Hello, thanks for your help so far, but i've found a different way to approach the problem. I basically used 'run this trigger - ignoring events/conditions'. Then i had a 1 second wait at the start of the quest trigger. This worked and gave the effect i was after. The quest trigger was turned initially off.
There isnt a 'trigger - enable', but there is 'trigger - turn on' or 'trigger - turn off'.
Back to the other problem though, as it would be nice if i could find a way to solve it.
First, ive unchecked the initially on bit at the top, so the quest trigger is now greyed out and wont start when the game is running.
At the end of the cinematic trigger i have...
Map Initial
(lots of entrys above
but too many to jot down
Wait 0.10 seconds
Turn on Quest One
Wait 0.10 seconds
Turn off this trigger.
Then in the quest trigger, which will now be on due to the above end bit of the cinematic trigger.
Wait 1 second
Quest - Create a required quest......
Quest - Flash the quest dialog button.
Sound - Play a_new_quest <gen>
Wait 0.10 Seconds
Turn off this trigger.
Now, with it as it is, you will agree that when the cinematic comes to an end and turns on the quest trigger, nothing will happen cause there is no event for the trigger to look for.
This is what the problem is. there isnt an event that says when the trigger is turned on.
If that was the case, then when the quest trigger was turned on, it would see the event, when this trigger is turned on/initialised (something like that) and it would think, ive been turned on, right then, what conditions, none, ok, actions, lets do it!
etc etc.
So what event would you put in the quest trigger that would make the trigger run when its turned on?