 2 [XxSworn_EnemyxX, bLueStarz]
Smiter: 5 [eLeVeN, Ace, KillerInstinct, vegito_72160, GuardianOfPain]
Necro: 1
Poison and Bone: 1 [Anatomy of Vice]
Amazon: 2
Bowazon: 1 [chocofilez]
Javazon: 1 [X-D2Addiction-X]
Barbarian: 2
Bo Barb: 1 [Jim Morrison]
Conc. Barb: 1 [Sword Tip]
WW Barb: 1 [God_Of_War]
Total: 44
Sorc: 24/44= 54.5%
Druid: 3/44= 6.8%
Paladin: 11/44= 25%
Barb: 3/44= 6.8%
Amazon: 2/44= 4.5%
Necro: 1/44= 2.3%
This is the current list of what people have signed up as. This may change some people's minds about what type of character they want to play as. There are many sorc's, but very few Necros and Amazons. I think it would help if there were at least 1 barbarian per party, to provide battle orders and shout. P/M me with changes if needed, or simply post here.
[size=+1]P/M me or post here if you still have not been added, and I will and you upon receiving your info.[/size]